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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. For those who forgotten, I think the wandering sleeper feature that was pushed to a21 was one of the things that may address the stealth issues at least partially.


    Also, with the new feral sense feature, I have a feeling stealth perks will be more useful in a20. 😅

  2. Hi OP,


    I can understand your point of view and hope you can find something new in the game to entertain you or at the very least keep circling back to check on the game every alpha release.  Although the wait can be excruciating, I hope you find it worth it when it does arrive.


    I myself started with 7d2d around alpha 6.  I often have looked back through the years to see what has kept me coming back for more. 


    1st and foremost, there is still no other game out on the market that does a better voxel/RPG/Survival/Builder/TD game.


    The ability to create your own POIs/worlds/mods to play has been the most important feature to me and has easily consumed more than 50% of my 2000+ game hours.


    If you haven't looked into any of these activities, you should as it can help with the wait.


    Lastly, 7d2d development is very much all about the journey and not the destination.  Every Alpha brings a host of new changes which challenges players to see if they have the ability to adapt and survive as long as possible again.  


    *Cough* (Does best Mamdole impersonation) "A20 will be the best alpha yet..." 😅


  3. 22 hours ago, hotpoon said:

    A while ago I painted Karen Zombie. Now it's extended to include a businessman zombie (as the manager she's chasing) and two survivors.



    If you like watching art videos, you can also watch the whole process here:


    Thank you for sharing.  Fantastic job and it was cool to see how it came together.  I love how you referenced things from in game.  You have a great talent.  😃

  4. 5 hours ago, stoggy said:


    The digging quests are only lvl 1 and 2 quests.  They do provide to much food for the amount of work and could use to be re-worked though.  The traders have to much inventory, they need to start with only a few items and then get better as you set up trade lines.  These could then get hit by bandits, just hopefully not Preston Garvey style.

    Hopefully it all gets better in A20 since those are listed items.


    10) Trader to Trader progression

    • Details Coming


    11) Loot Progression and Gamestaging Improvements

    • Details Coming
  5. 5 hours ago, Roland said:

    To be fair, this was a necroed thread from last year when A19 was pretty new. As @Laz Manpointed out in another necroed thread from Summer of 2020, it is pretty interesting to go back and read about the changes that people struggled with and how those things are just non-issues now because we have adapted and learned. At the start of every alpha there will be people who rant that their playstyle or base type or x is impossible now thanks to the changes-- but then months later nobody thinks those things are impossible any longer because-- learning happens. On a side note, it is also interesting to read posts from people who haven't played in a year or more and then they pick it up and they have the same learning curve issues the rest of us had a year ago but they are just posting about it now....lol.


    So, just wait for all the angry posts from people who will not know how to play Alpha 20. :)


    The best way to approach 7d2d is to treat each alpha as a new game challenge to overcome and beat....on your own without alot of external opinions (e.g. YouTube letsplays, your favorite forum personalitie's posts, etc.)


    That way, once you have given each alpha the ole college try, you can do a more unbiased comparison. 😀

  6. 22 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    As came up last night while playing with friends.

    Mining helmet schematic makes no sense typical scenario is like this:

    we need lights while exploring and mining, we have flashlights & duct tape. Nobody can figure out what to do....

    Until one day someone finds a chart telling them to tape a flashlight to a helmet and he says “GENIUS!”, then destroys the schematic so nobody else can copy what he does.


    Funny concept to explain, fun game mechanic.

    While it is too late for this, I would prefer skills & progression based on how many days you survive.

    Something like every day you survive you get 3 or whatever experience points. Every day you die you get 1 experience point, die more than one time in a day you get zero. 

    Did you know that our super moderator Roland created a 0xp mod where you gain skill points based on days survived? 😎

  7. The demolisher is the perfect later game equalizer to humble the most experience or inexperienced base builder.  Its an interesting read from the when the OP posted this thread in 2020 to now where many have already adapted and figured out strategies for them.

