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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. 11 minutes ago, ErikH5027 said:

    So what exactly is coming to A20? Almost half of everything on the list claims that it will not ship in A20...

    Here is a half-assed list of what I feel most of the players would want, content wise at least.



    More zombie varieties.

    more items/special items


    a story of some sort

    more workstations

    better immersion purpose additions

    more pois.

    more vehicles.

    basically more options to customize their experience

    I know there are plenty more

    (anyone please feel free to add to this)


    Can any of this be confirmed or denied as far as coming to A20/A21 or ever?

    I know this is also a cliche question, but when can we expect anything new? Are we getting closer to a release of A20. 1 week, 2 months, 6 months, a year?


    Please do not take any of this as @%$#ing or griping. I love this game. It's is pretty much all I play. I started on the console (we all know what happened there) and then because of the console issues, I basically spent about $2000 just to play this game on PC. I don't regret that. And I'm not going anywhere. But would love to hear some relevant information about new content.


    Thanks for any and all responses, especially from any dev confirmed or denied information.




    Hi Erik, welcome aboard to the PC world.  Have you visited TFP Twitter account yet? Lots of cool tidbits there of things being worked on for A20.  There are also some A20 details mentioned in the recent twitch integration streams where MM and Rick attended.

  2. 6 minutes ago, bachgaman said:



    I understand that streams make the game more popular, but the quality and depth of the game also makes it more popular. But the mechanics you voiced are interesting, I didn't think about it. Apparently the task is to create a casual game to attract the audience, I didn't think so before. Flying robots and streamers😁


    Jokes aside, its an entertaining arcadey mode similar to the hunger games movie.  Hopefully some of our veteran players will give it a try as it can be a fun new challenge.

  3. 23 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Atm looks soo good i hope on some of them will be bloody hand


    And i hope there wil be jokes on tombstones like : " Here rest Johny Stell wood , he was (unreadable) but fortunnatly he is dead" , " 1878 - LT. Michael Pierce- Rest in Pieces. If anyone found rest of his blow up body parts bring it here!" , " Here lies - Emilly Jefferson. She was rude as witch. She burned with her house. Case? we don't think so"  , "Here lies a John Werned - thief , liar and handsome man. When he was hang - Navgane mans were happy but their wives less" "Here rest Tom. He loves Marry. He saw her so he felt to the river with his minibike. Love kiling my dears" , " Here lies Jeff . Jeff is dead.  We hope so  at least".  " This grave belong to Carl Willson the worst mayor of this town.  We prey he will never comes back"

    Look closer on the tombstone...

    4 hours ago, dcsobral said:


    Any updates on this? I'm not sure a new gas station is even worth mentioning, so I assume there's more stuff in the works.


    Hey now....it might be a fantastic gas station... 😅   joking aside, Rick did mention 100 new POIs in the last twitch integration video he participated in so....

  4. 4 hours ago, gpcstargate said:

    Good day .. TFP


    Any thoughts on when A19.5 will go live or is this just an update on how things are going.

    Thank you and Take Care

    Soon TM... +/-..... 😂

    On 5/8/2021 at 4:23 PM, bladewalker27 said:

    I don't typically use Twitch but I have a question about this. Do you have to be partnered or are there any other requirements to be able to use this feature?

    I don't believe you need a partnership.  Just a twitch account.  Information to questions of these type will be included with its release to give you the specifics.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    on twitter they also said that 
    "Hey Survivors, Here is a work in progress teaser screen shot showing off a new primitive pistol, a new Fat cop, a ton of updated and new environment art and a brand-new Random World Generation Algorithm. Great work by the entire TFP Team coming to Alpha 20 Stay tuned!"


    but its too good to be RWG



    Its not April 1st so ...... 😎

  6. 14 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    I just did this quest again actually, the crawler at the entrance and the dogs/radiated zombie were missed on my first playthrough. The dogs above the freezer and the zombie to the right of the dogs spawn did not activate the first way through. I ended up getting lost and just nerd poling my way to the ceiling tiles. On my second way through, i had to walk REALLY close to the zombie dog like 3-4 blocks so it would notice me and i had to manually trigger the crawler by punching it, and the room with the lone zombie and cault door was no issue to find after that.


