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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. On 10/10/2021 at 12:26 AM, Slaasher said:


    For me, at a certain point it's all about building things.  I love renovating buildings and either renovating them or rebuilding them entirely.

    One of the reasons that I am 100% in support of this Alpha 20 release. 

    MORE building shtuff. It's so much fun.

    This is one of buildings that I am renovating right now. I've gone a lot further in it but i cant seem to find the latest pics.

    The inside is a total reno job. I am up to floor # 3 now.

    In the garage portion of the building (which you cant see) I have built a mine that goes all the way to the earth base. I think I am mining all of my stuff there now.

    A TON of materials have gone into this so far








    Nice job.  Is that the tall remnant building that is destroyed diagonally?  If you haven't checked out the level design dev stream (#3?), I show cased the face lift I did on it using the new a20 shapes. 😄

  2. On 10/9/2021 at 9:44 AM, Matt115 said:

    Well newsstands are just perfect: they give you money, warms, safe. 

    unsymmetrical things hurts my eyes!  geez if zombie outbreake happens and if i saw 1 shoe or sock or glove zombie i gone kill this zombie and take off this one unymmetrical thing!!!!!!.

    Well i don't undestand why devs don't added skeleton yet! they have even skeleton inside them! @unholyjoe could you inform TFP that skeletons are very important thing for setting gameplay and sales?😀 

    Do you work in a newstand by chance? Lol

  3. 6 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    Server would stay Vanilla. You just follow the setting for setting permadeath in CPM.


    The console command for it....

    permadeath Manage permadeath players


    pd add <steamId>

    pd remove <steamId>

    pd list


    So if I wanted to add a person to permadeath, and their Steam ID is 76561199067280217, then I use the command "pd add 76561199067280217". Now that person will be reset automatically when they die.


    And you only need CPM for this. CSMM is for managing the server.

    Wow didn't know there was something like this out there.  May give it a go if I want the harder challenge.


    Off topic is there anything out there like a players stat board?  Be cool to be able to reference something in game of the top players and how long they have survived along with other stats as well.

  4. I understand where the OP is coming from especially given his play time.  Who wouldn't more features/challenges to a game that they have already beaten / mastered?


    However, its important that the devs need to finish all of the promised features from their kickstarter before they look at doing more.


    If they have time before gold to add more they will, otherwise future features could show up in a future DLC or one of their next games.









  5. 17 hours ago, retrogamingdev said:

    I just meant it would suck that they can do it, but we can't. Plus, at certain levels of the game, there is a point where them needing to break two blocks to get to you is super important ;)

    (You are right, it would add flavor and we would adapt...)

    Except players can get through 1.5 meter holes last time I checked...😅

  6. The parental controls go on the PC not the game.  You can control app access that way.  Doesn't really matter here though as the OP never said how old his kids are and/or they have their own PC or not.


    Honestly, as a parent I'd be more concerned if my kids had their own phone with unrestricted access to the internet then this video games POIs...

  7. OP I know you don't think what you proposed will ever make it into the vanilla game, but you just never know.


    I don't think anyone ever expected RWG to reach the level of believability and immersion that is in A20 but here we are. 


    On the flip side what you ask for may never happen but we might get damn close on some of them.  Tune into the dev stream next week as Robert will be revealing lots of details regarding RWG and the new way POIs are spawned in.



  8. 2 hours ago, John Black said:


    The AI changed so rolling back to whatever ain't going to prove/disprove anything.


    So you like what we have now? Good for you.


    Just trying to help and also understand you better.


    Wasn't sure if you were aware you could or not.  The reason I mentioned it so you can test out whatever ideas you worked out in your head if you wanted to.  If not, no big deal.


    Have a good day sir.

  9. 1 hour ago, John Black said:

    I understand where you’re coming from and your previous points. I personally will not touch a public server with a low respawn until some of your points are addressed. But unpredictability will always makes something harder so I can't agree with you on that one.


    But to get back to horde nights, you have to start somewhere else you’re not going to get anywhere.


    I do believe my original suggestion to limit the path finding would be a small change that could have a huge impact on horde nights...that is if it were to play out as I’ve imagined it in my head.

    You can always roll back to an older alpha version in steam to test whatever theories you come up with.


    Regarding raising block HP on horde nights, then what?  I'm curious what new base defense gameplay you had in mind that would be more enjoyable then what we have now.


    My memory is alittle dusty but I believe prior to the "smarter" AI, the strategies players used were to surround their base with spikes and remove any stairs so the zeds could reach you easily.  


  10. 52 minutes ago, John Black said:

    You are 100% correct. Zombies are designed to do X, players are just doing what works best against X.


    I’m sure it is all technically WAI but the end result might not be what the devs envisioned.


    So what do you guys want?

