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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. 2 minutes ago, Khalagar said:


    What is even the point of a "long term" save anyway, do people really stick with one save long enough for experimental updates to matter? I usually just play one save until I hit end game and have an established base etc, then get tired of raiding the same Shotgun Messiah and Shamway and take a month or two break then come back and start again. The funnest parts to me are honestly when you are leveling up and still have a reason to actually explore and find new items and upgrades and things are still a danger etc


    What would you even do if you just kept playing one save long after having a horde proof base and having full build and items lol




    Its called zamping (posh zombie bashing + camping) mode.  Derived from Glamping (glamorous camping)...😅

  2. 18 minutes ago, TWORDY said:


    We have to launch the game first and see by ourselves, the game won`t be perfect at any sense as experimental build.


    Devs have not planned any big changes in the game engine or mechanics. I`m pretty sure quite a few people have already tested the latest game build behind closed doors. Most of the confirmed changes deal with visual enhancements, game-stage/biome balance. Amazingly shocking blunderbuss is going to be replaced with more content. Better map generator with custom elements/objects created by PIMPs will be available, mods and so on. Only God, SKYNET, devs, and people involved know what is to be expected... something tells me we are already testing at least a chunk of stability for A20 with A19.5 version...



  3. Spawns & supplies default target to the streamer. Party members can be targeted by adding their name, or number as a suffix to the command. As an example, “#spawn_normal 1” would target the 1st Twitch Party Member. If the spawn kills their intended target, they will despawn on player death. This relationship is identified with purple nav objects.
  4. 40 minutes ago, FranticDan said:

    This is the only game I have played that doesn't auto uncrouch when you sprint (because of sprint crouching). Also, I want to make it clear, most of the time when I get jump scared, I am NOT crouching, and it's the panic that makes me crouch and then I can't run away. (because I press both ctrl and shift by mistake)

    I don't understand why people are complaining about a simple toggle addition, just because they wouldn't personally use it. Imagine if you were forced to play with nightmare speed all of the time because TFP decided they wanted their zombies to be speed demons? You'd ask for the speed toggle option to come back, right?

    Remember when you couldn't run while you were aiming? And then TFP made you auto unaim when sprinting?


    Sounds like a nice QoL improvement.  Thank goodness the game doesn't force anyone to play nightmare...😄

  5. Thanks for sharing your initial impressions Roland its nice to hear especially the part about feral sense.


    I wouldn't be surprised if feral sense is improved further but will say in my limited controlled testing of it when it first came in, it felt pretty damn good. 


    One thing for sure was that stealth  felt more important since the zeds ability to "sense" noise was definitely better with the feature on...😄

  6. As cool as procedurally generated rooms sounds, at the end of the day there are a ton of limitations and considerations.


    For example, in real life most room dimensions are not identical and don't have the same layouts throughout, especially across different types of buildings.


    Could you design rooms in the game to have identical dimensions and connect seamlessly?  Sure you could but you will run into alot of limitations in design and character.


    At some point you have to look at the time and effort to create the amount of variable assets needed in order to create the illusion of a believable world VS the more traditional design method.

  7. 4 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:


    Just going on it appears nobody likes the suggested change so why change it?


    Outfits in general isn't a bad idea.  Set bonuses are cool and many other games out there have implemented similar systems that are fun (i.e. Diablo 2).  Too early to form a bad opinion on it.


    The clothing system currently is not that very deep so I think its nice they want to improve it.  *shrugs*

  8. 4 minutes ago, Khalagar said:


    I 'member back when A20 was going to be a small update that was out before the Christmas sale, as they were going to try for small but frequent updates instead of the slower but bigger updates.


    Technically they didn't say which Christmas sale, so it's still on track


    Good things come to those who wait.  😄

  9. 18 hours ago, ZombieHorde said:

    Yeah, I'm not implying they didn't make a great game. As you said, 7dtd is still at least top 5 of my best games, only lowering from the top spot simply because nearly 2000 hours later and I need a little change and to appreciate some of the other great games around.


    I suppose I am saying that when they chose Unity, I doubt they thought something as spectacular as this demo was going to come along in Unreal engine, otherwise I think they would have gone for Unreal and developed it with the future in mind.  So in that sense it's a bit of a disappointment, but definitely nothing anyone could have seen when Unity was chosen.

    Your just digging your self a deeper hole.  Even if UE5 was better for voxel games, its a bit of a stretch to expect TFPs to foresee that when they 1st started.  Unless the tech. was already fully realized back then.


    The great news is that at least one of their next games does use the UE engine as announced in one of their dev streams.



