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Everything posted by Morloc

  1. Not only stars, but hearts moons, horseshoes, balloons, clovers, rainbows and yellow things..... -Morloc
  2. I won't deny that I miss concrete forms. Maximum immersion. -Morloc
  3. Yeah. Clearly I was excluding movies where the advanced Vulcans somehow lack an inter-atmospheric air force, or missiles, or anything that could shoot a big iron chain or some light struts. I mean, even if the Vulcans were sssoooOOOooo peacenicky that they didn't believe in having weapons on aircraft, which would be illogical, they could have still crashed a transport or two into the rig which would have done the trick. -Morloc
  4. My God!...it's like the Star Trek movies! -Morloc
  5. That's a really really hostile looking Lego guy. I like it! -Morloc
  6. Some of the quests come up too frequently, and others never at all. Is there an .xml (etc.) to edit that defines which quests/POIs are available for a trader?
  7. Is it possible to add a specific quest (POI) via the console? -Morloc
  8. Yes...gotcha'. I'm still losing slots. -Morloc
  9. If you wind up with a quest at the stone tower, you have to kite in a tighter circle and need to be careful you don't run straight into the pack you were running from. There's also that crazy shopping mall....the one you I hope TFP considers requesting most or all of these POIs for their final product. There are a few of the high-end, really large POIs which still cause the graphical glitches for me (non-clipping polished stone blocks appearing over different areas). I have a beast of a PC & card these days, but I still get that stuff for places like the airport, the mall and sometimes the smaller airport (around the helicopters). Awesome work all! -Morloc
  10. Thank you so much for checking that. It appears to be a very short (de)buff, so I was probably just missing it, but you prove here that it is indeed working. Thanks again, -Morloc
  11. I (seem to) remember this working, but now I just don't see a difference. Are you guys seeing any zombies hobbled? -Morloc
  12. Mr RNG Guy thought it was funny to put a certain stone tower and a certain clock tower right next to one another. I'd never bothered with either. They were so pretty!...so harmless looking! Sort of....small even... I have not seen so much friggan lime-green since the 70s. /salute -Morloc
  13. A few alphas ago....(that's how 7D2D bedtime stories start) I'd restarted a game because the world generated was too weird, with elevation issues, floating stuff, etc. When the new world was finished generating I took a few steps forward and punched a blade or two of grass, and spied a rock to pick up. The instant I did so, everything around me began to collapse...the whole hillside! It was too late to run; the cave in was massive! I wanted my money back....it was no where near seven days! 😀 -Morloc
  14. Aye, same here except no once or twice. I respect RNG and all, but no...not for this long a stretch. Thunderstorms? -Morloc
  15. I remember rain and wet stuff and maybe even thunder. Where'd it go? -Morloc
  16. Why non-voxel? That's what makes 7D2D unique. I'd say there are plenty of other non-voxel games out there already, but the fact is that ALL the games out there (at last check) are non-voxel already. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_zombie_video_games -Morloc
  17. Totally...I presumed something like this at least... -Morloc
  18. I feel the same way about women, but nobody has seen fit to simplify them. -Morloc
  19. I recently ran into the Omni Tower for the first time. I assumed it was about 10 stories tall...LOL. Nice work! The conference room, the stores; all nice touches! -Morloc
  20. I forgot to whine about this! [whine] What's up with those new bookcases, end-cap book holders, and piles of books?....anyone ever check the numbers and how they stack-up against the old style bookshelves? I could maybe see tuning down the book drop rate, but I've cleaned out whole (large) bookstores with these things and didn't see a single book. Bah! [/whine] -Morloc
  21. I've never seen that mentioned by anyone with authority, but I've posted suggestions along those lines on at least two occasions here. The idea seemed to be a solution to making horde night more fun and relevant while being only moderately difficult to implement. -Morloc
  22. Indeed. I believe the correct way to fool the developers is to begin your post with "I'm trying to dispel a rumor about _________" -Morloc
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