    The first time through was a mess but once i knew the locations my second way through was a lot easier but it felt.. wrong because the distance didn't seem to be setup far enough. Which is why i brought it up in this thread since larger pois have that issue.


    Which POI was this at?  I checked store_grocery_02 and didn't see any crawlers at the entrace and/or any dogs.


  7. 4 hours ago, Roland said:


    I agree with this for sure. This could be fixed by extending the vertical on the sleeper volume. Not even counting the quest, it isn't really a fair trap if the zombies don't even spawn until you are already in free fall. Get your improvement ticket trigger finger moving on this one @Laz Man :)


    First of all, what is a trap or not a trap is subjective.  In my opinion, dungeon POIs that have clear quests defined for them should have volumes designed in a way that 80% of players will end up clearing them without having to spend too much extra time searching every nook and cranny for them.  The other 20% of players are those who choose to deviate from the designed player path (e.g. Destroy a wall instead of going down an open hallway).  Keep in mind, this is only my opinion and the level designers could have a differing opinion.


    With that said, if there is a specific POI where "too much extra time" is being spent searching, filing a bug report on the bug report forums would be the best way to go.  We have submitted such reports to the POI designers before and improvements are committed.  Just can't promise all of them will :)



  8. 7 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    I just did this quest again actually, the crawler at the entrance and the dogs/radiated zombie were missed on my first playthrough. The dogs above the freezer and the zombie to the right of the dogs spawn did not activate the first way through. I ended up getting lost and just nerd poling my way to the ceiling tiles. On my second way through, i had to walk REALLY close to the zombie dog like 3-4 blocks so it would notice me and i had to manually trigger the crawler by punching it, and the room with the lone zombie and cault door was no issue to find after that.


    The first time through was a mess but once i knew the locations my second way through was a lot easier but it felt.. wrong because the distance didn't seem to be setup far enough. Which is why i brought it up in this thread since larger pois have that issue.


    Those are good specifics.  If you have anymore feedback like that (pictures help too), please share.  I will check it out and can potentially report as an improvement ticket.  Thanks.

  9. 3 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    Couldn't complete red mesa, shamway factory, or shotgun messiah factory, or dishong tower without using the "killall" command every 5 steps in order to "find" all straggler zombies to kill.


    It's ridiculous, how does the quest giver know there's zombies there yet doesn't tell us where till NEAR THE END??


    I've had zombies behind locked doors, in places behind rafters (looking at you grocery_2) all of which didn't appear till i got 2-3 blocks next to them.


    Its impossible to complete a poi on 1 hour days with zombies set to sprint before nighttime, assuming you start at 4 and end at 21:00. Since there is just not enough time to thoroughly scan EVERY wall and break down every single door.




    Hi Darklegend222,


    Last time I checked, store_grocery_02 is one of the POIs where the on screen navigation beacon is configured to pop up on your screen/compass (e.g. orange dot) pretty early through the playthrough.  Is this happening for you?  This is probably as designed since that POI has a very open ended design for the player path.


  10. 1 hour ago, Deverezieaux said:

    Thanks Laz. I actually sampled some of the courtroom assets from the Perishton POI for the large courtrooms in this POI. I also did a DMV and a holding center with jail cells, though those are different than the one from Perishton.



    Nice to see people incorporating vent blocks.  Its a nice detail often missed.  The newer store POIs have some great examples on their use.

