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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Thansks First post updated and slimmed down a bit.
  2. Sorry, I may have misunderstood. Rather than insertAfter, try insertBefore. Same syntax. - - - Updated - - - Correct, only the files under Config. We are hoping for more support in the future for prefab loading, etc.
  3. The remove is a single line command. Be sure to end it with /> You are telling xpath to remove the node called wildcard_forge_category <remove xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='resourceScrapLead']/wildcard_forge_category" />
  4. Since it doesn't matter where it needs to exist, you can just use append <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='garbage']"> <item group="otherJunk" count="1,3" prob="0.80"/> <item group="metalJunk" count="1,3" prob="1.0"/> </append>
  5. Do an exportcurrentconfigs, then look at the loot.xml in the path it provides you in the console (it's the save game folder), and see if your changes applied to the file.
  6. lootgroup[@name=garbage] Try that. Need to match the entry in the file.
  7. insertAfter is exactly like an append, but it'll insert your snippet in a position. <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@name='Garbage']" > <lootgroup name="metalJunk" > <!-- your other stuff --> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="otherJunk" > <!-- your other stuff --> </lootgroup> </insertAfter>
  8. Sounds like its being added out-of-order. Change your appends to be: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@name='Garbage']" > <!-- your xml --> </insertAfter> This should explicity place it after the garbage loot container, allowing it to load in order.
  9. Let's try something like this. This will remove the existing wildcard_forge_category, and add a new one. <changedrecipes> <remove xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='resourceScrapLead']/wildcard_forge_category" /> <append xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='resourceScrapLead']"> <ingredient name="unit_lead" count="3" /> </append> </changerecipes>
  10. Thanks for the reminder to clean up the first post: https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/ThickInstaller/blob/master/SetupInstaller.msi?raw=true
  11. You can try to add the Mod Launcher to Steam: C:\Program Files\SphereII Software\7D2D Mod Launcher Installer\7d2dlauncher.exe - - - Updated - - - Unintentional production test. I was playing with the UI, and I guess I didn't revert that. I'll revert it next update
  12. I may need to elevate permission to admin for the launcher. While you wait, you can check Run Game As Admin and it should work as expected
  13. The last few bad update cycles should be complete now. It was an awkward transition, but it puts us in a better place now. In the new version, I added a new top level mod called "Steam Version". This special mod points directly to your Steam folder, and will let you download and install mods directly, without having to make an extra copy. In addition, we can now enable and disable modlets in all mods, even the overhauls. If there's an element you don't like about a mod, and want to just remove it, you can easily do it. By putting a check mark, and clicking on Disable Selected, it'll turn red, showing it's disabled. Even when you update the mod, it'll remember your setting and keep it disabled.
  14. New update: 2.0.16! Because of the trouble we've had with the OneClick installer, we are using a new installer. Your OneClick application should update itself. You can press the Check For update button manually (under the File menu in the latest version). It will prompt you to install. New in the latest version is the "Steam Version" entry. This will let you install modlets right in your steam folder, without needing a copy. If the automatic update won't work, the direct installer is available here: https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/ThickInstaller/blob/master/SetupInstaller.msi?raw=true If you are using Chrome, and it blocks the download, go into your "Customize and Control Chrome" menu, and select Downloads. You'll be able to approve the download there.
  15. It's not a stupid question, and sadly, no. There's no <remoteattribute>. We can however, set it to blank, and see if that helps.
  16. I do thank you for your patience. The OneClick has turned on me, so I'm moving away. In order to get you up and running, try this: https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/ThickInstaller/raw/master/SetupInstaller.msi It'll set up a new 7D2D Mod Launcher in your Start menu, and will install in a normal place this time. It's a development build, but it should work and give you access to the mods
  17. Under the Add / Remove Programs, you don't see an entry for 7D2D Launcher? I'm working on a better installer, and it's almost ready.
  18. are you also using Hal's Fixes?
  19. The SDX 0.7.3 thread has a video tutorial in the main post. More tutorials will be refreshed for SDX now that the Winter Project is out.
