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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Sorry for the delay. Could you provide a few screen shots?
  2. The re-sizing of the mod launcher doesn't resize the controls. It was mean for people who had some strange resolutions and couldn't see the buttons. Did you make it smaller, then when you tried to make it larger, the buttons still did not appear?
  3. The Modlet tab is confusing, and I didn't realize it was still in. Modlets are available in any mod, using the Add More Mods button. Under the Fun Pimps, install the Latest, then click on the Add New Mods button. - - - Updated - - - The first sync can take a long time, depending on your computer and internet speed. You are best to Delete Downloads,, and do a Presync. Let it run until its done. Most times, it takes about 10 to 20 minutes, but I've heard people say its taken them an hour.
  4. Sorry for the delay. When installing the mod, choose the Download From Steam option. Enter in your steam username and password. Then change the Version to alpha17.1.
  5. It is a bit heavy handed. I'll look at a change to allow you to delete the files, but keep mod. If you go to this path in Windows: %appdata%\..\Roaming\7D2DModLauncher, you should see an XML file for your My Mod. It can be used as a template if you wanted to store your mod somewhere online for it to download automatically for you.
  6. I just refreshed, and I see it. Try going to File -> Load Defaults
  7. Does anyone have log files to go along with the reports that its not working for them?
  8. No,sorry. The mod launcher is meant just for clients, not servers. - - - Updated - - - Sorry I did not see your edits last night. It could be that the HDHQ mod is taking longer and longer to start download, as it checks its branch histories. Maybe I need to put in a YouTube video while we wait.
  9. Take a look at Fix #2 on this site: https://www.drivereasy.com/knowledge/configuration-system-failed-to-initialize-windows-10-solved/ Take a look at the machine.config and make sure it looks okay.
  10. Have you tried Taza's Grave? It uses a different host.
  11. Seems like somewhere along your internet connection, SSL is being blocked. A firewall or proxy somewhere a long the lines. Do any mods download (not modlets) with Disable SSL?
  12. Have you tried completely uninstalling the mod launcher (Add and Remove Programs)?
  13. 60 and 61 only added a check if the Mods folder exist. We could try deleting the configuration. It'll reset everything to default. Put this in Explorer, and delete everything: %appdata%\..\Roaming\7D2DModLauncher
  14. Post a log file if you are still having issues, and we'll take a look.
  15. Conflicting mods? Glad the original problem is resolved. It must have had bad data in the gitlabs folder.
  16. Maybe an anti-virus or firewall software is blocking it? Do you run anything like that?
  17. Unfortunately, the logs for the mod downloader aren't very good. I'll have to beef them up. The modlets for HDHQ are hosted on Gitlab, so it's just a clone of the entire repos, much like the main download. Can you delete that Gitlab folder, and try it again?
  18. No problem. Glad it's working for you. That type of error is why I usually recommend using Github to host everything, from mod to config file
  19. It should list all the modlets under that folder structure. If it's empty, then something stopped it from downloading from gitlab.
  20. Seems like its having trouble downloading from gitlab. My Local path is: C:\7D2D\Alpha17\GitLabMods Can you post your Mod Launcher config? Try the download, then go to View -> Log Files, and click on Upload Log file.
  21. This error seems to be coming from a My Mod, or a manually added XML, rather than Ravenhearst.
  22. HDHQ modlets download in a folder called "GitLabRepos" ( or something like that ). This downloads all of them, but will only copy over the ones you have selected. Can you look for a GitLabRepos? Do any other modlets install?
  23. When adding as a non-steam game, be sure to make sure you are pointing to this folder: C:\Program Files\SphereII Software\7D2D Mod Launcher Installer You may also try clicking on Run Game As Admin in the mod launcher - - - Updated - - - I'm not super familiar, but I don't believe so. Once installed, you will have to go to Add More Mods, and select the different modlets. They should then appear in your game.
  24. Sorry for the trouble. Does this only happen on the HQ mod? It's hosted on GitLab, which is different than the other mods, and I'm wondering if that's the root of the issue.
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