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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. Currently wondering what's the best way to do the roads out of Woodbury to make them look the most natural, as they're not all going to connect to a main road in the RWG.


    There's a total of three roads... anyone have any suggestions? I'm thinking to just make the two non-primary roads out of Woodbury look like they been taken over by nature and gradually blended/engulfed into the grass/topsoil.


    This is probably the best option for now. Not familiar how nitrogen does roads yet so there might be a more elegant way.

  2. Thanks guys!


    I did check with @laz-man originally if he had anything in the pipeline with Woodbury as I didn't want to step on his toes :wink-new: I can't wait for a full collection of TWD locations. Imagine a Nitrogen map with just TWD locations and some small towns in between... and then when bandits arrive, imagine them guarding the walls at the prison, Woodbury, Sanctuary etc ...epicness! :highly_amused:


    Yes!!!! This would be a dream come true to me!!!! Hopefully quest functionality continues to improve so we can make all sorts of cool twd quests. ?

  3. Watched the videos and love what I see. Thank you for making this! Definitely gonna give this a try!


    As a side note I'm not 100% certain but clients will need to download the custom icons as well in order to see them?

  4. So I was doing some trial/error in the in game world editor to prep. my prison prefab for Navesgane and something unexpected happened.




    When the prefab would spawn into the world, a huge chunk would be missing. Upon loading up the prefab in the ingame editor and pilles editor, there definitely was a huge chunk missing. The bad news is I don't think I have a backup after I started adding sleeper blocks/volumes.


    At worst, I need to redo sleepers from scratch again. At best, I can reuse the still existing prefab XML file which contains all of the sleeper volume properties. I would just need to re-add the sleeper blocks again......

  5. hi all ... very new to prefabbing.... so placed zombies in house made them a sleeper volume..... but placed to many zombies ... how do i remove some of them (pick them up) ? and i cant get them to spawn in testworld any reason why that might be?


    ty all in advance (loves this game)

    I think you can use the z key to highlight a box over them then clear the space using one of the other hotkeys. The hot keys are listed the help menu when you press the escape key.

  6. Taking longer than expected to hammer through the final details on the Kuva's Armor questline. In this questline , there are 8 quests, 15 new items, 9 new recipes, and a lootable container. Including a few blank lines, there are over 800 lines of XML in this rewritten questline. A lot of details to test and make sure are working as expected. My apologies for the delay, but I want to make sure that everything is working properly before releasing it. I also performed regression testing to ensure it is backwards compatible with any games that already are running the current version. Maybe another day or two and I should be able to work through the last minor issues I'm seeing.


    Wow sounds awesome! Take your time. Rome wasn't built in a day. :)

  7. I appreciate the positive feedback.


    Sorry Laz Man, I don't have any experiencing editing this file.


    I spent the last day doing a complete rewrite of Kuva's Armor modlet. I think you guys will really like what I've done with this. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but suffice to say its now the largest Modlet of any in the pack and contains a greater level of complexity than any of the other quests. I'm working through testing it right now and hope to release it either later today or maybe tomorrow.


    I finally feel I'm starting to get a reasonable handle on quest writing via XPath Modlets :)


    no worries! thanks for the teaser! sounds great!

  8. Sharing is caring. :) Especially in the Modding community. Glad to help be an inspiration for anyone else in the same way Royal Deluxe's Vanilla+ Quests was for me.


    For me, of all the mods I have on my server, I enjoy this modlet collection the most. I think it really helps fill the game in more in an area the base game is sorely lacking and provides more goals for players to work towards. I'd love to see more questing modlets from others to add to the pile. :) I just wish Fun Pimps trader support of quests was better. It's a bit hoky that we can't add dialog with the trader to match the quests.. or even add these quests to the dialog box the Trader already has.


    - - - Updated - - -


    If anyone has any ideas for additional similar type quests they would like to see added to this collection, I'm open to consider anyone's ideas or suggestions. The Deschain's quest was a suggestion to me. :)


    By any chance have you have any experience with the ui_display.xml file? I am trying to find a way to display an items current durability instead of relying on the colored quality bar. See thread below.



  9. How close are you to having a version with sleepers?


    Hey gups, honestly all my 7d2d time recently has been spent getting my brother back into the game. Also have started doing some xpath modding which will most likely lead me back to working on the prison again at some point.


    I have a much better feeling now for how quests work as well as vanilla loot balance which will help me polish balancing for the prison 😎👍


    Tldr: far.....😂

  10. If you see them pop in thats most likely because of draw distance, thats what I've gathered from testing the maximum size of the box. I've actually not seen them spawn infront of me yet.


    This is an interesting implementation. Thanks for sharing your work. A few questions.


    1) Are the wandering horde and/or sleeper systems replaced by this or does it only impact biome spawning?

    2) What do the 2d simulations look like and will the player ever see them?

    3) What impact does this have on total zombie counts? Judging from the photo, this allows the limit to be increased significantly.

    4) How does this change the player experience? Simulates large hordes approaching from the outskirts of the map?

  11. I believe Sylen is correct. I think MM mentioned effect is due to the adaptive terrain shader or something like that. Hopefully it continues to be improved as at the end of the day it limits what players can do from an esthetic point of view. A workaround to this allowing terrain paints and flat sheeting to hide the seems.

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