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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. 6 hours ago, Annihilatorza said:

    Yup that ladders issue has been a problem for years and I am so glad its been fixed now, I am loving all the bug fixes and improvements in each patch.


    Yep, I love the ladder fix.  I use to break my legs occasionally but now its alot easier to jump on/off.

    3 hours ago, Outlaw_187 said:

    Ok so I finally run into this chick...Im pretty sure it's her. The chick in the black dress right, with a tiny bit of right underboob showing? 

    I've heard she was the new stripper & I've also heard her be called the party girl.

    Either way, if this is her, I saw very little jiggle & no way this could be offensive. 

    Great job on the new Z's. I gotta say the business man is my favorite of this bunch, he looks amazing. 

    those players complaining probably...


    A) never seen a women not wearing a bra underneath move around like that...




    B) never seen a skyrim boob mod....now THOSE were over the top lol...

  2. 3 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

    In Alpha 17, this was possible with my 7 Days to Die Mod Localization Loader script, not only you could add your own localizations to the base game localization files, but you could also change the existing ones, it would happen automatically depending on how you wrote your localization that was supposed to change the vanilla one, but devs were working on their own solution for Alpha 18 and perhaps improved it in Alpha 19. If and how is this particular type of modification possible in base game, I have no idea.

    Yes, localization file modifications can be pushed via modlet now and is supposed to even get pushed to clients on servers (A19) but haven't tested it out myself yet.

  3. 2 hours ago, Reckis said:

    I disagree, I have seen other mod authors change the localization (i.e, changing the description of a perk or item) Unless I am way off base here . . . which I have to admit is entirely possible.

    I think localization changes via modlet will overwrite vanilla entries if they exist and will append if they dont.

  4. 4 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

    I don't know. It would have to be something that would get the veterans through the first week of stone age without feeling like they are just wasting time lol

    I suppose, the game is doing a great job if the veterans can't make it past the first week....LOL.....


    ....death from boredom....🤣

  5. 9 hours ago, mr.devolver said:

    Damn. Now we only need a mod that would let the player inherit an old service revolver from his deceased old friend + a bunch of ammo to make the stone age slightly more bearable.

    hmm...someone could create a custom quest for it....Just need some requirements.


    For example....the player has to find pieces to a map where the revolver is buried.  Said pieces of map would need to be somewhere in early game loot...


    Or...turn in 5 blunderbuss' at the trader for 1 pistol... :)

  6. 26 minutes ago, Magoli said:

    Is this already working in A19

    I really would like to add it now (tbh since a couple of years ;) )


    just wanted to mention:

    U are One of the finest POI-creators in this universe (If not the very finest (counted on what u did constantly since Alpha9) )


    rock on mate

    Hi Mags, thank you for the kind words.  I still have a ways to go to be the best in the universe but maybe the best in my house hold at least lol...


    Regarding the prison, thankfully the A18 download doesn't require much changes to update to A19.  I have  WIP copy already updated but want to do some more changes to bring it up to speed what I know how to do now. (Terrain smoothing, level design, more varied sleeper design, etc.)


    Will see where my time goes around A19 stable.  Thanks for your patience. 🙇‍♂️

  7. On 7/24/2020 at 9:43 AM, LewZephyr said:

    Is there an updated guide for this process, or is this process still basically the same?

    I tried looking up the bad company manager but the git hub says it hasn't been updated in 2 years.

    So wondering if my present dedicated server (Windows 10, with Alloc's fixes and Server Tools installed) will work with the processes.



    Here's a YouTube series (A18 mostly) that will help learn the basics of using the in-game prefab editor.



  8. 2 hours ago, EpicSpire said:

    ok, thanks. but now im pissed because the s**t head at best buy lied to me. i just bought this PC 6 weeks ago and he told me the graphics card was intel, but that it was rated similar to gforce 1080. i'm about to go (redacted)

    Hopefully they let u return.  I bought a Lenovo legion laptop at the beginning of the year that is running the game at medium/hight settings.  It was on sale under $1k at costco.

     16gb ram, ssd, gtx 1660ti 6gb vram.

  9. 2 minutes ago, bobross said:

    I know a couple of people have mentioned the marble texture thing, just wanted to point out that I've been getting that on random occasion since A17 I believe (definitely in A18), and I am getting it on RWG-generated maps currently, so it is definitely NOT an issue with NitroGen.


    I would love to know what the hell is causing it though. Had it in one POI where it was both covering a doorway and as blocks along an edge of a roofline inside an attic.

    The QA team is aware of the issue but I dont know if there is a fix for it yet.  Has something to do with distant POI meshes.  To work around the issue you can try logging in/out or using the console command "pois" to disable/toggle all poi distant meshes to see if that helps.

  10. 2 minutes ago, metoothaanks said:

    So we set up a server using the 8k seed "SystematicArbutus" and we're 11 days in and i just realized that the map doesnt match the one that you posted. Ours looks like it's more of a 4k map and we just have a ton of water to the north and to the east. We checked the files and it's definitely an 8k map... any ideas as to why this happened?? D :   we'll probably have to remake the server but is there anything we can do to make sure this doesnt happen again?

    Might be a bug generating on the server.  They generating it locally then copying the world to the server instead.

  11. It is worth pointing out the blocks that you guys are seeing are part of the distant POI mesh file that is loaded when you see a specific POI off in the distance.  The anomaly is why is it not unloading once you are close enough to the POI.  You can observe the popping out of the mesh when approaching any given POI at a certain distance.  The reason it is probably not fixed yet is because there are no errors and I have yet seen anyone to provide a consistent reproduction step that the programmers can work with.


