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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. 12 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:



    Okay... well that is not what the devpost said, but nice to hear that!



    While this argument certainly is valid, there was, I feel an even bigger problem, which was the gameplay.
    You said zombies were scarier than ever before.
    For me, they were just tightrope walking piniatas.
    They were 100% predictable.
    It was never easier to build a 100% hordesafe base with like 20 blocks and the fact that they all came running down the same small hallway made it extremely easy... laughably easy to survive ANYTHING.
    There was no need to upgrade your whole base.
    Just make everything cobblestone and leave a 1x2 opening and they will funnel through it.

    While beeing absolutely hilariously bad behaviour, the biggest problem was that I and as far as I have read the reviews and feedback support me on this, that they became super predictable, and therefor easy to exploit. WAY too easy to exploit.
    There were exploits in <A16 and there always will be.
    But in A16 they were far more complex and without a youtube video to help, you probably didn't stumble upon it by chance.
    In A17 it was literally "they walk in a line and always take the path of least resistance, lets make a funnel ontop of another funnel and just shoot lul"


    I can empathize with players who don't like tower defense game mechanics but this is actually working as designed.  There needs to be some degree of predictability in order to plan your defenses against it.   


    The AI will most certainly continue to be tweaked further to hit a "sweet spot" of predictability but with some variation, especially as bandits and special infected are introduced.



  2. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    UPDATE: Rick answered this issue on Twitter the other day. He said that TFP formed a partnership with a distribution company that prints and ships physical copies of games. This was a preliminary step towards the future release to console of the full PC game. Their partner felt that that there was still enough of a demand for the original game (just look at the price for physical disks on the secondary market) that they wanted to print 5000 discs of 7 Days to Die for PS4. This disc would not be the original disc that Telltale sold but instead a disc that included all of the updates that were added to the game. So the new disc would be equal to someone loading the original disc and then updating. But there is no new content on the disc.


    Whether the stores who are selling the discs misunderstood or are trying to scam customers purposefully, or accidentally copied and pasted a PC game description, I'm sure their lawyers will find the ambiguity in their wording needed to help them avoid getting sued. Since I'm pretty sure PS4 automatically updated 7 Days to Die to the newest version everyone who already owns the game will have exactly what the disc is including. It is the same game fully updated to what all existing owners currently have.


    In other words, you will be able to load the disc and play and not have to wait for long downloads. Period.


    On the positive side, this is more proof that TFP are making plans and preparing the groundwork for a future console port that will have parity with the complete PC version.


    Some people just see the words "console update" in a YouTube video thumbnail with HD zombie background image and automatically think consoles are being updated.  Its akin to tabloid front pages...😅.  Click bait....

  3. 30 minutes ago, Roland said:


    And I love that they pile on top of each other and wish that it happened a bit more consistently. I love it when I knock out the stairs and a few still get up to where I am because they all piled up near the stairs. I think that it would be cool for an option that would give them ant-like instincts so that the piling up on each other wasn't just be accident or happenstance but intentionally done whenever they couldn't reach you. If zombies could see using each other to create paths to the player it would totally change the game and base design in a whole new way. Just as an option, though, since I don't think upsetting the entire base building meta like that as a default setting would be good.

    I wonder if that looks even cooler now that the zombies can crawl now.  Will need to test that out 😁

  4. 4 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Yeah and I hope it doesn’t suck.

    I miss the days of crafting rebar, laying it in place then coming back with a bucket full of concrete to fill the rebar blocks. I sort of like mini tedious tasks.

    I still miss zombies destroying crops and have to water them daily or digging an irrigation trench.


    I can appreciate why others don’t like those tasks.


    Yeah those details can be fun.  Personally, I am okay with simplfication/consolidation in some areas especially if its to make way for other engaging tasks/activities that will eat up our time.



  5. 29 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    Create a new block   if you look at the trader block in the blocks.xml there is a line that lists all the traders. Simply create a new block and add your custom trader name to that line and remove the others. 

    I don't think it can be specified via xml currently.  I remember having to copy the trader block from the trader POI that had the correct trader I wanted in order to get them to spawn in my custom POI.

  6. Objectively speaking I think they have done well enough so far to the original scope on their kickstarter promise and will surpass them in some ways when everything is said and done.


    As far as how long its taken, that sorta comes with the territory of early access indie development.  Could have things been completed faster? Sure, but my guess would be we would have a lesser game then we have now.



