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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Your name="class" is lowercase. It should be: name="Class"
  2. In your first remove, you are removing the Action1. However, your append is looking for that action1 to add to it. Consider removing the class as you are doing, and then appending the entire Action1 - - - Updated - - - perkGreaseMonkey is a perk, not a progression... /progression/perks/perk[@name=perkGreaseMonkey] might work better for you.
  3. /*/ are just a wildcard match. It can traverse all the nodes. xpath="/*" will affect all blocks.xml. The string[#] you see is the index reference. <effect_group> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionStart" action="LogMessage" message="fired: onSelfPrimaryActionStart"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfSecondaryActionStart" action="LogMessage" message="fired: onSelfSecondaryActionStart"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="LogMessage" message="fired: onSelfPrimaryActionEnd"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfSecondaryActionEnd" action="LogMessage" message="fired: onSelfSecondaryActionEnd"/> <passive_effect name="StaminaChangeOT" operation="perc_add" value="20"/> </effect_group> xpath="/*/effect_group/triggered_effect[2]", for example, would affect the second triggered_effect. <effect_group> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionStart" action="LogMessage" message="fired: onSelfPrimaryActionStart"/> [color="#FFFF00"] <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfSecondaryActionStart" action="LogMessage" message="fired: onSelfSecondaryActionStart"/> [/color] <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="LogMessage" message="fired: onSelfPrimaryActionEnd"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfSecondaryActionEnd" action="LogMessage" message="fired: onSelfSecondaryActionEnd"/> <passive_effect name="StaminaChangeOT" operation="perc_add" value="20"/> </effect_group>
  4. I use microsoft's oneclick installer. It was really easy to use, but.. not a lot of features, and I do have regrets going with it. They can behave strangely sometimes, with no changes on either end of it.
  5. You are using @Class, when it should be @class. Also, @value isn't special; it's just the attribute you want to change. In this case, it's probably: /property[@class=Action0]/@class">Action1</set>
  6. This thread is about helping people resolve their xpath issues. Perhaps a new thread is more appropriate to get the help you are looking for, which seems to be what needs to be changed to get your desired effect, rather than how to make that change.
  7. you are overthinking it <!-- Set all global temperatures to be the same range--> <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/weather/Temperature/@min">-60</set> <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/weather/Temperature/@max">-30</set>
  8. Try something like this. It'll add your new passive_effect to the effect_group of the attribute attLuck <append xpath="/progression/attributes/attribute[@name='attLuck']/effect_group" > <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" value="0.15,1.5" level="1,10" </append>
  9. I think we can come up with a solution. When you say passive effect on your attribute, which file is your attribute at, what what's it called?
  10. Take a look at Red Eagle LXIX's work: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?94219-Red-Eagle-LXIX-s-A17-Modlet-Collection-(UI-Blocks-Quests) - - - Updated - - - I'm sorry, I'm not clear on what you are looking for. Is this the new code you want to add? <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" value="0.15,1.35" level="1,9" tag="zombie,walker,feral,radiated,hostile,animal"/> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" value="1.5" level="10"tag="zombie,walker,feral,radiated,hostile,animal"/> If so, which file and location did you want to add it?
  11. Hopefully the Mod Launcher installation issues are resolved now. Let me know if problems still persists.
  12. Sorry for the trouble! Hopefully its smooth sailing.
  13. Try going to your Windows start menu, and typing in Add Remove. Then search for, and uninstall 7D2D Launcher. Then attempt a re-install please.
  14. There's been issues with switching hosting providers. Can you install from the new location: https://7d2dmodlauncher.github.io/Installer/publish/
  15. Sorry for the delay in answer. I've pushed another fix. If the problem still persists, can you let me know what error its crashing on?
  16. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SphereII/7D2DConfig/master/Template.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Servers> <ServerGroup Name="Sphereii-mental" Logo="" Description="Highly Experimental SDX Builds"> <Server Name="CHS" Logo=""> <Description> </Description> <DownloadMode>Clone</DownloadMode> <Excludes> <Exclude>7DaysToDieServer_Data</Exclude> <Exclude>SDX0.7.2c</Exclude> <Exclude>SDX0.7.2cServer</Exclude> <Exclude>Entities</Exclude> </Excludes> <Version>alpha16.4</Version> <RSS/> <ReleaseNotes/> <Downloads><Download>https://github.com/SphereII/CHS/archive/master.zip</Download> </Downloads> </Server> </ServerGroup> </Servers>
  17. Modders either make their own configuration file, then send me the link, or I generate it for them and add it, with their permission
  18. I'll take a look at loading from the file! I did misunderstand that. The Mod Launcher is now officially released. It's on a new hosting site, but the old one should re-direct. If it doesn't, please click here https://7d2dmodlauncher.github.io/Installer/publish/ to get the new one! This version includes added support for modlets. Note, this feature is experimental, so check it out, and let me know how it works. More mods will start appearing over the next few days and weeks. Existing mods are install in your base folder. New Alpha 17 mods are installed under the base folder + Alpha17 folder. Step #1: Install the MyTestMod under Testing Step #2: Click on Manage Modlets Step #3: Select which ones you want! Step #4: Play! Older Alpha 16 Mods are available here, through this drop down. Have fun! -sphereii
  19. I have a potential gap solution that will help us, while we wait for vanilla support.
  20. If you click on the Testing Mod, you should see a Destination Folder for Mods. This will allow you to change where the mods get installed too. You can't control the individual mods, but you can tell them to use a different folder or drive if you want.
  21. It's just the condition you set up. You want to change any item with this name, or this other name. Other conditions would be I want to change an item with a property called extends and a value called meleeShiv, for example.
  22. as an alternative, you could have done an or rather than and
  23. in Game, can you type in exportcurrentconfigs and look at the quests.xml in your save game folder. Then you can see if it did what you expected.
  24. No worries; I'm just glad you got it sorted.
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