    1. Leave it as is
    2. Make the zombies smarter to avoid them ending up in death corridor
    3. Make them dumber and allow for more randomness and scalability options

    I want no 3.

    I think somewhere between 1 and 2 if anything more would be good.


    3 might sound cool at first but it invalidates the tower defense aspect too much and is not scalable.


    As stated by others, with #3, horde bases just revert back to building solid steel I win platforms with no need to build anything else. 


    Might satisfy some immersion senses based on Romero zombie lore but at the cost of more enjoyable scalable gameplay.



  11. On 9/1/2021 at 6:20 PM, AtomicUs5000 said:

    I also can't see them doing much more for AI during the blood moon. I understand the concern though. The conclusion I have come up with for myself is that if things are too easy during the horde, then it's really because things were too easy leading up to the horde. If you aren't running your butt off trying to prepare for it, and this is what you really want to experience, then adjustments should be made so that it's really hard to prepare. For myself, I would love to survive by the skin of my teeth horde after horde. However, adjusting settings perfectly to get this while at the same time fighting with the gamestage is something I have yet to accomplish. It seems like no matter what I do, there is always some point where I catch up and then it's clear sailing to day 200 and beyond. I suppose that crescendo needs to be reached at some point, but I just wish it took much longer before getting there.


    Something I like to do in my SP game is use my horde nights as a barometer.   Once my horde nights start getting too easy (e.g. horde ends before 4am), I start turning up the difficulty. 


    My favorite setting to turn up is the max alive zombies during blood moon.  In my last longplay, my max alive zombie setting reached 16 (default is 8 ) by night 63.  I'm sure this is easy mode for some people but it was perfect for me lol.

  12. 2 hours ago, lil_joha said:

    high poly?   old brain. new things.  so things that have lots of shape to them?

    Yes, for example, that mannequin block in your toolbelt has alot more detail (e.g. verts/tris) compared with other blocks.  This is one reason that some of these blocks are not player craftable as placing too many of them in one spot will impact performance in a big way.

  13. 9 minutes ago, lil_joha said:


    3 million is a bit excessive.  Keep in mind dishong tower is 4mill and its a 13 floor high rise.


    High poly models is a good place to start trimming things if you want it to perform better.  If you are using alot of lights, enable the light performance checkbox and eliminate any overlapping lights.  You can reduce the radius of lights if you don't want to turn them off completely. 


    Nice looking build in that screenshot. 👍

  14. 4 minutes ago, lil_joha said:

    I refurbished increased in size a 3 story shell of a brick building into 3storys plus a full under basement. doubled its width. Then Decorated heavly, furnished  and put a large garden in.  Using it as a hotel.  Was doing fine  but now playing it I am getting bad lag. This is on my own pc local. No mods. Build in editor imported, tweeked, and powered by one generator. total of 20 dart traps. and One so far powered garage door.   all outside windows and doors have trim so do the walls. No zombie sleepers set in yet.. mostly planed it as my base. with future possibly going to quest mode.


    am I over the limit on what I can put in decoration and such for playablity?




    What are the dimensions of your POI and its total verts/triangles?  This information is displayed next to the tabs within the editor.

  15. 48 minutes ago, Roland said:


    It's not so much that it is supposed to be the beginner's tree but that the trees are supposed to be asynchronous in nature and are not meant to just be equal pathways of progression with different names. As such, they will have different challenges and drawbacks. As the primary tree, the strength tree is by far the most straightforward and easy to survive with-- especially in the early game while the intellect tree is quite a bit more difficult--especially early on.



    There are several threads on this topic already so I will just say that I understand why you despise it and at the same time you are incorrect that you must use guns on the auto wake up rooms. There is definitely stealth gameplay possible in reaction to those rooms tested and proven. If the only stealth gameplay you enjoy is shooting at sleeping targets then I guess there really is no additional stealth gameplay to be had for you. But that doesn't negate the fact that hiding and re-emerging is a viable stealthy gameplay tactic and fully supported by the perks we have in the game. There is a reason that one of the perks vastly reduces the timer on zombie awareness of you. (Talk about a stealth perk that would get 0% use if all zombies always stayed asleep...)


    Finally, I disagree that "stealth" is useless if it doesn't work the way you narrowly define the way it should 100% of the time. 90% of the time with a 10% variance is perfectly acceptable. Its doubtful that even 10% of the overall volumes are even auto-wake up since there is a lot of false assumptions since gamer ego prevents players from blaming themselves when a room wakes up. By the code, very few rooms are tagged to auto wake-up. But even if it were 80% nothing ever wakes up to 20% auto wake up that still would mean you are getting a lot of value for those spent perk points. That is still a lot of fun gameplay shooting immobile unconscious targets...


    But I get it. You don't like it and you probably don't want to take the time necessary for the stealth required after a room wakes up but would rather keep charging through the POI. To each their own.