  8. Guys, your missing the big picture with the twitch integration.  Not saying it will happen with 100% certainty but didn't MM mention a while back they wanted a better game event system to handle things such as wandering hordes?


    Oh wait, we have a robust game event system now with the twitch integration.....hrmmm


    In pimps we trust.....

  9. 45 minutes ago, Wycked1999 said:

    Okay, I'm slow and not working well and everything I've found shows alpha 18 anywhere I've searched.

    Is there a way or guide to how to import a prefab into a world in alpha 19.4? Halp! Please.

    I have made several prefabs now, but I don't know how to actually pull them in now that the prefab k button has been removed.

    What type of world?  Existing or new game?

  10. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:


    Well they will "special" ammo like blunderbus? If yeah this will be cool if not using junks guns will be quiet pointless because will be better safe ammo for normal guns


    In A19, players would start accumulating ammo but have no weapons to use them during the early game.  In A20, with the introduction of pipe guns , players will be able to use their accumulated ammo sooner.


    Will be interesting to see how they balance the game with this change as it potentially can make the early game alot easier.



  11. 11 minutes ago, ErikH5027 said:

    I watched the Twitch Integration thing. I don't really understand it, but I am not a streamer or anything like that. Nor do I really know what Twitch is. I am just a guy who loves this game and constantly looking for more content. Some of the recent pics I have seen on this thread look pretty sweet. Partly what I wanna know is when I can play it (Don't we all right?) Along with that, I thought this was the official news thread for 7d2d. I am not a big fan of social media, so I don't have things like TikTok or FB or whatever the flavor is this week. I am no computer savvy by any means, TBH, I was fortunate enough to figure out how to download Steam and purchase the game and all that is involved with that, without too much trouble. So this means that whatever this Twitch integration is likely doesn't mean much to me personally, and that is OK. As far as the Twitter Account, I also do not have that so I do not think I can observe it without having an account. Maybe I am wrong, I will look.

    Thanks for not giving me a hard time lol. Just want new/more content, and I want it now. HA

    Also, I got the PC in Nov of last year. I'm grateful for the warm welcome, and I'm sorry more of you did not receive this. 😉

    No account needed to view.  Think of it like snippets of info. and pictures from the devs.  Ignore any of the posts about the Twitch integration if your not interested in it.




  12. 16 hours ago, Roland said:

    I have occasionally flirted with the idea of throwing my hat in the ring in the world of streaming but then I remember that @unholyjoe is always out there poised to come at me and I let the thought go with a shudder and a strong feeling of having dodged a bullet.


    Also, "um" would be my go to word all the time and @Guppycur is always ready to count how many times that gets uttered....



    I'd probably pay to watch you attempt a twitch integration playthrough lol....



    You probably could make a ton of money if you advertised you would be doing it to all of the people you have banned/warned over the years lol....

  13. 11 minutes ago, ErikH5027 said:

    So what exactly is coming to A20? Almost half of everything on the list claims that it will not ship in A20...

    Here is a half-assed list of what I feel most of the players would want, content wise at least.



    More zombie varieties.

    more items/special items


    a story of some sort

    more workstations

    better immersion purpose additions

    more pois.

    more vehicles.

    basically more options to customize their experience

    I know there are plenty more

    (anyone please feel free to add to this)


    Can any of this be confirmed or denied as far as coming to A20/A21 or ever?

    I know this is also a cliche question, but when can we expect anything new? Are we getting closer to a release of A20. 1 week, 2 months, 6 months, a year?


    Please do not take any of this as @%$#ing or griping. I love this game. It's is pretty much all I play. I started on the console (we all know what happened there) and then because of the console issues, I basically spent about $2000 just to play this game on PC. I don't regret that. And I'm not going anywhere. But would love to hear some relevant information about new content.


    Thanks for any and all responses, especially from any dev confirmed or denied information.




    Hi Erik, welcome aboard to the PC world.  Have you visited TFP Twitter account yet? Lots of cool tidbits there of things being worked on for A20.  There are also some A20 details mentioned in the recent twitch integration streams where MM and Rick attended.

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