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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. 36 minutes ago, saltychipmunk said:

    The horde night is the best part of the game.


    We have tons and tons and tons AND TONS of low pressure  half baked survival games where the survival elements are tedious  or non existent.

    Frankly most of them you are done surviving the moment you get a roof over your head  and a door. Trusting that the actual game play be made up for by the player getting "bored "  enough to go outside and do stuff.


    Thats Ark.  Thats conan exiles ,  thats rust.   they have that chill nothing ever happens gameplay down on lock.


    And result is that without players those worlds just feel static. nothing actually happens unless some  bored player does something profoundly stupid to entertain themselves.


    There are very few survival games where  survival isnt solved instantly or sidelined with a few routine "chores" you go through. There are fewer still  that make surviving into a mechanic with .. actual game play. And of those only a few are actually challenging.


    That is what the 7d hord is . Its the force that challenges your right to survive in this game.  starving is a joke . so is thirst. we all know this.  you cannot feel the hunger of your avatar , its pain or its thirst. You cant feel sick for them either. So all of those  mechanics are superfluous.  But having your base obliterated or your character  annihilated actually does provide tangible  effects to you .. loss of progress  or if you are hardcore .. game over.


    By that token its also the same force that motivates you to actually do stuff . In 7d2d the answer to why you are doing anything isnt just flimsy "just cuz" its a very clear "to get ready for hord night".  And that is refreshing in a genre that is  perplexingly flaccid and softcore despite having "survival" in the name.


    besides if you have an issue with it .. cant you change your settings to make it a non factor anyway? 


    You nailed it.  Couldn't have said it better myself.  Hopefully the hunger/thirst and other survival elements get the right tuning so they are no longer non issues as well.


    The horde mechanic shines best in SP or single save coop imo. Whereas in MP, its way to easy to opt out (e.g. log off, let others do all the work, etc.)



  2. 5 hours ago, hiemfire said:


    While I can see how it can appear this way, the different "states" are allot more distributed and granularly different than that. Using the current disagreement as an example:


    I believe that Attack Volumes are a ham fisted and lazy dramatic event kludge that should have never been implemented in the first place. Since they are in the game I'd love to see them replaced with something along the lines of a more consistent challenge for stealthers (Stealth actually needs some tweaking to becoming a bit more difficult period but that is another issue). But I'm willing to accept TFP implementing an adjustment that keeps the dramatic effect for other play styles while also tweaking the trigger conditions to reference what the player has invested in From The Shadows (FTS) and having something subtle and easily missed in game that indicates there is something off (Please don't tie it to the game music. I have that turned of since it has a very bad tendency to drown out the sounds I depend on to know when an enemy is near).


    I think Jost Ammon, Survager and dscobral are somewhere in that vicinity, though they may not hold the same opinion I have on the original implementation.


    Gamida is completely neutral from what I can tell and would enjoy it either changing or remaining as it is.


    pApA^LeGBa doesn't like them because there is no explanation to the player about what just happened when an Attack Volume triggers, but is fine with them existing otherwise. In fact I think they agree with me that some tweaking is needed to stealth aside from Attack Volumes.


    Roland, if I have been reading their posts correctly, loves Attack Volumes, is iffy about having them reference FTS for their triggering and is willing to accept a subtle indicator that there is one there or something that gives a quick visual reference explanation to the player about what happened if the player is paying attention.


    Stallionsden loves the attack volumes and doesn't want anything changed about them since they get a thrill out of the sudden adrenalin rush from the unexpected combat. Erroneously thinks that the point of our issue with Attack Volumes is that they stop us from having an easy path to the end loot. (The craptacular rng cookie fests at the end of the POIs are really nothing more than an indication I finished the POI to me. The best loot is the scrap you find on the way there.)


    I'm alittle sad I didn't get included. :)


    Joking aside, I like attack volumes but would be okay with giving stealth players some love somehow as long as some effort is still involved. :)


    Also, I don't think anyone is asking for full loot room ninja clears although that statement has been made a few times now.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    Not a game maybe but have seen it in a few movies.  There have been ones where the small group has to sneak through a area of sleeping enemies or even eggs without waking them and it is intense. But then it's also hollywood so you know some lower character is going to do something stupid (step on something that makes noise, panic, drop a bead of sweat, etc) and wake the whole group up causing a firefight.


    TFP's have made poi dungeon runs where there is a sort of pathway you take to get to the good crap. I wouldn't mind it then if there is the possibility that you could stealth your way through it but if you screw up then well be well prepared to fight your way out of it. I mean I love my silenced pistol or suppressed.....what ever the kids call it these days. :)


    It would be nice to see a couple of POIs or even a quest / challenge specific to stealth play.  Although, not sure if it is in the cards for 7 days since the game's core design is probably mostly done at this point.  You never know though so it is probably worth asking the devs during one of their dev streams.

  4. 6 minutes ago, hiemfire said:

    So why do we even have keyboard/mouse and controller input beyond "Click for next scene" if the POI designers want to make the game into a sequence of predetermined triggers...


    Being able to fail is important. Being forced to fail is abuse.


    And thats why I said I was hoping for some middle ground since I can emphatize with stealth inclined play styles.  On the other hand, scripted sequences is one reason why movies and other similar entertainment media is so memorable over the years and see the value in having them in a video game.  You may disagree and that's okay.  We all can have different opinions. :)

    51 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    Stealth  should be cancelled when a volume is set to attack.  The attack works perfectly  and does what it is suppose to do. 


    You shouldn't be able to stealth a attack volume. 


