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Everything posted by Beelzybub

  1. Also, the answer to your title question is yes.
  2. This isn't a support question. Also, you could easily try A19 and if you don't like it, go back to A16.
  3. Even if you're just playing 7 Days to Die, you may have Discord, Chrome, Other players joining you, Mods etc. going on. For that, you'll need a better processor and more ram than you have specced. And, as @SylenThunderalready said, don't get that 3200G no matter what.
  4. An easy way to run a memory test is to just type "mdsched" in Windows search bar. It can take a long time, but there are settings you can change to make it quicker.
  5. Some things to try: Disconnect any controllers Check the box "use native input" in the launcher menu In option/controls temporarily set "interact" to a different key, like F maybe, to see if that works. Test that your E key works in a text file.
  6. Sounds power related. I'd check the 4 & 8 pin cpu connectors on the nw corner of your mb. Also check the 3090's 12(?) pin to 2x 8 pin dongle thingy.
  7. Try recalculate stability from the debug menu.
  8. Really disappointing to hear I'm not a member of the team. I genuinely thought I was.
  9. This is probably your problem; 2021-06-30T05:31:50 142.933 WRN Loaded world file from different version: 'Alpha 16(b15) Alpha 16 and Alpha 19 are not compatible with each other.
  10. Check the event log. And game log.
  11. As was already mentioned, a spontaneous shutdown is almost always a power issue. Your power supply exceeds the needs for your system, (but nice to have if you ever get a gpu). So, I would guess that you left off the cable next to the apu from the psu. Or the cable is bad, or not seated properly. Also, the apu only uses a max of 65 watts, and there's no added gpu so I wouldn't think temps would be a problem, but, if the cpu cooler isn't mounted properly, it could be. You can check your temps with a program like HWinfo. Also, if temps were the issue, the apu would throttle itself, not shut down. As others have already said, make sure your memory timings and any overclocking is sorted out. Good luck!
  12. Lot of mod errors in that output log.
  13. Yes, it's confusing at first. The map seed and the map name are two different fields.
  14. @R0ug3tr00p3rThe litenetlib connection fails. This is usually a port problem. You need your base port +3 open, and change it as Sylen already said. Also, the client's video driver is very old. 368.71 is from 2016. Latest I see for that chip is here 425.31 from 2019. Won't help with the connection problem, but maybe it would play a little better for the client.
  15. Perhaps you read book 4 of the Night Stalker series which teaches you to never be encumbered at night.
  16. Don't think that follows. There are a number of team members who set up ports the way the staff has recommended.
  17. @The_Great_SephirothI was assuming using a single IP based on the op's message. This works in Linux, but with windows vms you need to differentiate the vms, by port assignments as well as natted ips. I've done this myself but had a range of static ips available to nat to each server, so I dunno if you can do it with just one ip. Not saying you can't. I cannot explain what works for you. I have not tried your setup. Every post I see on the subject of ports, except yours, recommends the ports as I stated be opened. I've followed that instruction and it's worked for me, thus, my recommendation.
  18. That info is old. You now need the base port +3. So in this case it would be UDP 26900-26903 TCP 26900 Each server will need it's own range. The port is up to you depending on what you have open on the server. And example would be: Server 1 = 26900-26903 Server 2 = 26905-26908 Server 3 = 26910-26913 etc.
  19. @KhaineGBhad updated DF to the 19.5 (b55) build, but (b60) was just released. So you probably have to wait till it's updated. Thread is here:
  20. Yes, very good. First, your mods are from different versions and likely a problem. I would remove them all and only install 19.4 versions. Second, you're connecting to a server so it would not use local mods anyway. If the mods were on the server, it would push them to you. So I would test by removing your local mods, and then connect to the server and see if things are better. Good luck.
  21. Also, I see it is a 16K world, which would also explain our connection issues.
  22. I tried to connect to that server and got the same issue. I was kicked after about 60% of the world downloaded. The world was downloading quickly, that was at like the 3 minute mark. Then when I tried to reconnect got an EAC ban. So, somethings wrong with that server. Ping was pretty high, so I may have been kicked for high ping.
  23. Get rid of "super anti-spyware" and it's services. Exclude all the game server folders from Windows defender. And, post an output log from a misbehaving server. They are in the 7DaysToDie_data folder.
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