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Everything posted by n2n1

  1. n2n1


    Yes ... i also had a similar error... this could be a problem. Probably the model is no longer suitable for walking on all fours.... I'll see what i can do.
  2. n2n1


    test version UPDATE CSH v21.2.03 (test) ----- del ----- it`s stil for A21.2 (b14) exp !!!
  3. Oh yes, it's the magic of big numbers.
  4. n2n1


    Thank You, this is fixed and will be in the next patch
  5. n2n1


    I am not planning to release any version for A21.2(b26) exp. I will continue the test version for A21.2 (b14) for now. The transition to a new one will be carried out with the advent of a stable A21.2. Therefore, you can install the following patches on top of the previous ones.
  6. n2n1


    No, i can't recreate it. Perhaps you missed some nuance in the description of the problem. Perhaps a screenshot or a log-file would help to figure it out.
  7. yes, of course - gaming conventions. I don't care how it really is - i'm concerned about the visual aesthetics in the game.
  8. compared to the roads in the city. they look bulky on the road, blocking everything... Small roads in america?
  9. well, at least because they are bigger than other american cars from the this game. But the trucks, by the way, are small. What, in america's - small trucks?
  10. Dear developers, don't your designers think that new cars are too big relative to all other items in the world? (or has it already been submitted for correction?)
  11. n2n1


    CSH v21.2.02 (test) for A21.2 (b14) exp ----- del ----- - i still haven't tested it personally, and i rely on feedback. - i'm interested in whether i fixed the bug with the recurring hunger sound
  12. n2n1


    ・No status display at the time of crawler death, so I can't fish for corpses. - crawlers and screamers don't get looted- that's how it's meant to be. ・The toilet bowl in Poi and food items (alpha 21) are unresponsive when interacted with. - this, too - has never happened and will never happen. ・When the food value runs out and the stomach starts growling, the stomach continues to growl for almost a minute. - Yes, i know about this problem, but still looking solution. ・When shoveling corn seed bags or soil bags, it sounds like digging stones, not sand. - understood, we 'll fix it
  13. n2n1


    this version v21.2.01A (including hotfix) ---- del ---- (next vers avialable)
  14. n2n1


    An error has been found that it is impossible to spawn zombies - now i will make a hotfix. (the hotfix and the new link to the release are already going through bureaucratic delays to be published on this forum.)
  15. n2n1


    ENG: I didn't wait for the stable version of A21.2, so I made an experimental release for A21.2. This version of the mod is a test. At the moment, there are a lot of unconfigured harvests and unprepared prefabs. Also, there may be descriptions (text) that are no longer relevant, which can be misleading. Now the mod does not have all the features of A21 - it will be later. Some of the mod's own features were blocked due to the need for their processing due to changes in the game itself - they may return later. Appeal to testers: If you are able to tolerate shortcomings, you can get acquainted with this version, and maybe even play normally, or at least find out what state the mod is in now. In the test version, I do not mean a certain completeness and the beginning of the search for errors - it may well be that there are some completely unfinished things that I just forgot about. Be careful not to get disappointed expecting a lot from the test version! Each subsequent test version will contain edits that will give incompatibility with the previous version. Hotfixes will not be released. When the mod appears in the mods launcher, then it will mean that its readiness is acceptable to a wide audience. ******************************************************************************************************************************** РУС: Я не дождался стабильной версии А21.2, поэтому я сделал релиз под А21.2 экспериментальную. Эта версия мода является тестовой. На данный момент имеется очень много ненастроенного харвеста и неподготовленных префабов. Также, возможно, остались описания (текст) которые уже не актуальны, что может ввести в заблуждение. Сейчас мод имеет далеко не все возможности А21 - это будет позже. Некоторые собственные фичи мода были заблокированы в следствии необходимости их переработки из за изменений самой игры - возможно они вернуться позже. Обращение к тестерам: Если вы способны терпеть недочеты - можно ознакомиться с этой версией, и возможно, даже нормально поиграть, или хотя бы, узнать в каком состоянии сейчас находиться мод. В тестовой версии я не подразумеваю некую завершенность и начало поиска ошибок - вполне может быть, что есть что то совершенно не доделаные вещи про которые я просто забыл. Будьте осторожны чтобы не получить разочарование ожидая многого от тестовой версии! Каждая последующая тестовая версия будет содержать правки, которые будут давать несовместимость с предыдущей версией. Хотфиксы выпускаться не будут. Когда мод появиться в лаунчере модов - тогда это будет означать что его готовность приемлема для широкой аудитории. *******************************************************************************************************************************
  16. In this case, they can fix a lot of bugs in a month, and bring the polishing to a good level...
  17. What is the reason for the delay A21.2 stable? is this because of twichcon?
  18. Thanks for the information, comrade!
  19. n2n1


    あとがき、クレジットの後の筋書き (A20):
  20. After the zombie gets hit, it starts an animation of movement towards the player, as if making a lunge in his direction, thereby pushing him through the texture in some cases. Just a bad decision.
  21. n2n1


    I wanted to post a link to the a16 version of the mod but... I didn't understand what happened to the primary post, but i can't edit it ....
  22. Thank you for the information! This utility is a remake of the original UABE, it looks like someone picked up the baton
  23. Despite the fact that i really understand that the game can be difficult for beginners, i always catch myself thinking that Joel writes it from his secret account when he wants to simplify the game even more because of some technical problem that they can't solve
  24. n2n1


    The translation of the mod to A21 as a whole has been completed, but there is still a lot of work to clean up and adapt new features and put everything in order.
  25. n2n1

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    Are You talking about your old prefab editor? By the way, do you want to change the overall concept of the project? It's no secret that the built-in game editor is now more convenient for the visual creation and decoration of prefabs... this is a fact. But, for example, i continue to use Your utility(Zombie) when it comes to massive changes in the prefab or when it is necessary to work with 2d layers of the prefab or change meta data. This is still only available in your utility. And how do You use it now?
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