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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. 39 minutes ago, Sydious said:

    I have had no issues with this but I also did a full PC wipe and re-install of windows and everything Sunday.

    You are a dedicated 7day2Die Fan to do a full system wipe in prep. For A19. 😅

  2. 4 minutes ago, Quagmire1428 said:

    ikr . . . although i am starting to rethink how many bookcases i put in those hotel rooms overall . . . it's a big job HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

    Just one suggestion on loot containers, try to place some empty variants so the prefab is not to OP for those who download it.


    It's easy to place too many when going for a certain look.  You could just use the book case paint to create fake filled book cases but breaks immersion for some....cant win em all...😂

  3. 10 minutes ago, Quagmire1428 said:

    awesome, still looks great even back then! with all the new 130+ lovelies coming in 19 just imagine going back and annoying yourself adding updates to it. i know i am going to have that fun with The Overlook! URINALS finally!!! WOOP!

    Oh hell yah!!! Those gun racks will be perfect for my armory. Rest room signs, new water fountains.  It's going to be awesome.

  4. 1 minute ago, Quagmire1428 said:


    ah, brilliant!! Thank you Laz, will defo look into that. Also, i really hope for the best case scenario that you didn't loose half of you build. been there before and it's so soul destroying.

    Hopefully not, it has survived through many iterations over time. :)


    Here is an old screenshot from many many alphas ago. :)




  5. 5 minutes ago, Quagmire1428 said:

    ah so would this count as a mod? because i always try to keep everything as vanilla as poss as kind of my challenge to myself.

    Pilles editor is a user made tool but doesnt require any one need to install a mod in order to use prefabs created/modified by it.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Quagmire1428 said:


    Looks awesome Laz, really beautiful build :) and yep, i really need to get my head around that for my qbert groundwork too. soooo annoying. any tips will be greatly appreciated ;)

    I'll see what I can dig up.  Pille came up with a mathematical equation on how to get smoother transitions (density values) between varying elevations of terrain blocks which you then can manually configure on each specific terrain block within Pilles editor.

  7. 2 hours ago, roppa99 said:

    hi does the prison spawn in a new world save or do i need to put it in as a prefab


    Hi Roppa,  the download link is just the prefab files for now.  You can drop the files into your 7d2d prefabs folder and load>playtest it within the prefab editor for a quick view.

  8. 2 hours ago, PoloPoPo said:

    I have downloaded the "no Demolitioners" mod but how do I add it to my game? Do I have to copy the whole "Claymore_No_Demolitioniers" folder somewhere? Do I have to replace my .xml files with the ones from the mod? Is the Modinfo.xml needed as well or is it just a credit?


    Thanks in advance 🙂

    Modlet folders are typically placed into the "Mods" folder within your 7 days to die folder root directory. You will need to create it.


    Yes the modinfo.xml is needed in order to load the modlet.



  9. 2 hours ago, Jokrwild said:

    I personally think they have dipped out on the console players an don’t intend to ever update it or reboot it it’s been 3years and yet they could have simply made a better deal with another company to do the ports heck they keep closing all the console pages and that says a lot so all of us console gamers have effectively been given the bird 🙁

    Have you read this?



    Its pretty clear  to me on what happened and why a console update before the PC version is completed is most likely not going to happen.  Regardless, I understand the frustration console players have experienced.   Hopefully the majority of console players have gotten their money's worth from the version that they do have currently have...

  10. I am liking it so far.  All the helpful things I relied on appear to be working.

    • Unread Content link
    • Beginning, Last, and choose your own page of a thread
    • Quoting Feature
    • Easily readable on mobile
    • Enhanced profile features

    The only thing on my wish list is a larger PM limit.  Did that improve by any chance? :p


    It's the 24 hour cycle from the options.


    I've tested it again and it seems that this parameter does affect heat map increase rate . Having twice and thrice the day duration will require twice and thrice the amount of heat required to summon hordes. In contrast having half or one third of the day duration will also mean having twice and three times more screamer and hordes appearing in your base.


    Which means on 180 hours per day cycle servers I'll need three times more burning barrels to summon hordes...


    Maybe I'm wrong but shouldn't this be a bug? The trees and the farms crop cycles do not scale with 24 hour cycle so why should the heatmap?


    It might be a work in process still. Faatal did some improvement work but it might of been only to torches. Looking at the torch code is a good example of probably how heat should work for everything else...

  12. What do you think about a White River Legendary tier over Elite? Perhaps kill 100,000 zombies for the Legendary tier? To quote Richard Matheson in his book "I am Legend" Full circle. A new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend." As a reward be able to craft "Eurytus' Bow" "Achilles Spear" "Thor's Hammer (Mjölnir)" "Sword (machete) of Damocles"


    Are there players out there who have reached 100k kills? :p

  13. The armored car (the one with the blue headlights) actually protects you from all damage when you are inside, but it doesn't damage the zombies. Sadly the vehicles in the game don't have an "attack" action yet, only the knockdown based on the velocity of the vehicle. I can make that the zombies that get near the vehicle get hurt, but it looks clunky :c


    You sir are like the lego expert but for entities / blocks. The skies are the limit at what you can create with the existing assets! :)

  14. The day I saw the TFP update about the melee turrets I created this short range turret





    And these are the vehicles I have made using only ingame resources. I took the xmlcode of the raft and the jetpack from other modders, so I will give credit if I post them.



    Wow, I would love to try some of your vehicles. Bravo!

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