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Everything posted by Morloc

  1. (Just filing another instance of this here to help you gage how prevalent the issue is.) Backpack shows on compass, but can't be located. I've checked around the location in the event that it "rolled". -Morloc
  2. Are you sure? I'd thought that (without LOtL) your average seed Harvest would equal (.5 * Farm plots) + (2 * Farm Plots)/5 presuming you convert as many crops as you can to seeds. For any number of Farm plots, your average Harvest would be lower than your plots indicating unsustainability. -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  3. What do you mean "is positive" here? -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  4. Did I just get shamed!??....I think I did. 😮 -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  5. I sort of like my character's moaning and groaning...😈 -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  6. Burning Shaft mod? -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  7. With the alphas potentially coming to and end in the (relatively) near future, I want to get this out there before it's too late.... In a game with no "bosses", I'm not sure how this will be received, but I'd really love to see named/unique/ultra-rare gear added. Not all just OP purple stuff, but items with unique effects aside from their base stats. For example, armor that increased your regen rate by one level, but was only slightly above average otherwise. I know oddball effects are harder to code, but they create the obsessive, crazy need to search for them (fun stuff for the hopelessly addicted). Despite the "unique" status, I'd recommend having a random range on most/all of the items' stats so that the desire to find a better incarnation of said item would be present. We already have ONE unique item....the seal has been broken! ...let's expand on that! -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  8. Interesting. I thought vending machines were similarly disabled outside of the traders' machines, but have found one or two which were functional. Maybe I just had bad luck, but the frequency of working machines should probably have been lowered, so all is good -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  9. I think that'll be great. I love variable yields done this way. -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  10. For me... Jen--->Jen#2--->Hugh--->Hugh#2--->Hugh#3 -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  11. I didn't think you could power-attack with a wrench (or similar) tool. I had understood that doing so initiated a bash with the tool. No? -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  12. Boars as well now. I'm fairly sure this wasn't the case previously. -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  13. Were I to pee off the balcony above you*, it might truly feel like a summer rain shower...but that does not make it so. 😏 *NOTE: I do not encourage or endorse any unsolicited urination whether targeted or accidental on any person, pet or sapient being. Any reference to such an act is purely for illustration and/or metaphorical purposes. Too low or too high? -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  14. {I've noticed folks posting some technical/bug issues here, presumably for visibility with the new alpha. If this should be elsewhere, apologies, and please move} Some random observations... - I was having big "performance" issues when running on anything except the Low quality presets. My graphics card sounded like a hair-dryer. It's a 2080 TI and shouldn't have been seeing any major issues, but I couldn't hear the game anymore over the fans. Turns out, I was seeing 180+ FPS. I had Riva limit that to 80 and now back to running on Ultra with only the occasional fan surge. p.s. What the hell happened to the price of video cards!?? I knew they'd gone up, but these things are more than double what I paid two years ago. Thanks for nothing Bitcoin! 😣 - I have a lot of hours in the game, and for the first time ever I got "stuck" in the architecture rather than on it. I fell through a trap and into a wall unable to move (I could turn). Three zombies were laughing at me, but it turns out they were having a difficult time hitting me. I survived without armor on Insane because of the weird bug. I had to remove all the surrounding wall before I could free myself (I was trying to avoid the console). - I've noticed an increase in yellow bag drops. Maybe 20%? Cool! - Sneaking seems less reliable than before...(feral is off). My imagination? - Farming has changed, but I've looked everywhere and can't find a hoe*. Where to look for a nice ho, ho, ho?? ...Santa of course! 🎅🏻 *No, I'm not actually looking for a hoe. There's no need until I find enough fertilizer. -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  15. Total protection inside the walls is fine, it's the area outside that's the issue. Gore piles right near the entrance, or large rocks you clip when driving back to the trader. I don't want to take their stuff, I just want to clean up their yards. -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  16. Oh God, this. Please. That friggan metal-grating noise. Argggh! Allow the stuff on ~top~ of the blocks (grass, trees, nests, rocks) in the protected zone be taken, destroyed, etc. Don't allow the ground blocks blocks to be changed or built upon obviously. I'm guessing that the way the protection is coded makes this difficult, but it'd be nice someday. -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  17. It was like a windchime, with all those candy tins falling out of the corn! 👻 -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  18. Where's that located? (Asking for a n00b friend who doesn't pay attention...) -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  19. While I haven't jumped into A20 yet, you can adjust the loot rate to something less than 100% to correct too-much-loot problems. -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  20. Non-corporeal undead, coming right up! -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  21. Any word on A21 yet?? -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  22. Word of the day! (11/19/2021) -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  23. "Interesting" is very subjective. Play Rimworld for example, and you'll find both challenge and freshness in being presented with builds that'd you'd never choose on your own. Sometimes you might start with some real survivalist gems in your group, other times a casserole of offbeat skills prove their strength in an unforeseen symbiosis.....and then there's times when you crash and burn so ridiculously that you can't help be entertained....which is fortunately gaming goal #1 (outside of professional gaming). -Arch Necromancer Morloc
  24. PROTIP: Never forget the double-bag rule. Arch-Necromancer Morloc
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