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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Hey Xireka The 7D2D Mod Launcher allows you to download existing mods, which you can use along with prefab mods. However, you wouldn't be able to use Valmar's Overhaul and A Clockwork Project together in a combined mod. The Launcher simply replaces completed files, and does not do any merges, unless it's a specific patch format. The Patch format should really only be used for binary files, and not XML files. XML item ids would colide between different mods. Even if we could renumber them (which is technically possible), we would blow the id limits in the block.xml, as well as other XML files. I hope this clarifies things a bit for you, -SphereII
  2. Thanks rsv777! I added Pacco's SDX mod HeadBanger to the default. Click on File -> Load Defaults to get the new listing. Reminder, it's a large download. After your initial play, remember to uncheck "Refresh Mods Automatically" to avoid re-downloading it on the second play. -SphereII
  3. Hey coastie222 I did some more testing last night with the DLC of HeadBangers, and I was getting a similar error. I removed it from the Configuration until I could figure it out. Would you mind trying Head Bangers, without the PSG? -SphereII
  4. Hey Latheos Yeah, we noticed that envul produces a new link each time it gets an update. That could be fine, if you were just interested in a one-shot release, but for ongoing projects, it's challenging. You could always update the Download link in the Launcher's config, but that is kind of tedious. Have you checked out StompyNZ's 7Days2Mod github project? A lot of the current mods are coming from that. It allows you easily make changes and see changes, and the launcher supports it. -SphereII
  5. Thanks Jax! And thanks for pointing me towards Pacco's Headbanger SDX mod, so I thought I'd try to get it working in the Mod Launcher as a proof of concept. Good news! It was successful! There's no need to download or install SDX for this to work. It's a rather large download, so any player who runs it the first time, may want to uncheck the "Refresh Mods Automatically" before playing again, otherwise it will try to re-download I add 2 configurations: Head Banger's, and Head Banger's + PSG-1 DLC. I've also included the bloom and fog removal, as well as the 1-block crouch. If you are interested in trying out this awesome SDX mod, in the Mod launcher, click on Open URL, and copy and paste this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SphereII/7D2DConfig/master/HeadBangers.xml Here's a short album of screenshots I took of it. But by all means, check out Pacco's video link to really see the mod shine! -SphereII
  6. Thanks Rizzano, for the kind words. I added a new config, available if you click on File -> Load Defaults again. This will load up a listing of previous alphas for you to play with, if you wanted to revisit some older versions of the game. This includes Alpha 14.7 (for when 15 drops), 13.8, 12.5, 11.6, and 10.4. Also include the other beta branches, like the experimental branches with the different versions of unity. To be clear, these are not modded, but rather just the base game. You'll want to use Advanced more, and use the Download From Steam functionality for these to work properly. It won't affect your current games. The Launcher configs have a <Version></Version tag which can specify which version of the game they are made for, which is read when you are downloading from Steam. So if your mod breaks on Alpha 15, we can specify alpha14.7 in the configs to make sure the players get the right version of the game, paired with your mods. Enjoy the walk down memory lane, -SphereII
  7. I see you have seen me play
  8. Do you think it may make sense keeping the xml and mods package for muliplayer while adding SDX as an enhancement for a single player environment? -SphereII
  9. The launcher uses an xml configuration file to display and make the mod available. Right now, StompyNZ and I are updating a default list to give people a taste of what is available. You could make your own xml config and choose not share it until it's done. -SphereII
  10. One thing we could do is have a single download link for the True Surival + SDX. For the XML / icons only mod, you could have that first link to download, then perhaps a separate one that replaces the DLL with the original, and hopefully brings it back inline with EAC, without breaking anything. SDX's FrontEnd adds XML snippets inside of your XML files, but without the DLL, they may not do anything. I can play with that later today, and see what I can find. It'd be nice if we could avoid having you to maintain two different sets of XMLs for your mod. -SphereII
  11. stallionsden started a great thread over in the SDX Tool which tries to list a bunch of SDX mods. You can find it here. Were you thinking about maintaining two mods? One purely XML / icons vs SDX add-ons? I think SDX would violate EAC, so if anyone is currently playing on an EAC-protected server, they would not be able to use the SDX version. I'll look into it and see what I can find for you. Thanks for the support for the 7D2D Mod Launcher! I hope it helps you keep crafting this wicked mod. -SphereII