  7. 3 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    what do hell? another one shoe only? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i hate asymmetry

    I thought you liked more zombies? 😅

  8. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    There should also be bandits on bikes to catch up to you if you try to run.

    Then, you can blow their bikes up and maybe even take them (or take bike parts from the wreckage) if you win.

    I hope you are referring to the motorcycle and not my worse nightmare of fully armored bandits rolling up on pedal bicycles to do machine gun drive by lol....


    I stand by my opinion we never needed a bicycle in the game as its just a filler vehicle before the mini bike....😅

  9. 12 hours ago, geengaween said:

    I hate the cartoonish punch sound when zombies hit walls, I'd like to replace it with a creepy scratching sound. Anyone know how to do this?


    You know I never really noticed it until you mentioned it.  Don't know if its a place holder or not but might know who to ask about it.


    In the meantime this is all I have to contribute lol...



  10. Left click on the block type you want to copy.  If done correctly it will list the block name in the bottom right corner of your screen.


    If you want to replace all blocks within a selection, you will want to make sure you hold down the "R" key and toggle on the option.  There is also an option in the radial menu to keep the paint used on the highlighted blocks if desired.

  11. 2 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    I think the idea itself is cool, but - as was already stated before - it's been "proven" by a lot of other games that it can be a real pain in the a cause NPC gets stuck somewhere,

    causing the quest to fail without you making a mistake...just annoying waste of time then, and very frustrating.

    Problem is: You can't for example just copy the AI of the drone (which also is supposed to follow you)...beacuse when this one gets stuck somewhere, it will (as was said) just teleport back to you when you get too far away.

    In that case it's necessary to avoid silly "micro-management" to get your drone free, and - if not happening too often - is a simple workaround, especially in a fully destructible world, where paths are often blocked/destroyed/created new,...

    But imagine that in such a rescue mission...you could easily cheese those quests by just shortcutting straight through the next best wall to the destination point, and your NPC keeps teleporting after you.

    Nope, wouldn't be fun that way...and otherwise, that guy would just keep being stuck behind walls, edges, stairways, doors, chokepoints, fall through holes,...of my,

    I'm getting angry just by thinking about it 😵

    So again, cool idea, but the effort to get it straight in a fully destructible world is...just wow.

    Where there is a will there is a way.  😁


    Maybe they can be done similar to challenge notes and the npc path is outside a POI reducing the chance of them getting stuck.  This wouldn't be error proof but have a higher chance of success perhaps...😁

  12. 3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


    I would hope the a rescue mission be more than just transport Meat Sack 1 from Point A to Point B.  It would be great if they were a true rescue mission where you are rescuing a group that follows Noah that consists of civilians and guards.  Where they need rescue because the guards are critically low on ammo and members of the party are hurt which slows them down significantly.  Then you have a choice:  Do you distribute your supply of ammo and medical supplies to the group to improve the chances of getting them safely to their destination, or do you keep everything yourself and roll the dice to see if you can escort such a large group by yourself and doing all the work while slowly making your way to the safe zone.

    That would be cool.  Like....do you conserve ammo for the upcoming horde night or do you invest it into the npcs for a higher chance at survival / quest success.   Sounds like some trade off scenario for the player.

  13. Npc rescue missions would certainly be a fun quest/activity.  Perhaps something similar will/can be added once bandits and other human npcs make it into the game.


    It would be a shame if all we got quest wise were basic kill x, clear and fetch types.  I encourage you to attend one of the several a20 dev streams when they get started and ask for this feature live...😅





  14. 2 hours ago, NukemDed said:

    nah. at low gs the t5 buildings arent too hard and the loot is more abundant, if not a bit better also. and more zds so xp comes quicker.

     More power to him as it takes more time to do so as well.  Unless he does the ultimate cheese and nerd pole to the top.  😅

  15. 10 hours ago, Outlaw_187 said:

    Good points. Also the traders shouldn't have unlimited money to buy all our unlimited loot.

    They should have a set amount in my opinion. Just sayin.....feels like an exploit. 

    Perhaps but there is already a limit on the number of the same type of item you can sell to the trader.

    3 hours ago, crazywildfire said:



    I think you missed what I was saying. But ok

    I said loot resets no matter if you get close or not. What that got to do with a base or bedroll? I said if one desides to set up base then it act no different then it does now. So not sure what you are getting at???