    I have a few disagreements here....if you don't mind :)


    1) Quests do not require killing all zombies along all paths unless it is.... a Clear quest. Why would you take a clear quest if you don't intend to do the job of clearing the entire building? The fetch quest doesn't require a single kill. The new restore power quest won't require a single kill. Clear quests will always require killing everything because that is the definition of clearing a building and what you are being paid to do.


    2) You can explore POI's without following the path. I do it all the time and you don't need to have a quest to go in and explore and scavenge and you don't have to kill everything if you don't want to. You can enter the building at ANY point using a chopping tool. You do not have to enter at the designated starting point. This is a voxel game and the devs have not nor will they landclaim the POI's to prevent you from making your own pathways through. Honestly, you are limiting  yourself by treating POIs as dungeons. I always have seen them as cluttered and barricaded buildings and never limit myself to one path. I break through doors and furniture and walls all the time.


    3) I, personally, never considered the buildings barricaded by preppers. All the barricades and clutter were built up post apocalypse by other survivors and by bandits. Day One in the game is not day one after the outbreak. Life has been going on for some time since the initial outbreak and bombings. I think if the buildings were set up by preppers before the apocalypse happened they would look very different. Having played from alpha 5 through alpha 15 I can attest that the old open buildings were super boring compared to the current designed POIs.  There are plenty of remnants now that are open and clear and man it is just snooze-ville going into those.


    I don't know your philosophy. maybe you feel like you must completely clear every building you enter and with so many now requiring an investment of time longer than 5-10 minutes maybe that is the hardship. I think a big part of the problem is that you are thinking "dungeon" whenever you go inside. Stop following paths and feeling like you have kill every zombie and break some piled up furniture and a few doors and maybe you won't see so many dungeons. :)


    Some great points Roland and thanks.  Another great point is that you don't even have to do quests to enjoy the game.  Lots of people even choose to play with no traders since they prefer a more nomadic unguided experience.


    I can empathize with those that truly don't like dungeon POIs because of their linear pathing.  However, keep in mind that linear path is what allows level design to deliver a paced experience with ups and downs much like how movies and books tell a story which is a fantastic thing. 


    What other open world fully destructible voxel game on the market gives you such a mixed bag of levels/experiences (non questable, remnant, etc.) to choose from?









  16. 13 hours ago, geengaween said:

    +1 for @%$# bar, it should be a city PoI with a name like KY's Backdoor Barn or Lickety Split or The Manhole

    Those are some great names, ty. Lol

    1 hour ago, Minzer said:

    As a woman, i want to chime in. 

    I understand you being a father of girls has changed your perspective.

    However, as a woman i know places like strip-clubs and brothels help to keep aggression towards women down.

    In countries where they are outlawed or nonexistent the cases of @%$# and other violent acts towards women are way higher then countries where they are allowed, and even less when they are regulated.

    Therefore i have no problems seeing them in real life or in games.

    They perform a function, and have a place in every civilisation.

    If your girls are old enough to play this game, they are already old enough to understand this. 


    I agree if your kids are old enough to play this game, then they should be old enough to have a sit down to talk about what a strip club is based on your moral  beliefs.

  17. 46 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    I am pitying the poor streamers now. There are so many that they outnumber the viewers. That means there is less than one per streamer...

    Lol, seriously though. Will be hard to decide which one to watch. Maybe I can do the thing mentioned where I don't watch any streams to keep some of the mystery...maybe...

    I am going to keep watching the dev streams though. Just set alarm as I usually miss them by being on here or playing.

    Hang in there, it will be worth the wait.  Level design will be cranking out POIs well into stable so there should be some nice fresh mysteries added well past the streamer weekend. 😉

  18. 12 minutes ago, Roland said:


    Since I obviously was unclear in my thoughts since three people now have attributed my point to some call for realism let me clarify what I was talking about. I was not trying to imply that there ever could be a real zombie apocalypse. What I meant is that rewards like loot and xp attach an artificial incentive that disproportionately emphasizes attacking and killing. Rather than comparing it to some imagined reality let me compare it to the feel and setting of The Walking Dead as well as many other zombie shows. In those other depictions the first rule is survival by any means-- even running away. Nobody farms zombies or takes unnecessary risks to confront and kill large numbers of them. Rick and company never lit up with excitement when confronted by a herd imagining how many levels they could increase or what possible loot they might find. A herd was always to be avoided or even distracted and turned away. There might be an odd crazy character who goes actively hunting zombies or a group might actively clear zombies out of a building they want to inhabit but normally avoiding and sneaking are more viable and safer strategies than direct attacks.


