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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. 1) Currently, prefabs are not loaded from the Mods folder. Hopefully this will be a feature sometime. 2) Kind of. I'm looking at that now. 3) Are you trying to add a My Mod?
  2. Version 2.0.58 - Bug fix for Free Space check looking at the wrong drive.
  3. I'm glad you got something working for you. Pre-Sync is just the first time thing. Sometimes people have trouble downloading; the pre-sync will tell them if it does. Pressing the Play button will download it, but if there's an error, the vanilla game will start automatically regardless, so you may not see it.
  4. This is a tricky one. The SteamCMD doesn't really provide a lot of logs. Did you get a Steam Guard email by any chance? I'm wondering how far it got.
  5. The Mod Launcher makes a new copy of the game for each mod you want to install. This is so they don't conflict with each other. By setting your Destination Folder, you are telling the Mod Launcher: "Install all the mods here". You won't have to worry about conflicts, as the Mod Launcher will make a new folder structure for each mod you install. For example, if you set your Destination Folder to D:\MyGames, for example... D:\MyGames\Alpha17\The_Fun_Pimps\Alpha_17.1 D:\MyGames\Alpha17\DUST2DEATH\HDHQ_Overhaul_MAIN_FILES_4K_v1.1b_A17.1_b9_STABLE D:\MyGames\Alpha17\Sphereii-mental\WinterProject_A17_4K_Texture Don't worry. Don't over think it. You'll be fine
  6. Click on the Starting Splash Screen, then change your Destination folder. All your mods will be installed under that folder. So if you pick D:\7D2D, then the Alpha 17.1 will get installed under D:\7D2D\Alpha17\The_Fun_Pimps\Alpha_17_1\
  7. In the Mod list, go to The Fun Pimps and pick Alpha 17.1. Select Download From Steam In the Version section, change the drop down to alpha17.1
  8. The Script not found should be fixed in the latest release 2.0.55. If the Install Game Copy isn't work, making sure that you have a steam path seleted:
  9. Definitely not a stupid question I had to fix an issue with the steam loads, which I did yesterday on 2.0.55 If you restart the Mod Launcher, you'll see "The Fun Pimps". Select The Fun Pimps - Alpha 17.1. Select Download From Steam Enter in your Steam Username / Password (be prepared to look up your steam guard) Select alpha17.1 in the drop down Click on Install Game Copy Once it's installed, and Steam restarts, you'll be able to play Alpha 17.1 from it. You can also use it as a Copy from an existing copy. Go to a mod you want to play ( DUST2DEATH / HDHQ ) Select Copy from existing copy Click on the drop down and select Pick A Folder Pick where the The Fun Pimps Alpha 17.1 was installed Click Install Game Copy:
  10. To be completely candid, I have no idea what effect those changes have on the game =D I'm not sure about the Party controls.
  11. Version 2.0.55 is available! - Fixed Steam Download Links - Changed the "Managed Mods" to "Add More Mods" - Some comfort items, such as Delete Completely will take you back where you were
  12. Thank you for your kind words. It's all we need in compensation most times
  13. This will update the 5 ranges that are available, and set them to 30. <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkCharismaticNature']/effect_group/triggered_effect[@trigger='onSelfProgressionUpdate']/@range">30</set> If you want to change individually, you'll want to look at setting and extra condition on @value. <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkCharismaticNature']/effect_group/triggered_effect[@trigger='onSelfProgressionUpdate' and @value='1']/@range">30</set> <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkCharismaticNature']/effect_group/triggered_effect[@trigger='onSelfProgressionUpdate' and @value='2']/@range">30</set> <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkCharismaticNature']/effect_group/triggered_effect[@trigger='onSelfProgressionUpdate' and @value='3']/@range">30</set> <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkCharismaticNature']/effect_group/triggered_effect[@trigger='onSelfProgressionUpdate' and @value='4']/@range">30</set> That covers the first 4. The other last one, does not have a @level. Instead, we'll look for something on that line that's not in the other 4 lines. In this case, it has a @buff attribute: <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkCharismaticNature']/effect_group/triggered_effect[@trigger='onSelfProgressionUpdate' and @buff='buffPerkCharismaticNature']/@range">30</set>
  14. I was able to track down the issue with the custom location. I've fixed it locally and will do a release this morning. I'm still doing some tests on the steam download options.