    If that was the final design/intention I would agree with you.  HOWEVER, I feel then there should be some more clear indications to the player when stealth abilities are applicable and when it isn't.  I can see how it would suck to spend time/energy (and skill points) into sneaking into an area then being surprised it is all for naught....

  5. 7 hours ago, Roland said:

    That will be a sad day for gameplay variety if you succeed. People who like to only kill the unconscious will rejoice I suppose…


    hmmmm…maybe we should bring up horde nights and see if we can get stealth working for them by having all the zombies spawn in asleep so they can be one shot killed. Moving targets really need to be fixed. Zombie statues ftw!

    I never said that attack volumes should be completely removed or 100% stealthable...😅


    As someone who likes to make POIs, I feel attack volumes are a great addition that allows designers to create suspenseful scripted sequences similar to those seen in movies and TV shows.  Being able to stealth through them completely would ruin them.


    I am hoping for more of a middle ground solution than anything else.

  6. 9 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    And lets be honest, have any of you stopped and asked what the zombie's attentions are?  Maybe they are just lonely and happen to be aggressive huggers  😉


    And magic already exists in the game.  How do you explain the sheer amount of small rocks you can carry around and not be encumbered?  😁




    Re: stealth and attack volumes


    I have brought up the question about attack volumes and stealth and it sounds like maybe in the future there could be some way to stealth them but that will mostly likely not be addressed in A20 though.

  7. 4 hours ago, Okwawi said:




    my english is not good enough to understand everything. but why is he talking about a console update in 2021?


    Can you explain to me what he says in summary?


    thank you



    Video 6min30




    The YouTube video thumbnail is very misleading.  I can see where someone might think the mentioned PC Only features would be coming to consoles when in reality its not.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    well honestly i can't agree with you - if 7dtd gets road map like in cod or hell let loose could make people more calm - ofc i don't say that this same type of game = you can pressume a date of next update. So my suggestions is =  make small updates (Like junk guns with 10 poi )   per 1-2 months . this will let people know easy when new stuff will be added + nobody will have logical reasons to complain. ofc someone can say "yeah but always was big updates" and what does it mean? nothing month is perfect time to "finish" map and with periodical more stuff it will be always fresh. okay it is too late for A20 but after that every next alphas can works in this way. ofc maybe more realistic is 2 months or 3 months (you know better) but  i'm sure more people will be happy for this change

    A high level roadmap with visuals and updated rough time frame would be nice.


    However, people will still complain even with one.  Also, the first post of the dev diary is sort of a short term roadmap since it lists features for A20/A21. 


    The original Kickstarter goals is also another type of roadmap of features that is referred to alot.  It is worth mentioning that some of the features listed on the Kickstarter goals have been implemented in a mixed order and that additional features have creeped in over the years.



  9. On 5/16/2021 at 4:51 AM, Kattla said:

    No pets. That's my peeve...

    Along with the removal of the plains biome.

    I see wydt lol...


    Hmm....my pet peeve about the game...


    1) No leader board / high score tracking.

    It always has felt rewarding in games meant to be played more then once some type of high score awareness at the end of a run.  Many games still do this today and its nice to know where you stand each run through so you know what to shoot for.  No pun intended.


    Its also a nice way to brag to your buddies. 😅

  10. 8 hours ago, meganoth said:


    I can image a pipe axe easily. If you have the tools to craft pipe weapons (you would need at least a metal saw, a rasp and a drill) then a pipe axe is trivial:




    The two holes are for a metal pin.



    Look at how stone axe already makes lower quality levels of iron axe obsolete. If you just add further tiers inbetween already narrow tiers you just generate more content to be ignored. The only "hole" to plug would be in endgame but that depends how far TFP wants endgame to last in vanilla. They already indicated a few times that vanilla last long enough for a beginner and the minority of players doing dozens of playthroughs can get their fix from mods.



    Sure, but what has that do to with the tier they are supposed to fill? You are free to call them whatever you like, they are the tier0 weapons corresponding to tier0 tools and tier0 melee weapons, all easily optainable at start and craftable without schematics. Any label you put on them is just for immersion.




    Your MS paint drawing deserves a like.  Just saying :)

  11. 3 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    honestly - idk how in usa but bronze is quiet popular metal. honestly scrap  stuff is my of the most stupid thing -rust can easy infected you and you will just die. so it is dangerous. why so long bronze was used? because it doesn't need to be  hot as iron to make a hammer for example. ofc wedling let you make iron or steel stuff but it have quiet bad durability.  the most logical way is... not crafting stuff. why? in typical small city you could find enough hammers pickaxes saws etc for years.  and the most will be broken because plastic or rubbish handle will not survive  for long. So - if you were blacksmith will know what to do to make good steel .  But typical guy not. so problaby will read a historical book from school and start on bronse first. So yeah you want to get steel production back but it need skill that 99% people don't have. so bronze it the best way because - 1. pipe tools will looks just bad and 2 - what anything else can be bettwen stone and iron in typical usa country


    ofc games need a lot simplifations but - more tiers of items = more to do


    You can only slice a cake so much before there is any significant difference each slice.  More is not always better.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Khalagar said:


    What is even the point of a "long term" save anyway, do people really stick with one save long enough for experimental updates to matter? I usually just play one save until I hit end game and have an established base etc, then get tired of raiding the same Shotgun Messiah and Shamway and take a month or two break then come back and start again. The funnest parts to me are honestly when you are leveling up and still have a reason to actually explore and find new items and upgrades and things are still a danger etc


    What would you even do if you just kept playing one save long after having a horde proof base and having full build and items lol




    Its called zamping (posh zombie bashing + camping) mode.  Derived from Glamping (glamorous camping)...😅

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