    Painted blocks, wood frames, signs all that is great for solo sure. Actually solo I know and keep up with no issues. The issues is on multiplayer servers. Painted door, wood frames don't tell me when another player last looted it. Therefore you get to close to something looted 4 days ago by someone else and it supposed to reset on day 5. Well guess what 5 more days with no loot. That is the problem that is being talked about.


    So you want the game to magically tell you whether it is okay to go loot a place in a multiplayer server? For PVP this would be horrible.  For coop maybe?  Perhaps one reason people ask for shared maps.

  16. 36 minutes ago, saltychipmunk said:

    The horde night is the best part of the game.


    We have tons and tons and tons AND TONS of low pressure  half baked survival games where the survival elements are tedious  or non existent.

    Frankly most of them you are done surviving the moment you get a roof over your head  and a door. Trusting that the actual game play be made up for by the player getting "bored "  enough to go outside and do stuff.


    Thats Ark.  Thats conan exiles ,  thats rust.   they have that chill nothing ever happens gameplay down on lock.


    And result is that without players those worlds just feel static. nothing actually happens unless some  bored player does something profoundly stupid to entertain themselves.


    There are very few survival games where  survival isnt solved instantly or sidelined with a few routine "chores" you go through. There are fewer still  that make surviving into a mechanic with .. actual game play. And of those only a few are actually challenging.


    That is what the 7d hord is . Its the force that challenges your right to survive in this game.  starving is a joke . so is thirst. we all know this.  you cannot feel the hunger of your avatar , its pain or its thirst. You cant feel sick for them either. So all of those  mechanics are superfluous.  But having your base obliterated or your character  annihilated actually does provide tangible  effects to you .. loss of progress  or if you are hardcore .. game over.


    By that token its also the same force that motivates you to actually do stuff . In 7d2d the answer to why you are doing anything isnt just flimsy "just cuz" its a very clear "to get ready for hord night".  And that is refreshing in a genre that is  perplexingly flaccid and softcore despite having "survival" in the name.


    besides if you have an issue with it .. cant you change your settings to make it a non factor anyway? 


    You nailed it.  Couldn't have said it better myself.  Hopefully the hunger/thirst and other survival elements get the right tuning so they are no longer non issues as well.


    The horde mechanic shines best in SP or single save coop imo. Whereas in MP, its way to easy to opt out (e.g. log off, let others do all the work, etc.)



  17. 5 hours ago, hiemfire said:


    While I can see how it can appear this way, the different "states" are allot more distributed and granularly different than that. Using the current disagreement as an example:


    I believe that Attack Volumes are a ham fisted and lazy dramatic event kludge that should have never been implemented in the first place. Since they are in the game I'd love to see them replaced with something along the lines of a more consistent challenge for stealthers (Stealth actually needs some tweaking to becoming a bit more difficult period but that is another issue). But I'm willing to accept TFP implementing an adjustment that keeps the dramatic effect for other play styles while also tweaking the trigger conditions to reference what the player has invested in From The Shadows (FTS) and having something subtle and easily missed in game that indicates there is something off (Please don't tie it to the game music. I have that turned of since it has a very bad tendency to drown out the sounds I depend on to know when an enemy is near).


    I think Jost Ammon, Survager and dscobral are somewhere in that vicinity, though they may not hold the same opinion I have on the original implementation.


    Gamida is completely neutral from what I can tell and would enjoy it either changing or remaining as it is.


    pApA^LeGBa doesn't like them because there is no explanation to the player about what just happened when an Attack Volume triggers, but is fine with them existing otherwise. In fact I think they agree with me that some tweaking is needed to stealth aside from Attack Volumes.


    Roland, if I have been reading their posts correctly, loves Attack Volumes, is iffy about having them reference FTS for their triggering and is willing to accept a subtle indicator that there is one there or something that gives a quick visual reference explanation to the player about what happened if the player is paying attention.


    Stallionsden loves the attack volumes and doesn't want anything changed about them since they get a thrill out of the sudden adrenalin rush from the unexpected combat. Erroneously thinks that the point of our issue with Attack Volumes is that they stop us from having an easy path to the end loot. (The craptacular rng cookie fests at the end of the POIs are really nothing more than an indication I finished the POI to me. The best loot is the scrap you find on the way there.)


    I'm alittle sad I didn't get included. :)


    Joking aside, I like attack volumes but would be okay with giving stealth players some love somehow as long as some effort is still involved. :)


    Also, I don't think anyone is asking for full loot room ninja clears although that statement has been made a few times now.

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