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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. This sounds like an issue with the new configuration system. What OS are you using? Was it working on 2.0.60?
  2. Sorry for the trouble. After it fails, can you click on the View menu, then Log files, then click on Upload Log file, and copy and paste the Pastebin.com link it gives you?
  3. 2.0.60 released to fix an issue where the mod launcher would throw an error if there was no Mods folder.
  4. Use the experimental branch of the mods: https://github.com/7D2DMods/SDXMods/tree/17.2Experimental
  5. haha I am not sure of the legend, but glad it worked for you.
  6. Take a look in the transmogrifier's Config folder for the entityclasses.xml <!-- Turn on head shots, and random speeds for entities--> <append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[starts-with(@name, 'zombieTemplateMale')]" > <property name="HeadShots" value="true" /> <property name="RandomSpeeds" value="true" /> <property name="RandomSize" value="true" /> Set that HeadShots to false.
  7. Added support for A17.2e using a branch: https://github.com/7D2DMods/SDXMods/tree/17.2Experimental
  8. Sorry for the late response. I'd recommend including the modlets for a server. I do eventually want to add in a hook to the mod launcher where all you need to do is provide a list of modlets to install, but this probably wouldn't work for you and your server. While your server will push the XML changes, your clients could have new version of the modlets, courtesy of the auto-refresh of the modlets. This means your clients could have newer versions of the unity3d bundles than the server does. That in itself isn't a problem, but if they change names inside the bundles, remove, or add stuff, etc, it'll cause confusion and random errors. The Mod Launcher knows how to copy key folders over. Data, Mods, etc. Replicate the game structure in your zip file. If its not in the right places, the mod launcher will still try to manage by coping based on filename matches. So if you have windows.xml randomly place, it'll find that file, find a matching file in the game folder, and copy it over.
  9. The Checked vs UnChecked only affects whether you want to disable or delete them. If they are listed,they'll be available unless you check and disable them.
  10. It'd be possible, but how would you flag it when you do inevitably update? And you'd have to know how to download it first. Have you looked into hosting on Github? It allows incremental updates like you'd describe, and would only download the individual files that have changed, as opposed to the entire zip file.
  11. Just restart the mod launcher and it should prompt you to update. Once the new version is installed, try loading the mod again.
  12. It does work. Seems like it's missing a DLL file. I've just pushed 2.0.59. It does not directly relate to your issue though, but would you mind giving it a try?
  13. You can send me a direct message with it, if you'd like. Or just paste the URL in a forum post.
  14. Are you installing from the new installer? https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/ThickInstaller/blob/master/SetupInstaller.msi?raw=true
  15. Do you have the steam overlay when you are in game?
  16. No need to be embarrassed about not knowing something I use imgur.com to host my image. I can take a screenshot (ALT-PRNT SCR), and just CTRL-V in imgur to upload it. Are you having an issue with the mod launcher?
  17. I am sorry, but I'm not able to see the attachment.
  18. I'm not sure what the issue is. When I use the SDX mod, it just works. Is there any other modlet that you are running? - - - Updated - - - I'll take a look. The way I'm dealing with damage is probably out of date now.
  19. The Mod Launcher copies the TempMods folder each time. I may disable that feature, as it seems to cause confusion. Make your changes in TempMods, and they'll stick around.
  20. Looking for some more information on how to install modlets from the Mod Launcher? I'm trying out a blog on Wordpress to help show some features: How To Install Modlets How To Install Mods Modders: Want to know how to what a subscription list is, and how to add it to your Mod?
  21. Which version of the Mod Launcher are you using?
  22. Can you click on the Log Files button, and then click on Upload Log file? Then send me the pastebin.com link to take a look.
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