  11. So, what are you guys most excited for in A20?  For me its the new shape menu and building updates.  Can't wait to see what POIs TFPs build as well as what the community can make. 😀


    4) Shape Menu and Building Update

    • Shapes are shown as shaded drawings of blocks
    • Blocks from the shape menu are placed as particle board blocks that function the same as frame blocks
    • Simplified upgrade path: Frame/Particle Board -> Wood -> Stone -> Concrete -> Steel
    • Blocks destroy to air. They do not downgrade.
  12. Given the games unfinished state, restarting depends on the players self imposed goals.  The following are some goal posts to consider.


    -How long you can survive without dying? (e.g. dead is dead)

    -Progress through all quest tiers

    -What is the highest gamestage / bloodmoon you can survive without dying?

    -Unlock all books/recipes/achievementd

    -increase game difficulty and repeat goals above.

    -explore different mods

    -make your own prefabs / mods :)



  13. 5 minutes ago, MRMetaIMan said:

    I came over from console last year, and I can definitely feel the difference in terms of dungeon crawler/survival+scavenging. I love how POI's are more engaging and scripted, but the fact that your gamestage determines what you'll find is kind of a turn off. On console, I would find a shotgun messiah and be excited. Now I learn that I should avoid looting it early because all I'll find is a level 1 pistol at best. So it makes it feel more like I should quest and rank up before I infiltrate notable POI's, when in the past, I felt it was worth it to go in because the loot was actually useful for survival. But I'm in between, because I'm still relatively new to the PC version so it's kind of a welcome change. I'll check back when the high wears off.

    Yep, hopefully once biome difficulty is rolled in there will be more risk vs reward dialed in.

  14. 10 hours ago, AtomicUs5000 said:

    If 7 didn't have vehicles, then I would be ok with fast travel in between discovered traders for a cost. 
    There wouldn't need to be magic involved.
    There could be a cutscene of someone dropping you off.
    However, 7 does have vehicles.
    Personally, I would be ok with no vehicles, or back to where it was just a minibike... whether this would be to bring in fast travel or not.
    I feel like vehicles have caused more harm than good.

    Because of vehicles, devs have to:

    • come up with crazy ways to prevent them being an anti-horde device.
    • figure out ways to prevent early discovery and crafting so that the game lasts a decent amount of time.
    • deal with people wanting more vehicles.
    • figure out how to make things load in fast enough to match the speed of better vehicles.
    • develop systems so that enemies damage, be damaged by, or evade vehicles.
    • be extra mindful in the random map generation as to create worlds where vehicle traversal is impossible or nearly impossible.
    • create silly systems to help players because their vehicles got stuck or sunk in water, such as fitting them in inventories.

    There will be more once bandits are added into the picture.


     Lots of great points.  Is there a mod to teleport players to certain coordinates?  Vehicles can already be modded out so that would make for an interesting combo.

    Just now, Laz Man said:


     Lots of great points.  Is there a mod to teleport players to certain coordinates?  Vehicles can already be modded out so that would make for an interesting combo.


    Driving noisy vehicles should generate the heat map up significantly as well.

  15. On 4/1/2021 at 11:18 AM, Skald said:

    I've signed up to the forum specifically because of this problem, I started having it in A18, but it's continued all the way through A19...i've even spent £300 upgrading my system to try and get rid of it but it's still there, and it's frustrating me beyond all reason now.


    I've been playing Darkness falls recently...or rather i've been trying to play it as this happens almost every single time now, and i've had to abandon the mod because it's unplayable like this... but I get phantom blocks happening to me on vanilla Navezgane too.


    IS there seriously no fix for this other than turning off long distance rendering?


    Have none of the devs said anything about this? 

    Hj Skald, we continue to be unable to reproduce this issue consistently in Vanilla.  We know it definitely happens and continue to check on it whenever new information/reports come in. 


    If the problem happens for you pretty consistently in Vanilla I highly recommend posting a full bug report on our bug forum linked below.




    The format for reports is in one of the banners on that page which is critical for us in narrowing down and isolating the problem.


    As a side note, dynamic POI imposters are being worked on for A20 which may help address this issue to some degree.

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