  10. 8 hours ago, Khalagar said:


    Yep, I honestly just want one gigantic city at this point, where it's basically just a gigantic city biome with each trader spread throughout the city and 1 or 2 of every PoI scattered in it. Since there isn't a Junk Teleporter (hint hint hint) you basically HAVE to build your base next to a trader for easy questing and selling, so you just pick the biggest city you can find and call it good enough.


    I literally never ever ever see the big Skyscrapper T5 or the construction site jump puzzle t4, I've seen each like 2 or 3 times max in nearly 700 hours. They just don't seem to ever spawn. I saw the new (I assume?) Grocery store T4 for the first time in my current run too.  Basically all I see end game is the 6 Story Apartment, Shotgun Messiah, and Shamway. I see the hospital like once every few playthroughs but it doesn't seem to spawn in forest biome


    There's a ton of PoI that don't even seem to be part of the quests at all, I encounter them while driving around but never ever have quests to go investigate them. Ones like the Post Office / town hall-ish building, school, fire stations etc I don't think I've ever had a quest to go clear. But don't worry, I get Waterworks like 984 times per playthrough and even when I drive to every trader I've met, they all REALLY want the Waterworks building cleared again . . .



    Edit: What the heck, I just looked on Google and there are two Tier 5's that I've still never even seen a single time after dozens of playthroughs??


    Skyscraper_01 (Dishong tower), Skyscraper_02 and Skyscraper_03 (these are Higashi and Crack-a-book tower)



    I've seen Dishong like 2 times total, and never seen Higashi or Crack a book tower and had to google them to see that they are actually real. What's the point of doing all the work to make those assets and level design if they just flat out don't spawn?

    Also, if you play the navezgane map, there was a bug where the player would never get any quests in the town where all of the skyscrapers were located.


    This was fixed but don't recall if in A19 or A20.  Will go look.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well some places forced you to break inside destroing doors or wood barricades

    Not in any Vanilla quest POIs.  If you find one submit a bug report and I will check it out.


    Edit: quest satchels behind sheet paneling doesn't count....although you can technically loot them through  the open seam if you have master lvl mouse control....😁

  12. 10 minutes ago, Blake_ said:



    I hear lots of yada yada from both of you, yet you guys are ignoring the fact that current locked AND closed AND planked AND reinforced doors (except the rare vault one) are just what, 1200 hp  with all the swaps?. And breaking them is common for players with or without the "brass door knob" book. I'm just saying, making them pickable doesn't change a thing. Why? because it takes couple of minutes to break with a stone axe or a couple of minutes to pick open with 50 lockpicks.


    Perked? a handful of hits with my left buttcheek and lockpicked with my pinky nail in a handful of breaths. So design would stay exactly as it is now, wether you like it or not. Wether faatal likes it or not, lol.


    In all cases I have seen and tested, the player path never requires a player to break any doors because it ruins the designed experience especially when doing a quest.


    Can a player do so if they choose to do so?  Of course they can, the game is a fully destructible voxel game. 😃  




    Yada yada yada yada... 😁

  13. 4 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    Lemme stop you right there. It's absolutely not the same. With 1 meter holes you DO have to redesign every single POI and it also gives the player an extremely unfair advantadge vs AI , yet with doors, you have an asset: Door. You code-in a mechanic (lockpick door). You can further swap current "nailed plank" door states bia animation/breaking until they become "pickable" (that is, once you break the planks down and said swapping happens, like right now). So it doesn't require redesign at all.


    With physics-accurate doors it becomes easier to implement, as you can get rid of all the swapping altogether and just make them 1500hp and lock-pickable. You go to the editor and change the current model references to the new ones and bam, there you go. 


    Do they being "pickable" makes clearing a POI easier? well, that depends. Only if you are a lockpicking master or you have the lockpicking candy, etc. Exactly the same as a strenght character breaking doors like they were cardboard courtains.


    I am afraid Roland is correct.  Lots of POIs are designed with doors locked to keep the player on the intended path.  Adding lock picking would require level design to redesign sleeper encounters at the bare minimum.


    The exception to this is if the locked door leads to a dead end room that has minimal impact to the rest of the POI.

  14. I haven't tinkered around with quests in some time but I think its possible.  My bloodmoon quest mod gives the player a reoccurring quest that rewards them with a skill point for every x number of bloodmoon zombies killed.


    I thought it would be cool to create an incentive for players to stick around for horde night vs skipping it.


    I recall I did a brute force modlet that created duplicates of every entity (used a different name like "quest_arlene") that spawns on bloodmoon hordes so only those counted for the quest objective. 

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