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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. - - - Updated - - - Sorry for the trouble. Can you try again, and press the Pre-sync button. Once that is done, click on the Log Files button, then Uplaod Log File. Give me the pastebin.com link and I'll see what's up.
  2. Let's try to hit 100%. Push 2.0.41 to fix the short cut name. My installer decided to forget a lot of stuff.
  3. Sorry about the trouble. can you update to 2.0.40?
  4. Thanks for reaching out to me, allowing me an opportunity to fix this for you. The error is from the AutoHotKey, which was a feature way back in the original release. Heh, it was actually added for my wife, as she was using a controller, and would want to teleport home on the server we play on. She needed a quick key combination to send her back (yeah, we aren't that great or hard core players). The long and short is, let's update you to 2.0.39: https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/ThickInstaller/raw/master/SetupInstaller.msi I removed that functionality.
  5. Have you tried the new installer? https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/ThickInstaller/raw/master/SetupInstaller.msi
  6. Usually all I need is a message letting me know where the mod is, and what kind of description you want. I can usually figure out a description based off of your mod forum page, then I'll list it in the default.
  7. I am glad you got it working. XPath can be tricky with its syntax. I'll always recommend fixing the inconsistencies I find first, as it may make some corner cases start working.
  8. The way that is saved is using some interesting properties value from Windows. It's used to save everything else; but that doesn't... consistently. During some of my tests, it's disappeared after 4 restarts. Why? No idea... nothing in the code actually resets or clears it. I do have a new configuration library that'll save everything directly to file. I'll be implementing that next, skipping that older method.
  9. New Update: 2.0.20 - Fixed an issue where modlets could throw an exception; they are now ignored - Re-fixed Open File() issue - Added new SubscriptionLink support in the Mod Launcher Configuration. This will display a privately mod-author curated modlet list. This will filter the Manage Modlet view <SubscriptionLink>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/7D2DMods/Profiles/master/MyTestProfile.txt</SubscriptionLink>
  10. Sorry for the trouble. I'll be pushing a patch in a few minutes to fix it. One of the modlets has a malformed XML.
  11. missing your leading / on xpath="/items/item ?
  12. Thank you for your kind words. I've added your Github repository to the default list Your current mods, and future mods, will show up in the mod launcher
  13. SphereII and Xyth's Music and Video Players Created for the Winter Project A17, the Music and Video Players are an SDX mod that allows you to make your own music CDs and DVDs, and have the boxes play them. You can read more, and find the files here.
  14. I'm not familiar with the syntax required to remove all of a file. You could try something like <remove xpath="/spawning/*" /> ...
  15. try removing the first line, with <?xml in it.
  16. You are missing your top level node. It can be anything <configs> <remove xpath="/spawning"/> <append xpath="/"> <spawning> <!-- blah blah --> </spawning> </append> </configs>
  17. That's different, and totally fine I thought you were asking if you could remove and replace the entire file.
  18. for a shareable modlet, yes. You won't know what changes were done previously. If you were just doing an Overhaul, it'd be fine.
  19. No, this would be multiple sets for each attribute you wanted to change. Alternatively, you could just remove the biome[@name=city] and append a new one.
  20. Same... distributing a custom prefab, with its custom blocks, entities, etc... would be a lot of fun, I think.
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