  12. Hey Spider, let me know if you need any assistance in adapting the mod with SDK elements. I'm interested to see this work as well Hopefully the process is straight forward, and we can publish a tutorial to help other modders add some SDK to their own mods. Feel free to add me to steam; my username is the same as it is here. -SphereII
  13. Added a new config to the SDX link from the posting above. It's called SphereII SDX Bigger, which is a larger download, at about 200M. But it includes more SDX mods, including CCTV, DoubleBarrel, HalArrow, HalChicken and Turret, Lawn Mower, Lucille, Medieval, Katana, Morte's Farming, Fishing, and Husbandry mods. I also included RangedWeapons and My Dogs, in addition to the Stone Oven, TargetDummer, and WhyAmINaked. These mods combinations are more of a proof of concept project, rather than any kind of official mod. However, modders can create their own combination to create a solid game play experience based on themes. As in the above post, you can click on Open URL in the launcher, and paste this link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SphereII/7D2DConfig/master/SDX.xml Random Screenshots: Full Imgur Album -SphereII
  14. I looked into it, and seems to be mostly modded XML and .DLL files. I followed the instructions and installed SDX, and tested the Double Barrel shotgun mod, as well as Hal's Turrent, Lawn Mower, and Michonne's Katana mod. I then created diff between the SDX installed folder, and my baseline, and generated a zip file ( using Beyond Compare 4). The zip file in question is this: http://www.mediafire.com/download/q4q3ddnos2i2qax/SDXTest.zip I created a sample 7D2D Launcher config, which can be found here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SphereII/7D2DConfig/master/SDX.xml You can copy and paste that link, then, in the Launcher, click on "Open URL", and paste it in. You'll then have a new SDX mod available in the launcher. Config Example: Game Screen: By providing pre-made zip files, and configs, we can create mods that contains groupings of SDX mods, without the user needing to use the FrontEnd or installing SDX itself. It does not appear as if you need to update Settings.ini either. For instance, if Spider has all the mods installed, and working, he could create a zip file of just the changed files, and share them. It may not be ideal, or as easy as adding custom icons or XML changes, but then again, the SDX process is slightly more complex. End users may not be able to make their own combinations without using SDX and FrontEnd, but we could provide some pre-made SDX mod combinations to get a good feel for them, and give it some more exposure. Server Administrators could create these packages, and allow their clients to easily connect to their servers. -SphereII
  15. I'm not that familiar with SDX, I'll admit. So I cannot confirm one way or another if it works. However, the launcher will install and patch anything you provide. So if you provide it with a modified DLL, it will find the original, and replace it. If you have a new directory structure, then the launcher will install the new structure. If you provide a 7D2DPatch file, it will patch large files while keeping the patch file small. I would look forward to working with someone with SDX to test somethings out. -SphereII
  16. Thank you for the kind words. Let's hope this will make server administrators more flexible in the mods they can deploy! Thank you for your mods, and your help, sir. Very long time no see! Thanks for your challenging test scenarios! And thank you for trying to group the mods together. It works great! It pales compared to what you have been contributing, sir! I hope this is just another piece of the puzzle!
  17. If you do not play on EAC-protected servers, and just want to have a more enjoyable single-player experience, the 7D2D Mod Launcher includes a 7D2D Patcher utility built-in, which allows you to create, or apply, DLL patches. Using the open source program called xdelta, we are able to make patch file based on two versions of a DLL file. For instance, using herrophl's excellent work with the UABE tool, we were able to remove the second bloom, remove the sky fog, and add back in the 1-block crouch features. However, that only allowed us to have a 400M file, which was too big to download for some people. The 7D2D Patcher creates a delta based on the original vanilla file, and the modded file, producing a patch file that is only 128 kilobytes in size. This file ends with the prefix 7D2DPatch, and is paired with an XML file. The 7D2D Mod Launcher will look at the XML file, check the original file, and confirm that the patch was created for that DLL version. Then, it'll apply the patch, and verify that it meets the expected hash. If the hash doesn't match, the patching is skipped. What does bloom / sky fog removed look like? Before: After: Video showing the 7D2D Patcher This option is available under View -> Patches. The current patch is available for Alpha 14.7 only.