    If any of you have such steps, please submit it along with all of the required information asked.


    As a side note, I have NEVER experienced the issue myself in either A18 or A19 but my brother has...So the million dollar question is why some people and not others?


    Edit: As a side note, one theory is the more dense the POIs in one area, the more frequent the issue can happen...

  12. 5 minutes ago, Jon Dillinger said:

    wow looking at the kick starter pic and seeing that you guys smashed most of those goals the only one is the Professional voice acting but im the guy that watches Anime dubbed so marinate on that . it only took my 7 yrs to build a PC that can run 7D i call it 7 years to play LOL im only here cause the console version TBH but glad to get here


    Trader jen's voice dialogue is pretty good. What's a stimpack? :p


    But as you mentioned, its pretty cool to look back on that list and see most of that stuff is in the game in some form.  Glad the game has had alot to offer in replayability to keep me coming back for more.  :)

  13. 2 hours ago, DarienDragon said:

    After some testing I can confirm it's the same here. The problem seems to be the host, we transferred the saves to my system and suddenly I was the one with the graphical artifacts. Also worth noting; I have 4G of VRAM and 16 of system RAM, my VRAM shot up over 50% and my system RAM was at 90% load. I'm inclined to agree now that it's not GPU specific, and that a memory leak (somehow specific to the host) is the culprit.

    I don't know about the OP, but we have the same problem with the terrain quality at medium. I'll try dropping it to low tomorrow and report any changes.

    I doubt its a host issue.  My brother experienced the same issue at a POI the other day and when I logged in and stood next to him, the POI looked fine to me.  We use a rented server from Bluefangs.

  14. 6 hours ago, meganoth said:

    I'm not sure whether safes are worth it in the stone age, definitely not worth to use a stone axe, I open them only when I have lockpicks.


    But I can say that in my game the brownish chests in the loot room of many pois still have a lot of stuff I want: For example mods or armor of all kind. In my current SP game I don't have points left in the first week to boost both my weapon perks and build a quality 5 stone age melee and ranged weapon and if I don't go strength or agility my ranged weapon will only get better if I find it in loot (or get them as quest rewards).


    We get higher quality stone stuff relatively fast which means you potentially have a use for up to 4 mods for 5 armor pieces, one gun, one melee and up to 3 tools, all together 40 mods.


    There are also schematics you want to find, some make sense in a gun safe.


    But in general yes, I agree, there should be a very slim chance for better loot.

    Honestly most of the time what is in lootnis an upgrade for me so I dont mind the gamestage loot.  What helps me is I typically go with the flow of the game and play flexible.  If I have a ton of lock picks I'll try to pop a safe open but otherwise I move on as there will always be more loot.


    I will however mark the map so when I have the lock pick candy I can maximize its buff at a later time. 😀

  15. On 7/4/2020 at 7:05 AM, Demandred1957 said:

    The Blunderbuss was Q2, and it was literally point blank range... And hard to run when they now have almost no cool down between attacks. How is it balanced to have 2 attacks per second, and a instant stun with the first attack? Again, TFP don't know how guns and bows work. A cape buffalo or a elephant could withstand that, but not a wolf or mountain lion. I understand they think of the player as the enemy, and want to give their creations every advantage to take the player down, but they need to check their bias and bring a bit of realism into the game.

    Not a hunting simulation.  Gameplay > realism in this case.

    On 7/3/2020 at 4:52 AM, Demandred1957 said:

    No time for a "attack strategy" when you get jumped out of the shadows like the Dire Wolf did me. I don't mind a little buff to them, but really... Do TFP not understand how guns and arrows work??? People hunt mountain lions and Kodiak bears with bows and arrows and kill them with *one* arrow.. Not to even mention how many of the same were killed by single shot black powder rifles back in the day...


    Plenty of time to plan.  When you spawn in the game you have newbie protection.  Go smack a tree and make spikes before running away from the road into the wilderness where it's hard to see wolves among the grass.  

  16. 2 hours ago, Dracula said:

    That would be more meaningful if the game hadn't been in Alpha for 7 years.  There's a point of reasonable expectation in which you expect something to be done.  You can't keep playing the "It's an alpha" card when the game is old enough to enter school.


    This also goes against the "just get a mod" approach to balancing out the aspects that people don't like as, with every update, mods have to be tweaked and reworked.  The mods I used back on A15 to add extra places to the map are now useless, the mods from Alpha 16 that made it so if I stayed in one place too long I'd have to slog through a horde to get out don't work, the mod to remove bees is now useless and I have to mod out vultures again, etc.

    I highly recommend u watch dev stream #1 where rick talks about the development of the game.


    Several factors have caused the development of the game time to increase.


    I for one am grateful they increased the scope from quake 2 + minecraft otherwise I probably would of shelved the game ages ago....


  17. 55 minutes ago, stupid said:

    I really like the prefabs in A19. Back in the day the prefabs weren't all that impressive; stores were generic brick buildings with a sign out front and crates inside. But now if I walk into a sporting goods store it actually looks like a real sporting goods store. The trashed up shelves are a nice touch, and with the new lighting everything really comes together and it feels like you're really there.

    100% the world is starting to feel more lived in!  All the new blocks are also great for creative builders!  MORE PLEASE! 😅

  18. 1 hour ago, leaderdog said:

    not allowing humans up the steep slopes would make the most sense for a fix. and have zombies attack and break them. I made one on a day 7 and they did zero damage to the wall because they figured they could climb up it. 


    Simple solution that wouldn't look so bad.

    Think about it more, its probably easier to do what they did because if the wedges were laid flat instead of vertifical, then the AI might get even more confused instead of walking on them LOL..

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