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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. 1 minute ago, Aldranon said:


    Wow, dual turrets are SO expensive for the benefits, IMO.  Yes BM defense is a breeze with up to 8 sledge turrets (2 per side), but POI clearing is not as fast as certain builds. 


    Perhaps but that how fast do POIs need to be cleared anyways for it to be significant?  I suppose if someone plays at a really high difficulty and very short days, it becomes more critical.  I never had issues with clearing POIs with 7 day BM cycles on 60 min days all the way past demolishers.

  2. As a player who likes to spec intellect, I feel it is awesome for BM hordes, especially if you like to play solo.  I highly recommend specing into it early so dual turrets can be unlocked faster.


    I have no issues using other weapons im not specced into as it supplements my spec very well and why not use the weapons and ammo that you find?  I doubt the zombies care if who their eating are purists or not... 😅


  3. On 1/19/2021 at 11:11 PM, MonkCrimson said:

    Hey madmole , grads for the most serious game out there .

    I always had this in my back of my mind to see zombies overcome the defenses of my base , it seems that you can build really durable stuff in comparison to zombies powers (and even repair them on the fly with just 1 move with the claw hammer ) , is there a possibility to have a siege/tank zombie that spawns not that often but it will specialize in destroying structures or something similar ?

    We already have one.  He is called the demolisher...😅


    The forums was full of tears for a while...

  4. On 1/11/2021 at 1:47 AM, Clarkyvfx said:

    i hope this helps, its the best (possible) fix and easiest i have found so far. every session you load (this is mainly for the person hosting) use the console type "dm" for debug menu as most of you probably already know, open the pause menu, then hit recalc stability. Everytime this has fixed my ghost blocks for the current session i simply do this if i encounter them when loading in. sometimes i get lucky and dont get them at all, also without disabling pois so i still get to keep my render distance etc.

    ive noticed this is a ram issue. whenever i had multiple things open such as google chrome, fl studio other ram intensive programs i was constantly getting them, everytime i load the game now with no other programs running its kinda hit or miss if i get them say like 40% of the time im good.

    again, possible fix. worked for me but no guarantee it will work for others, just a possible solution 

    1st time hearing this but if it works for others this may help us narrow down the issue further.  If anyone here are experiencing the problem, try this workaround and report back your results here or pm me please.  Thank you.

    17 minutes ago, jdm311 said:

    I am having this problem as well after playing on a NitroGen created world with compopack. Never saw this issue on vanilla. The POIs affected change between playthroughs and can be big (like Izea) or smaller ones like my base below. Exiting to the main menu and continuing the save fixes the issue, but sometimes it will soon come back. Exiting the game completely also has the same effect. After a while of playing, the game might be using 13-14 GB of RAM out of a total of 16GB and game stuttering occurs which requires exiting the game. Recalc Stability didn't make a difference, although using 'pois' command does fix it (as shown below) at the cost of seeing pois in the distance. I tried memcl, but that doesn't make a noticeable difference. It really seems like a mem leak. I hope someone figures this out soon since this issue really disrupts the experience. Thanks to those of you reporting and attempting fixes!






    Instead of exiting to the main menu only try exiting the game completely.  I have see some cases where exiting to main menu  > continuing doesn't fully release all memory being used.


    P.S. Thats a nice church POI...😅

  5. 1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

    So I'm confused. Is EVERY firearm going to have primitive (pistol, rifle, assault rifle, machine gun and shotgun ) ? What is that sweet entry about the baton having another primitive model ?

    I think one point to all weapons having a prim version is so you can start using all ammo types sooner then later.


    The baton is probably for the new marching band outfit...🤣

  6. Hello Folks,


    There is one theory that one variable to this issue is systems running out of memory (e.g. memory leak).  The next time the issue occurs, please check what your systems current memory usage in both your Windows Task Manager > Performance Tab and in your game console. (Press F1)  If you stand still you should see the following line appear in your console.  The last part shows your memory currently in use.  The most I could get mine to go up was 10GB / 16GB and have not been able to reproduce the issue.



    2020-11-18T22:48:52 86.769 INF Time: 1.14m FPS: 92.19 Heap: 1494.8MB Max: 1494.8MB Chunks: 289 CGO: 144 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 4 (4) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 4451.4MB


    Post in here or PM me your observations.  Thank you all. :)



  7. 5 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    @faatal , since Robert isn't here to answer, do you know if the RWG has a target RAM consumption for a20 ? The news are that you guys are ditching the 4k maps. I have mixed feelings for various reasons:


    In 4k maps, the RAM RSS feed currently stands at 3800 Mb to ... 6000-6200 MB !! after around 5 (quest days/build nights) hour sessions SINGLE PLAYER. That means multiplayer can easily double after just 4-5 hours resulting in 12000+MB memory RSS feed and square and texture artifacts everywhere at virtually any time (artifacts start to happen when the dedicated memory  is filled and system RAM juggles too much).


    My concern is that if we are going to get 6k maps minimum, how is that going to fare for us lads with peanut butter Pcs? At the moment I'm standing in the "just ok" rope with 4k maps consuming said 3,8 gigs to 6,2gigs  after 5 or 6 hours.


    Do you have any insight on this subject ? Are 6k maps gonna have a stable 4 gigs of RSS most of the time or are they expectedly going to hit the 8 gig mark as Navezgane is currently doing ?  Senior programmers have a throne in Westeros from where they can overlook such things, right? I'm sure of it.