    But, thanks to XP (and back when we had loot that too) we have a very opposite feel in this game. Its not bad, per se, but it does make it difficult to play the game in the same way that survival is depicted on The Walking Dead since the humans never receive any reward other than continuing to survive when they kill a zombie or a thousand. Now, I understand that a video game is a different medium than a television show and what makes for poignant and gripping viewing could very well translate to boring and uneventful gameplay. But I can say that when I modded my game so that xp was a function of time survived period and actions the player took in the game were purely to meet the demands of survival and not also to earn gamey rewards, the whole feel of playing was different. I won't claim that it was better because I've played both vanilla and 0XP and had fun with both-- and I haven't gone back and updated it since A18.


    All I am saying is that loot on zombies and xp on zombies changes drastically how we see them and interact with them into a much more video gamey manner. Well...this is a video game after all. It isn't real. I know that. Perhaps I'll get the assistance I need and get 0XP updated for A20.


    I get you Roland, thanks for the insight into the origin of your 0xp mod.  I can see how your mod brings the experience closer to being in a show like TWD.  Sounds fun to me.


    If I ever have time for it, I would love to play a perma death version of your mod along with a few others.

  19. 2 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    Aaaaw, its rigid like that? 😟 Last time i heard of this, it was supposed to be a slider that we can move to either increase or decrease the intensity of the feral sense. Meaning you can either be in a constant "blood moon" situation or make the zombies almost oblivious to you unless you get very close.


    Now if its off, it just returns to the default feral sense?

    Will see what the feedback there is in experimental, I'm sure faatal can improve upon it.  Its not GPS like bloodmoon but certainly can feel like it if your the type that loves to make alot of noise. 😄


    It felt pretty good the last time I tested it.

  20. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    This is a balance discussion and has to take everything into account including the ability branch it is found in. While the sledge is great with damage and punt it is very slow. If you are not sure you will hit consistently a faster weapon will better suit you. Against single opponents the stagger effect of axe or club in combination with faster hitting is equivalent. Against multiple opponents most people change to a gun or if possible get some distance between them and the zombie.


    A better axe (especially with perks) would not only compete with the somewhat overpowered sledge and club but would also be another argument for people to always use strength and complain about other abilities being underwhelming. When axes were better in previous alphas a lot of people (including madmole himself) used the axe because the combination of a useful melee weapon together with saving a slot was just too good to be true.



    People use the machete when they spec into agility (sometimes even grudgingly 😉), and sometimes for skinning because it gives much better results than a knuckle. Personally, unless I spec into agility I never use knifes for skinning but an axe, because I save a slot with that.



    If mining is a gathering perk benefical to the group I don't see why the wrenching perk is not.



    Lets savour this surprising statement 😉. You clear dozens of houses with each room filled to the hilt with loot containers (cupboards, trash piles, boxes, book cases) and you complain you don't get any loot!? 😂


    I know this isn't what you wanted to say. But you will have a hard time explaining why the beaker found in a box 2 meters behind a zombie doesn't count, only the beaker on the zombie himself



    A well filled dungeon, a marked contrast to the houses in alpha15 where zombies still had loot. The small difference is, you still kill the zombies for the loot that is **behind* them instead of **in** them and you can't exploit the zombies as a loot delivery service. I fully agree with you that zombies with loot also have advantages, but the good has to be compared to the bad and there were a few big BADs on the zombie loot train bonanza feature.



    Like I said previously, loot that was on zombies in A15 is now found in houses, and the balance was kept that way. Secondly players have brain cells too, how long would it take for them to find out that that 25th zombie is just as valuable as the 25 zombies they farmed in Alpha15?


    Loot is random in the shiny yellow bags as well, therefore relatively hard to judge. Maybe a small buff to that loot might be beneficial, but my friends and I still try to be the first at such a bag and even have a gentlemans agreement that whoever kills the zombie has first right to it, so it can't be as bad as the loot in backpacks that is always atrocious.


    PS: Checked the XML whether I'm right with that last impression about loot bags and now I know for a fact that backpack loot can't hold a candle to the yellow zombie bags. And I'll never loot backpacks again 😉

    A20 loot is completely different so hopefully those yellow bags feel better 😀

  21. 4 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    Funny, but the most important actions are not in the game settings, such as deleting the merchant and disabling recipes from perks. If I could achieve this without resorting to mods and manual editing of the POI list, then I would not create this thread.

    The problem of the trader is not only in the early game, but also in the late one, because he literally chains you to the nearest 5th tier building and you go crazy visiting it over and over again and you can't help but do it because it has incredibly higher efficiency than any other activity.

    By the way, I didn't really understand these changes in the A20, because there are already feral zombies. Those fast @%$#s with burning eyes. What are they going to do with them?

    7) Feral Sense Game Option

    • When turned on Zombies can sense the player from much farther away and stay focused on the optimal path to where the player is
    • Stealth still works but zombie senses are heightened so stealth play is much more challenging
    • Settings are: Off, Day, Night, All
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