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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Specialization was always an end goal. The initial NPCs are more jack-of-all-trades to help with testing. There will be randomized elements to the NPCs as well, where you may meet a Baker and he'll be able to do different things, with different levels of benefits. Great. Hopefully it'll be an easy fix The original maslow stuff was written for cows, so I'm not too surprised that it's wonky for the NPCs. We'll probably splinter it out to its own buff system and make it simpler. We'll also be adding the maslow buff after they are hired, for NPCs, when we review that. They won't need food or water until you hire them. Yes, I do want to bring that back. It had issues where the NPCs had super long arms. It's one of the example tasks that I think specialization will happen.
  2. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The follow all the time has been fixed. Will push out to the production repos shortly. Fixed this too. Another thing that got broken when shifting things around for Harmony. This is due to a bad quest. I've removed the quest option of the dialog system for the base NPCs. In addition, I made some new requirements where certain joins and options will only appear if relevant. For example, if an NPC is missing a Patrol AI task, it will not show the Patrol Your Route / Follow For your Patrol route. Likewise, if there's no quest, the option won't display. Will investigate this. I haven't visited a trader with them, nor spawned in a vehicle. The in-fighting is likely due to the Party code I had tossed in quickly. I'll revisit it. I had an NPC bleeding last night too, and he had the bleeding buff ( I didn't have the Entity_Patch ). I'll review your video once I get into the office. Thank you for it.
  3. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Sorry, try again
  4. Glad you got it. You were missing a c++ runtime. When the game installed, it must have installed it for you.
  5. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    We have the same goals, and we'll get there I need to add DMT support into the mod launcher, than we'll be set for a cut over. I pushed the new SDX_Dialog and aUI_Dialog modlets with new version numbers; should fix the hiring issue.
  6. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Very likely on my end. You do not need harmony yet. Part of the confusion on my end is that I am maintaining 3 repos with mostly the same files, as I transition over to harmony and DMT
  7. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Force of habit. Pretty sure this is a sync issue, either I didn't push the right fixes or they aren't being downloaded correctly
  8. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Is she the only one that does that?
  9. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Pushed a few fixes for the AI Task and EntityAliveSDX. Followers should attack as expected, although they seem to have lost an understanding of personal space. We may add in breath mints if they keep doing that. This should also fix the entity not really doing anything, including firing off buff hooks ( healing, damage, etc) while idle.
  10. I've heard of this happening and have not been able to track down a source on why it happens. It almost seems like an anti-virus program or something is blocking its configuration file, resetting it.
  11. Sorry for the trouble. Are you picking a different path to install the mods, rather than the default C:\7D2D? Maybe the mod launcher is forgetting the setting.
  12. Through the mod launcher, the SDX hooks will detect it, and compile it. Then you just need to have your partial localization.txt in your Config folder. Through the SDX Launcher, download and add it to your Mods folder for the SDX Launcher, compile, etc.
  13. Yes, it's the SphereII Mod Localization. Changes the mod into an SDX mod, and allows merging.
  14. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Thanks for the faith Most of my development time is in 5 to 10 minute increments at a time.... not very efficient
  15. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I used that as an example of being task locked. In earlier tests, I was able to get them to react to enemies, but it's still hit or miss if he does damage for them. I'm close to getting it again
  16. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Thank you for your efforts. I've found the issue with them not attacking; It's in the friendly fire check, and it could explain why the NPCs are losing health as well; they appear to be hurting themselves. The not-suddenly-following way be it just switching tasks temporarily. They cannot multi-task very well, so he may have gotten hungry or thirsty, etc.
  17. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The Patch_Entity was designed to fix that invalid cast, as it was trying to clear the bleeding buff on entities that did not have it. I am surprised that it's magically healing them, however.
  18. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The lost of stamina and whatnot are controlled through the buffs system, so that could be a misunderstanding on my part in what some things do. I've heard of another situation where NPCs weren't properly attacking, I'm investigating that as well.
  19. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I'm glad that the most recent updates have helped a lot. As for their health, I do have a hint based on your observation. When you are staring (non-creepily I assume), are you close to him? When you approach and NPC, they get a IsBusy flag which makes them stand still and look at you. I'm wondering if their health bar only lowers when they are in this state. It skips a bunch of other base class updates when he's doing that, so maybe his buffs aren't firing. I am surprised that he's losing health and healing constantly.
  20. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Pushed another fix in attempt to fix the missing cvars, which cause the npc to lose their reference to their leader
  21. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Just pushed a few changes: AI Tasks - Some time out now, hopefully avoiding task-lock where they follower refuses to follow you EntityAliveSDX - Disabled the chunk observer as a test for the disappearing / unhired entities
  22. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Please stop hitting our NPCs.... Will look into it I did want to have some kind of Patience meter for that sort of thing...
  23. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I think the issue has always been there, we just didn't hit the right conditions.
  24. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The NPCs not following, yes, I believe so. I think they are getting task-locked, so I added a fix for that. As for the disappearance, I'm not sure if I've identified that issue or a potential fix yet. It's hard to debug, since they aren't there to debug when you log back in.
  25. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Tonight will be testing time for a few small changes and a new push, and I'll look into adding that as well. The tricky thing about adding any kind of UI elements like that is that it can start to clutter up the compass and be annoying to some. But we'll see how it plays.
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