  20. This mod is not EAC-safe, and EAC must be turned off. Compatible with A18. This is still a work in progress; Each feature is available, however may not be completely refined yet. Balancing and suggestions are welcomed. 0-SphereIICore is a new concept that provides all the functionality and scripts I provide, which can be turned on and off through a central block. This central block can be manipulated in your own modlets to turn on and off features, and change settings. This mod is named as it is so that it is loaded first, allowing all subsequent mods to make changes to it. 0-SphereIICore ============== A new mod pack called 0-SphereIICore is now available for use, either in standalone or inclusion to any other mod package, without any limitation. This pack contains a large variety of Scripts, PatchScripts, and Harmony scripts that adds to and enhances vanilla features. Key Features: - AnimationSDX: Provides animation hooks for custom entities - Food Spoilage System: Allow food to expire at a global rate, or fine tune individual foods to spoil at different rates. - Enhanced Item Repair: Allow more complicated repair recipes - Item Damage / Durability: The amount of damage an item can do is reduced as durability goes down. Repair often! - Anti-Nerd Pole: Disables the ability to nerd pole, or jump-and-place a blocks/block - Soft Hands: Your hands are soft! Player takes damage when punching things with bare hands. - One Block Crouch: Enhance your Agility character by allowing you to crawl through one block openings. - Transmogrifier: Allow random walk types and sizes for zombies to break up the monotony - UMA Tweaks: Small tweaks to UMA system, drastically reducing the high resolution UMAs into something more manageable. - Head Shot Only: Take off their heads to truly kill them. - Zero XP: Don't like getting experience? Turns off the ability to get a new kind of experience. - Disable XP Pop up: Disables the XP icon pop up - No Exception Hijack: Prevents the console from popping down with Red error. Useful for when you are testing... - Disable Trader Protection: Turn off the invulnerability of the trader compound. - Quick Continue: Keep your Scroll Lock button on to automatically load up the last game you played. - Custom Buffs, AI Tasks, Items, Blocks, Entity classes, and XUiC components are already active. Make the right calls in your XML to enable the functionality. Features can be turned on and off by adding xpath set from another modlet and changing the included "ConfigFeatureBlock" in Config/blocks.xml Example: <configs> <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='ConfigFeatureBlock']/property[@class='FoodSpoilage']/property[@name='FoodSpoilage']/@value">true</set> <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='ConfigFeatureBlock']/property[@class='AdvancedPlayerFeatures']/property[@name='OneBlockCrouch']/@value">true</set> <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='ConfigFeatureBlock']/property[@class='AdvancedNPCFeatures']/property[@name='MakeTraderVulnerable']/@value">true</set> <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='ConfigFeatureBlock']/property[@class='AdvancedPrefabFeatures']/property[@name='DisableTraderProtection']/@value">true</set> <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='ConfigFeatureBlock']/property[@class='AdvancedWorldGen']/property[@name='DisableSplatMap']/@value">true</set> </configs> Bloom's Animal Husbandry ======================== Introducing basic animal husbandry, Bloom's Animal Husband comes with a few animals that spawn in random herds. Animals have likes and dislikes, and can be encouraged to fall you home with the right incentive. SphereII A Better Life ====================== Fish, birds, and small animal gains are introduced in this work-in-progress mod. SphereII Clear UI ================= Inspired from The Walking Dad, re-worked through Harmony and UI adjustments by Sirillion, Clear UI removes all on screen elements for a truly immersive experience. [ Only a small health and stamina bar are visible in place of the compass ] SphereII Food Spoilage ====================== This modlet enables the actual food spoilage system found in SphereII Core, with some preset global values for all non-can food items. Use this to get started with adding your own unique twist to spoilage. SphereII Music Box ================== This modlet enables the Music and Video player originally implemented in the Winter Project, and can play CDs and DVDs found in the world. SphereII NPC Dialog Boxes ========================= This modlet enables a special UI interface, designed by Sirillion, to talk with NPCs SphereII Take And Replace ========================= This modlet enables the Take And Replace, which allows you to pull off boards from windows and doors without brute force. Hold a hammer or a crowbar (not included) to make this go faster! SphereII Winter Project ======================= The Winter Project - Work In Progress SyX Security Bots ================= In the fight against the degradation of society, SyX Security has produced a series of counter-measures against the so-called "zombie apocalypse". Deployed in infected hot spots around the world, these counter-measures have been designed to reduce and ultimately send the zombie apocalypse into remission. Warning: These hot spots are extremely dangerous for the non-infected, and any survivors are strongly recommended to be evacuated before they are deployed. =============================================================================== Download: Alpha 18: Git Clone: https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.Mods/ Zip Download: https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.Mods/ archive/master.zip Alpha 19: Git Clone: https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.ModsA19 Required Tool: DMT: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?117235-DMT-Modding-Tool Compatible Mods: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?116102-NPCs-DMT-Mod https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?108266-Wandering-Traders-DMT-Mod https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?108770-Xyth-s-DMT-Bandits-Mod ===============================================================================
  21. It's a common misconception that everything is @value, but that's just because a lot of the things we are changing is actually value. In reality, the @value is the attribute called 'value' on the line. <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceRockSmall" count="50" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/> @event, @name, @count, and @tag are all changeable <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='terrStone']/drop/@event">NewEvent</set> <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='terrStone']/drop/@name">newName</set> <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='terrStone']/drop/@count">33</set> <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=terrStone]/drop/@tag">all, my,new,tags</set>
  22. In your Prefab spawn chance, you have /prefab_rule/[@name='... you probably don't want the / in the middle. /prefab_rule[@name='. Also, your last three lines try to change the @value. But that's not a valid attribute for that line. Do you mean @count?
  23. Is what you are posting the full file of your changes? If so, you are missing a root node. This can be anything. Example: Mods/MyMod/Config/items.xml: <configs> <!-- Die Sekundنraktion der Steinschaufel lِschen --> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolShovelStone']/property[@class='Action1']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolShovelStone']/effect_group[@name='Power Attack']"/> <!-- Die Sekundنraktion der Harke zur Steinschaufel hinzufügen --> <append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolShovelStone']"> <property class="Action1"> <property name="Class" value="Repair"/> <property name="Repair_amount" value="30"/> <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="-4"/> <property name="Delay" value="1.3"/> <property name="Upgrade_action_sound" value="ImpactSurface/metalhitearth"/> <property name="Allowed_upgrade_items" value="meleeToolHoeIron,resourceClayLump"/> </property> </append> </configs>
  24. Your remove's are missing /> <remove xpath="items/item[@name='meleeToolShovelStone']/property[@class='Action1']" /> <remove xpath="items/item[@name='meleeToolShovelStone']/effect_group[@name='Power Attack']" /> And probably a good idea to add the / to the start of the xpath="/items/item...
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