    Not hard to reproduce. When dedicated memory is filled and RAM is also topping or juggling too much, it happens 100% of the time. Moving fast through the map (no need to God mode) also results in that, but again, memory HAS to be filled.

    Thats a good theory.  Do you have any solid vanilla repros to fill up memory?  Maybe a memory leak somewhere making the POI issue happen more frequently.


    Post the info. In the bug forum and I'll look it over.  Thanks.

  8. On 10/26/2020 at 6:19 AM, Slaan said:

    Certainly is,  the original post and download links have been updated this morning.

    Hi Slaan, welcome back... Good to see you playing 7d2d again and doing some prefabbing.  Lots of new blocks to play with as well as in-game prefab editor improvements.


    Also, if you were not already aware, you can use the "Block replacement" tool as an alternative to the K menu since it was disabled in normal play.



  9. 1 hour ago, Toban said:

    Thanks! It's taken ages to build, even in creative, because we have a crypt and a cremation area underground 😅

    I love it, it looks great.  What are those terrain pillars?  Reminds me of an old RWG generation issue.

  10. 39 minutes ago, Ti2xGr said:

    My son and I made a POI that works really well with the buggy and dirt bike. We've had a blast playing with it. It has several alternating paths when hooked up to electricity to the motion sensors which run the drawbridges and vault doors, which are used to trigger blocks/alternate paths for a short time. It forces you to use different legs of the track. We recently just added new POI lighting for night racing as well.



    TIG_RaceTrack1.zip 130.45 kB · 0 downloads

    Thats sorta neat.  Like a mario kart type race track.  Nice idea.

  11. 52 minutes ago, Reckis said:

    Is there no way to add the sleeper volumes in the in-game editor? Couldn't find anything in this thread about that, and I will be damned if I can figure it out myself.

    Yes there is.  See video link below.  I recommend watching this guys entire series.  Will help you get started making prefabs within the editor. 😁



  12. 7 hours ago, gpcstargate said:

    I Tried to post on Bug Report, but it seems to have closed: 

    Have posted in General Discussion .. Under .. Disappearing Building Parts as you turn .. 


    There is an ISSUE With SMG Turrets after placing them.




    Hi GPC,


    Thanks for the heads up.  Please submit a bug report page linked below.  Also, you will need to be more specific in what you mean by "popping."  I am assuming you are talking about occulsion?  A video would be ideal since what you are describing seems very specific.




    Edit:  I found your original post and noticed you mentioned some console errors.  When visiting the bug report forum link above, please make sure to read all of the items required for the report listed in the red banner so the issue can be further investigated.  (e.g. outputlog file, etc.)  Thanks.


  13. It is also worth notating that compo pack and nitrogen go hand and hand nowadays as Magoli has stopped providing a configuration for vanilla RWG games for a while now.


    In A18, I think folks would see this issue mostly with the larger POIs (e.g. shamway factory).


    Something that would be helpful is if someone who experiences the issue can take a screen shot of their world map (fog filter turned off) and plot which POIs in the area have the issue and those that don't.


    That will give us a visual representation that may help narrow down the root cause.

  14. 35 minutes ago, Ihmislehma said:

    I definitely have this issue. I personally call this "LOD artefacting"

    I haven't done dedicated testing so far, but from my experiences through A18 to now, here's what I've noticed:

    -This was less of an issue to me in A18. I could run Compopack + several mods and still see this rarely or not at all

    -The issue has clearly increased for me since A19, though I don't know why

    -Mods aggravate the problem. I can run full vanilla usually without this issue

    -Compopack is definitely something I can't run right now without this issue getting extremely aggravating

    -The "artefacting zone" seems to radiate from the player model loading point - I've hosted games where another also has the issue but in a different place

    -In my experience, the "artefacting zone" is a circle around the player model loading point. The immediate area is fine to some distance, then there is a ring of LOD artefacting pois, thickness varies, and after that... it's gone again. If I save and load there, the ring moves with me.


    Edit: testing the pois command, turning it back on also brings the artefacting back. Don't know the significance of this, but it is interesting.

    Very detailed observations.  I agree with your assessment.  I was not aware of the player model loading point as a focal point.  I have a gut feeling part of the issue is POI density related (e.g. the more POIs packed in a given area).  I believe both the compopack and nitrogen both have a higher POI density configuration in relation to vanilla.

  15. 2 minutes ago, The Gronk said:

    I've reported this bug myself with repro steps, hell, I think I've figured out what's causing it.  It's been hanging around for a few years now.


    Dig a trench or hole wherever, the bigger the better.  Travel to the other side of the map without teleporting and then all of the way back again.  Quite often when you get back to your hole you'll see the low detail terrain mesh just below the level of the detailed terrain. 


    <Guess>  It seems some of the distant terrain meshes aren't properly processed when the world origin is moved.  </Guess>

    The bug in question is regarding the distant POI mesh that appears when the user is a certain distance away.  The problem is that for some folks, the mesh doesn't go away when they get near the POI.


    If you have a consistent repro of this please head over to the bug forums and submit a report of it so it can get handled properly.  Thanks.

  16. 44 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

    1. You're right, it's not offensive.

    2. Yea so because other games do it even worse makes this good? Is that really how low our standards are? Show me where a real boob jiggles excessively like this and even the shirt jiggles along with it. It's stupid looking and overdone to appeal to immature teenage boys....

    Really? Hit up a few nightclubs in most densely populated cities in the US and I bet you'll see some.  Here in California thats nothing special...lol

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