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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. 4 hours ago, Gamida said:

    I think one thing that would keep me more interested when I get to "endgame" instead of just waiting for each horde night is to build a town like Alexandria or Hilltop. All the better if on a server with a few friends. With A20 I heard that with all the blocks now you should be able to bring any building back to pristine condition. So I am looking forward to be able to do a "townflip"


    POI restoration is a fun challenge and is very immersive.  There is a very rewarding feeling from restoring the world even if only POI at a time.


    I think my ideal setup would be a way to secure a larger area of all zombie spawning, sorta like building a settlement.


    This is already doable with multiple players but would love for a way to do so SP as well.


    The cherry on top would be securing NPCs for my settlement. 😃

  2. 19 hours ago, Roland said:

    I just wonder if this is the precursor to a full blown Rebar Gate once the build goes public and the wider audience comes to complain. Its been awhile since we've had a big gate on the forum. A19 was so....uncontroversial.


    I really hope not as from memory, rebar frames had limited shapes when compared to wooden frames anywho...


    Should be easy to mod back it as well.  At least a similar functioning block.

  3. I doubt that steam workshop would be a set it and then forget type of feature.  It would probably require someone from the team to manage it properly from Alpha to Alpha.  Yes, the functionality would be nice to have sooner then later.  However, at this point of development I would rather they put all of their resources in finishing all of the core features before opening that rabbit hole.

  4. 2 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    Have fun with the A20 live streams everyone. :D I'll be avoiding all A20 content from hear on out until Experimental releases so I can have as a "genuine" experience as possible. :)

    I tell myself this year after year, but this will be the time!


    See you at the first dev stream!

  5. A puzzle is a bad comparison.  With a puzzle you already know exactly what the end result will look like (e.g. a picture of a dog).


    Mix genre games like 7d2d are ambitious and have no standard formula to create.  Its not surprising to me at all alot of experimentation of ideas/features have come and gone.  Indie shops like TFP have the freedom (and thankfully the funding) to do so.


    I laugh everytime people compare TFPs to triple AAA companies who release uninspired games at relatively faster intervals.  AAA companies might be better minimizing project scope creep, but they are not necessarily the best at fostering new and creative ideas.


    You can't have it both ways imo.  And if you do, it is a magical sweet spot that many groups can't sustain forever.



  6. 5 hours ago, Jade-PG said:

    not popular enough to update consoles its currently availerble on tho aye? the issue should have been investigated week ago when it was brought to lite and your statement from saturday should have recognized the mistake but yes i am glad someone is finally using common sense to look into it, i personallly still think its bad practice to resell a game when you have made no steps to differentiate the differences which are vast between pc and console but i do recognise from a buissness sense it might make sense, 7 days even in its current form is of course still enjoyable despite alot of issues, its just such a simple soulution, mark it on store pages that it doesnt contain content from 2017 onwards and keeep selling or do whatever
    cheers for the reply roland


    To us normal folk that is the most logical sense, but probably not marketing folks. 


    You have to also consider the console game was sold as a complete game based on the features available in that current ported Alpha so they probably can't state any messaging that would imply otherwise.


    One could argue they shouldn't have ported the game until it was done on PC to begin with to avoid all the misunderstandings but then console players would then have nothing which some would argue is actually worse.


    If I had to guess, it probably sounded like a win win situation to begin with.  The decision to wait until PC gold to try a port again is the result of not wanting to take the same risks again.

  7. 1 hour ago, Younotus said:

    To who ever the OP of the petition has it sent it. I'm just raising awareness on a topic of discussion. Besides seems like it filled your guys day lol ranting and raving to me when it's not my petition just looking for more supporters of the same cause. 


    How many of you actually looked at the petition befor you commented?  


    Maybe we weren't promised anything or weren't told we were getting anything on console. But its heavily implied. @%$# drop some dam DLC for us or at very min a patch to fix the bugs.  Like constant blood moon.  And witch respawning making it an endless wave of zombies.  Not that it really 100% bothers me because I'm down for some endless zombies. But other people aren't exactly into it and consider it unfinished. And I can kinda see why. Considering things happen to me aswell.


    I note this is only on console. 



    Sorry, I won't be clicking some random link from the internet.  No thank you.  I have heard of one such petition in the past and it was promoted by some youtuber as it was a hot topic that would net them more views/subscribers.


    The owners are already aware of the customer demand on the console end and all this petition does is reaffirm that.


    Richard and Roland have been very clear and forthcoming with how we ended up where we are at and what intentions there are for the future of the game on consoles so there has been no misinformation.


    Good day to you and hope 7d2d will arrive on next gen consoles for console players to enjoy.  



  8. 3 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    It's not like that... Roland explained that zombies are now able to duck a bit and pass throw 1 & half blocks, they're not able to crawl through 1 block openings (yet) IIRC.

    This, no reason to bring out the pitch forks.....yet......lol


    Edit: As a side note zombies/baddies crawl out all sorts of places the player cannot in so many video games so I don't think it would be as bad as some may think.

  9. Who are we to say what genres can or cannot be mixed together?   Game devs are constantly mixing and matching genres together creating all new experiences and if the end result is fun for the majority of people I'd say thats a job well done.


    If you had asked me 10 years ago if I would enjoy an open world voxel sandbox type game with tower defense elements I probably would be skeptical yet here I am...😅


    On a side note, there is a fairly new game called tribes of Midgard that similar survival/crafting with tower defense mechanics where a horde of enemies attacks your "base" from 3 different directions on a daily basis.


    In that game you can build some towers and defenses but ultimately the player can't do anything to alter the path of the AI at all apart from killing them out right.


    Whereas the the TD in 7d2d is so much more engaging since players can customize there base with so many different options to defend.


    Name me one tower defense game where the AI is more fun to play against as I would love to check it out myself.







  10. 8 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    yep and you only need to watch the ai in action a few times to learn how or what its doing and then back to square 1. its a never ending argument. :)


    Yep, until we have Hal9000 level AI lol, some players will eventually learn the AI behavior and request more randomness because now its too easy.... or claim its broken because they cant beat it. 


    The demo zombie were exactly that until players cracked it and there are enough youtube videos showing how....😅

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