  18. Hey all, The latest version of the 7D2D Mod Launcher V5 can be found through the following links: http://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ http://7d2dlauncher.org Direct links to the latest : Windows: https://github.com/The7D2DModLauncher/7D2DModLauncherV5/releases/latest/download/7D2DModLauncherV5.exe Linux: https://github.com/The7D2DModLauncher/7D2DModLauncherV5/releases/latest/download/7D2DModLauncher-Linux.tar.gz MacOS: https://github.com/The7D2DModLauncher/7D2DModLauncherV5/releases/latest/download/7D2DModLauncher-MacOS.tar.gz YouTube Tutorials for V5: Information below this line is out of date, and no longer being updated. The new ModLauncher is available via the www.7d2dmodlauncher.org, or through a direct link at https://github.com/SphereII/7D2DModLauncher/archive/refs/heads/Windows-Installer.zip The old mod launcher will still be available and work for most mods, however, it will not see any updates. -- Old Launcher --- New Update: 2.1.26 - Fixed a bug with world copying. New Update: 2.1.23 - Upload Log Files works again (oops) - Installed Mods should show up now (oops) - Overhaul Mods are read dynamically, rather than database backed. ( to work around the disappearing gitlab mods ) New Update: 2.1.22 - Fixed issue with some modlets not being installed - Fixed where Navezgane world files were being over-written New Update: 2.1.20 - Added Experimental Git Support - Added performance enhancement for Modlets - New support for DMT A19 New Update: 2.1.16 - Fixed Enabled / Disabled Modlets from being reset from user preference - Improved error handling for SharpSVN.dll error - Fixed incorrect log setting ( 7DaysToDie_Data\output_log.txt should work) New Update: 2.1.13 - Fixed the Download From Steam option - Added more resistant code for database download ( selected index error ) New Update: 2.1.11 - Fixed Installed Mods shortcut - Fixed Modlet dependency download - Added troubleshooting for Database Downloads - Added clearing of Steam cache to download correct version New Update: 2.1.9 - Fixed Database locking issue - Fixed Locally installed Mods New Update: 2.1.6 - Added mirror for database - fixed mod.xml not being picked up - Fixed broken rss feed New Update: 2.1.2 - Fast load times - More responsive Modlets screen - Off-line support - More reliable Modlet views New Update: 2.0.90 - Minor change to a flag for DMT New Update: 2.0.89 - Added feature to specify branch for github sync New Update: 2.0.88 - Fixed an issue with the SDX download New Update: 2.0.87 - Fixed another issue with time-outs New Update: 2.0.85 - Fixed time out issue on some mods. New Update: 2.0.83 - Bug fix for Manage Modlets throwing an error - Experimental DMT Support - Available Modlets will be displayed by default, if no modlets are installed. New Update: 2.0.80 - bug fixes to Manage Modlet screen New Update: 2.0.77 - Fixed a bug with the Modlet database not being synced correctly - Fixed an issue where old data in the database hung around New Update: 2.0.74 - Manage Modlets screen updated to be faster and more reliable - Built-in SDX support. Add an SDX Modlet, and watch it compile automatically for you - New Menu Option: View -> Maximize Screen which will enable scroll bars - Steam Version working; Add and manage your modlets right in your steam folder New Update: 2.0.61 - fixed another issue where the mod launcher threw an exception if missing mods folder. New Update: 2.0.60 - Fixed an issue where the mod launcher failed to load a game if there was no Mods folder. New Update: 2.0.59 - Various modlet bug fixes - Saving Command Line Parameter is fixed - Go To and Play from splash screen fix. New Update 2.0.58 - Bug fix for Free Space check looking at the wrong drive. New Update: 2.0.55 January 21, 2019 - Fixed Steam Download Links - Changed the "Managed Mods" to "Add More Mods" - Some comfort items, such as Delete Completely will take you back where you were New Update: 2.0.51 January 20, 2019 - POtentially fixing the issue where steam isn't seen. Requesting feedback - Fixed issue with missing DLL for zip files. New Update: 2.0.42 January 20, 2019 - Fixed Local Save Game bug - Fixed Additional Settings being populated with garbage. New Update: 2.0.42 January 19, 2019 - Lots of performance tweaks to the Modlet browser functionality - Tweaks and removal of extra libraries no longer needed - Modified the core download functionality for TempMods to be sub-folders. This allows us to use git for more than one download (ie Winter Project and DUST2DEATH's resources will be faster after the initial install) - Updated the Steam Download option to include the versions you want to sync. - Added some extra code to make Steam downloads more resilient. - New Configuration! View Menu -> Open Configuration File. My Mods should be remembered between releases! <SubscriptionLink>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/7D2DMods/Profiles/master/MyTestProfile.txt</SubscriptionLink> Update Version 2.0.19 - January 8th, 2019 ========================== It's been a rough few weeks on changing and upgrading the installer. The OneClick installer that we've been using is showing its inflexibility as I've been trying to make it as smooth as possible. It has not been very smooth, admittedly. Expect quick jumps in version numbers as I roll out new, smaller features. More Tutorials are available from some great YouTubers. German Tutorial by Eihwaz ************* What does it do, exactly? Very simply, the Launcher reads a remote configuration file that contains different download links to the various mods. When you want to play a mod, you select it from the list, and it will automatically download and install the mod for you, then launch the game. You can also make your own configuration, called My Mods, mixing and matching mods at your leisure. If you are playing on a server, your server administrator can create a config for the Launcher to use, that contains all their download links that are required. Need the back pack mod? The Server Administrator can add it to their zip file, and everyone will get it. How do I get started? Download and Run: https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/T...r.msi?raw=true YouTube Videos I created a few short YouTube videos on how to get started. Extra Info Each of the installation methods has been signed by my security certificate, which I acquired for this tool: SphereII Software. The main website for the 7D2D Mod Launcher is: http://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ For Log Files, you can go to the View menu, and select Log Files. This will allow you to view the launcher's log files, as well as your 7 Days to Die game log. An Upload Log File will upload the log file to pastebin, allowing you to share. You may notice that that the 7D2D Mod Launcher is also referenced as "7D2D Launcher". Development work pre-dates the Fun Pimp's own 7DLauncher name, and I wanted to remain distinct, thus the move to the more recent, 7D2D Mod Launcher. Enjoy playing, and I hope to hear some feedback -SphereII
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