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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. I copy and pasted the line I wrote, and it works as expected. Can you post your output_log.txt? Maybe there's another issue we aren't seeing.
  2. This looks okay at a glance. Are you having an issue with it?
  3. insertAfter with that xpath is adding it before the node: <!-- CHALLENGES --> <reward type="SkillPoints" value="1" /> <quest id="challenge_silenceofthelambs"> <property name="name_key" value="challenge_silenceofthelambs" /> <property name="subtitle_key" value="challenge_silenceofthelambs_subtitle" /> what you probably want to do is append it. So try updating your insertAfter's with append
  4. Does this work for you? <remove xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntBusSchool']/property[@class='Explosion']" />
  5. Sorry for the late reply: Test 1) You'll need to access the raw XML file for that: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/MrCerealGuy/40fdbffc9004136524cfb5290a247e7d/raw/daa32233376065ef33bfb815a494f4adcc3ce2e2/gistfile1.txt Test 2) This was a challenge initially. It was a zip file, but your XML was set to clone, so the mod launcher tried to clone the repo. I did add in code in the latest version to fix it though. Newest Experimental build is: The new download location: https://7d2dmodlauncher.github.io/Installer/publish/ When I'm comfortable with the stability of it, I'll push it out to the main group of users. The test version of the mod launcher is the only compatible version for modlets.
  6. DesertGround doesn't have resourceClayLump yet. It has resourceCrushedSand. This should add the new line: <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='terrDesertGround']"> <drop event="Fall" name="resourceClayLump" count="3,5" prob="0.5" stick_chance="0"/> </append>
  7. We don't have the ability yet to change or add values to the localization.txt files from the mods folder.
  8. I'm not an expert on the progression, but try these small tweaks... 1) you are adding an <attribute to the progression node. It probably should be under the <attributes> tag <configs> <append xpath="/progression/attributes"> <attribute name="attLuck" <!-- snip --> </append> <append xpath="/progression/skills" > <!-- all your skills --> </append> <append xpath="/progression/perks"> <!-- all your perk name lines --> </append> </configs>
  9. That's on me. <setattribute xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='beverages']/item[@name='drinkJarEmpty']" name="prob">1.5</setattribute>
  10. Can you explain what you expect the progression to do? I had mentioned the last few lines are correct in my first reply.
  11. I've noticed this in a few of your xpath, so I just want to clarify the @value meaning. That @value means "attribute called value", and @name means "attribute called name". In your spawnings, you are using @name='city' correctly, as name="city" is valid in the XML node. However, you go on to use spawn[@name=maxcount]. There's no attribute call name in the spawn line. The conditions in the [ ] are there to help you isolate which line you want to change, and can be any attribute on the line that is somewhat unique. The following lines would work, and both will adjust the ZombiesAll line. <set xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='city']/spawn[@entitygroup='ZombiesAll']/@maxcount">6</set> <set xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='city']/spawn[@time='Day']/@maxcount">6</set>
  12. There's no existing count value on that for you to change. You'd need to use setattribute to create a new one: <setattribute xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='beverages']/item[@name='drinkJarEmpty']/@count">1.5</setattribute > <setattribute xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='beverages']/item[@name='drinkJarBoiledWater']/@count">1</setattribute > <setattribute xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='beverages']/item[@name='drinkJarBeer']/@count">0.75</setattribute > <setattribute xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='beverages']/item[@name='drinkCanMegaCrush']/@count">0.2</setattribute >
  13. loot.xml: Your append for it should be <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id=19]". The first part of the xpath is the root node of the XML, not the file name. Pogression.xml: You are trying to adjust the level using the @name='exp_to_leve']. However, the line is: <level max_level="300" exp_to_level="9545" experience_multiplier="1.0149" skill_points_per_level="1"> Your xpath would be: <set xpath="/progression/level/@max_level">9500</set>
  14. Current Count of modders who have neglected the mysterious underscore in entity_classes is now: 26,348.
  15. No, unfortunately not. We are hoping to be able to load prefabs from the Mod folder eventually. What were you trying to do in the prefab xml?
  16. You are missing the top level /worldgeneration xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name=snow]
  17. In notepad++, you can use XML Tools to pretty print your XML. Then you'd see your XML like this: <subbiome prob="0.1551"> <!-- Ore Sub Biome: Copper --> <layers> <layer depth="4" blockname="terrSnow"/> <resource blockname="Gravel_Plus_Copper" prob="0.071" rwgGenerationType="all"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrDirt"> <resource blockname="Gravel_Plus_Copper" prob="0.811" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> You can see your layer depth"4" blockname="terrSnow" closes it's layer. So that resource blockname is kind of just floating around.
  18. Yup, that looks right. Are you getting an error or the change isn't applied?
  19. Console Command: exportcurrentconfigs Dumps it to your Save game folder.
  20. Yes, this is true for now, but may change in the future. But if you zip up your Mods folder, and upload to the dedi, it should work.
  21. Have you opted into the experimental through steam? If so, make sure you select your steam path in the Install Game folder. If you haven't, you can select Download From Steam. Once the Test Mod is installed, you'll see the Manage Modlet button.
  22. Whatever it is in the XML. I usually not in a position to cross reference the particular names; they are usually just to get you started.
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