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Everything posted by Beelzybub

  1. Your GPU driver is from last year, the latest is from July 2021, here. But on the dl page, AMD has a special (old) driver for a Dell G5 SE 15 laptops. Is that your model? What is your model? What does windows event viewer say about the reboot?
  2. Dunno if it's a factor, but your GPU driver is from 2017. Maybe there's an update.
  3. @FeanBlickerAnother player recently fixed a crashing problem with an AMD cpu by updating the bios. Dunno if that's an option for you. Also, try updating your graphics driver, I think the one you have is old. As for heat, I've found that limiting frame rate works well. AMD has, in their software, an option to limit fps. Just try 60 or 65 as a test to see if it helps anything. Using Vsync to limit your framerate may not help due to your 144 Hz monitor. Plus, vsync sucks. Also, about the heat, it shouldn't cause a crash. The cpu will throttle down to a lower speed, which might cause some fps drops, but generally not a crash. I'd look elsewhere for a cause. Your windows event viewer may have information about the crash which could be helpful. Does the computer shut down/reboot when it crashes, or just crash to desktop?
  4. My guess would be that your 60 slot mod is out of date. It hasn't updated since the 10 slot toolbelt addition in 19.1. Couldn't find any info on "The Mess" mod. link?
  5. Right click the game in your steam library, select properties, select local files, select browse. That will open your game folder in file explorer.
  6. Join the DF discord for the latest info. A19.6 doesn't work with prior DF games. You need a new game, or you need to stay on 19.5.
  7. If you press F11 in game it will show you the name of the poi that you are standing in. If that is the 'bad' poi, you can then delete it from your prefabs folder. Then, when you replace the region, it will not respawn. This guy gives a good guide to finding and deleting regions.
  8. That looks like a mod error, or a version mis-match error.
  9. If you post your log, maybe someone can help figure out your problem. Instructions are in the pinned message that says to read it before posting.
  10. Be sure you're using his external ip and not the laptops local ip.
  11. @Steve78I say temporary because it's a troubleshooting step to find the problem. Once you delete the power.dat file, all your wiring is gone and you have to rewire everything. So to find where the problem is, I would delete the file, then wire up like 10 things, see if you have the problem, then 10 more, etc. until you find which electrical item is causing the problem. I would start with the turrets, then if they were ok, move on to elec. fences, etc. If you delete the power.dat file, and still have the problem before rewiring, then that wasn't the issue and you need to look elsewhere.
  12. It sounds electricity related. There's a file called "power.dat" in the server's save folder that you can delete which may fix it temporarily and help you to find the problem. Before you delete the file though, you have to remove all batteries, ammo, darts, engines, etc. from your electric devices because they well vanish when you delete the power.dat file. Another option would be to skip that step, as it's a pain to do, and just replace the missing stuff from the creative menu.
  13. I vaguely remember hearing it has to do with crossing wires. (Ghostbusters comes to mind). Or wires going through other electric devices, not attached to it.
  14. d3d11.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module d3d11.dll at 0033:03f5d44b. This is a graphics driver error, so I'd uninstall your driver and reinstall. Do all your crash logs show that error? DDU is a great app for cleaning up display drivers. Run it in safe mode. Also I'd open a command prompt with administrator priveleges and run "sfc /scannow".
  15. Sorry, my bad, I misread something. I don't see mods in your log. Your log says 19.5, unless I'm misreading stuff again.
  16. Have you set a manual swapfile in windows by chance? If so, set Windows to "Automatically manage paging etc." (from your crash log: "7904 MB process peak paging file [7894 MB used]") And as a side note, that server you connected to failed connecting with litenetlib. This is a server config or port problem and can cause some problems due to worse network performance. World and player corruption is more likely, and ping is higher. The server you connect to in your log is modded.
  17. You can give yourself the level 6 items you had from the creative menu. (F1, cm) And you can give yourself all the books you've read from that menu. You can give yourself the experience you're missing with the giveselfxp command. I think the only thing you can't get back is the quests, but maybe it'll be fun to go back and do the lower level ones again.
  18. @Naz@The_Great_Sephiroth So, let's say we lived in an alternate universe where people could actually buy GPUs. I install a RTX 3080 FE, just like @McGee9899 has. According to your statements, my i5 3550 would get a better frame rate in 7 Days to Die than his Ryzen 3700x. Every benchmark I can find has a Ryzen 3700x having better single core and multi core performance than my i5 3550. Except in 7 Days to Die? I'm really skeptical.
  19. This thread is so confusing to me. On the one hand, I would kill for a 3080 card. On the other hand, I get 120+ fps on lowest setting with my i5 3550 from 2012 and a GTX 1060 6Gig. I guess my computer is just magic.
  20. I would check this line from your serverconfig.xml. <property name="AirDropFrequency" value="72"/> <!-- How often airdrop occur in game-hours, 0 == never -->
  21. A full log. What Hypervisor? What else is the server working on? Antivirus? Are you monitoring the network/router? What size world? Mods? Server managers?
  22. Much better. Also, it's very easy to find processor comparisons on the internet by typing "cpu1 vs cpu2" into a search. In case it's not obvious, you would replace cpu(n) in that example with the cpus for which you are trying to get info.
  23. The game needs to be public or friends only. If friends only, then you need to be friends on Steam to join.
  24. I think memtest86+ will tell you which stick is bad. Could be wrong. I would do stress testing with prime95 and furmark to see if I could repro the crash outside the game. How are you monitoring temps? hwinfo is good. What speed and timings are you running your ram at? Did you check your power connections to the cpu?
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