  15. Which XML node are you trying to reference? The only node in there that has a level attribute is the effect_description: <effect_description level="1" desc_key="perkCharismaticNatureRank1Desc"/> <effect_description level="2" desc_key="perkCharismaticNatureRank2Desc"/> <effect_description level="3" desc_key="perkCharismaticNatureRank3Desc"/> <effect_description level="4" desc_key="perkCharismaticNatureRank4Desc"/> <effect_description level="5" desc_key="perkCharismaticNatureRank5Desc"/> That xpath would be: /progression/perks/perk[@name=perkCharismaticNature]/effect_group/effect_description[@level=1] But they don't have a range. If you are targetting this: <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfProgressionUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="CharismaticNature" operation="set" value="4" target="selfAOE" target_tags="ally,party" range="15"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkCharismaticNature" target="self" operation="GTE" value="4"/> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="CharismaticNature" target="other" operation="LT" value="4"/> </triggered_effect> Then your xpath would look like this: /progression/perks/perk[@name=perkCharismaticNature]/effect_group/triggered_effect[@trigger=onSelfProgressionUpdate]/@range So the @trigger, @range, etc are all referencing the attributes on the xml. triggered_effect: node. It's referenced by /triggered_effect/ trigger: Attribute. It's referenced by @. They go together like this, which says "find the node called triggered_effect that has a trigger called onSelfProgressionUpdate" /triggered_effect[@trigger=onSelfProgressionUpdate]/ <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfProgressionUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="CharismaticNature" operation="set" value="4" target="selfAOE" target_tags="ally,party" range="15"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkCharismaticNature" target="self" operation="GTE" value="4"/> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="CharismaticNature" target="other" operation="LT" value="4"/> </triggered_effect>
  16. Would you mind trying this beta client? https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/ThickInstaller/raw/master/Beta-SetupInstaller.msi
  17. 2.0.51 has been pushed - POtentially fixing the issue where steam isn't seen. Requesting feedback - Fixed issue with missing DLL for zip files.
  18. 2.0.48 has been pushed. - Another fix to the Save Games - Run As Admin by default, so that it can find Steam
  19. Try this: <remove xpath="/blocks/block[@name='treeJuniper4m']/drop[@event='Harvest' and @name='resourceWood']" /> Remove is a single line.
  20. I've pushed 2.0.45 out for anyone who is still having issues with the Save Local functionality. In the Mod's screen, there's a new button called "Clear Config". This will clear the configuration for that mod, allowing it to do back to default. This will not delete any files.
  21. Not intentionally. Maybe the installer decided it didn't need elevated permission? I mean, it doesn't. But the game running as a non-admin user can't see an admin-run program. I'll see what i can do for that. Maybe set Run Game AS Admin as always enabled, since Steam is always admin.
  22. This might be a permission level thing. Do you have Run Game As Admin checked? That might be worth trying. Also the confusion between the versions may be a sync issue with GitHub, which is hosting the mod. I've noticed if I update an XML file, it can take a few minutes before people see the change. Even going between regular view, and Raw view, it can be different. Something to do with caching. So it's possible, I think, that the configuration file gets updated and says "New Version!" but the installer hasn't synced up properly.
  23. Has this been consistently occurring, or just this update? I made a slight change and pushed 2.0.44.
  24. Sorry for the trouble. I've pushed 2.0.43 to fix the Save Folder. It appears some of the Location settings weren't migrating over properly from the OneClick installer. Let me know if this resolves your issues.
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