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Everything posted by Darthjake

  1. I use the spear as it's reach makes it a bit easier while backpedaling. I've not used clubs much since the spear became available, but I don't seem to have too much trouble knocking down Z's, I even fended off a horde with one of the new crawlers with just my spear after I got detected shooting my bow.
  2. I've not seen a laser workbench, that might be a mod or just google translate playing tricks on me. To create a regular workbench get all the parts in your inventory, and craft it. Be careful though, if you have a Quality 3 wrench or hammer and a Quality 1 wrench or hammer the game may take the quality 3 tool, so put the high quality tools that you want to keep in a box when starting the crafting. Also this is a mainly an English forum, you will probably get more responses if you post questions in English, I was just bored this morning.
  3. I've killed them from up top while they are laying down before, I normally aim for center body mass as the arrow has a better chance of being recovered, imo, but still, I managed to kill 2 of them yesterday as they were beating on a wall I was on the top of. Primitive bow, Q5 and stone arrows btw.
  4. Retail workers aren't afraid of hell, we've worked in... well Retail. Some can be emotional z's others just trudge through the day hoping to taste some tasty brains with a nice chianti and fava beans. Yes, yes, the original was served with liver....
  5. I'd hit the mo power stores, just watch out for the Z's posing as workers.
  6. Z's do use ladders, so maybe a ladder to a ledge? Other then that when I'm making a support structure, I'll use a regular ramp, then reverse it on the backside, and make a nice diagonal slant.
  7. Remember when you could shoot a pig and it would run away? Remember when you had to kill a pig to make bacon & eggs? Remember when trees were just as deadly as the Z's?
  8. One of the POI's I've encountered this personally is the Working Stiffs after you get to the top, and drop through the hole to navigate through the tiles and kill the Z's at the end only to be jumped by a janitor that wasn't there when I dropped down into the office to loot that last box.
  9. The only thing I see different then my games is the feral sense on, well that and I don't usually hang out in the wasteland longer then I have to. Are you crouching for From the shadows? Granted that won't help with the auger, but I'm usually at less then 15 stealth/alertness with my steel pickaxe when I'm fully perked out into stealth. Also are you mining on bedrock level, or have you placed player created blocks down on top of the bedrock? I always place blocks to help prevent spawns while I'm underground, the only time I'm not on player blocks is if I'm following an ore vein up, and even then it's mine some, then pause, etc. Hope that helps some.
  10. Agi + Perception is fun even if you don't go stealth right away. Agi for knives / bow / handguns Per for Lucky / Spears / and Deadeye Of course you still need your points in cooking and fort for other survival skills, but I usually play agi + per, even with how much I have agitated over the aggro the whole room areas. Which, I must admit have been happening much less now that I'm more aware of where I'm at and how I approach certain POIs.
  11. I try not to do too much exertion in the first few days. Focus on bow, spear, cooking, forge if I haven't found a schematic yet, and then Cardio and Iron Gut. Once I have a nice routine going I'll get Living off the Land and start working on my farm. Bacon & Eggs I'll make however much I have the eggs for, (insert blatant plea for a chicken coop from TFP here.) There is a farming mod that has them that I love to use, but I've been playing without mods for bit, trying to get back to the original concept. Then hopefully jump straight to meat stew if I've been lucky enough to find my veggies. I'll normally get 2 of the 3, corn, potato or mushrooms. Last game was corn and shrooms, I can't believe I haven't found a potato patch yet.
  12. Madmole is consulting with Snowdog on how to improve the escort and nurse zombies. Also more zombie animals. Rabbits, chicken and deer will now destroy crops they can reach.
  13. Is the frame damaged? You have to repair a damaged frame before you can pick it up. Do you have enough room in your inventory? If the frame shape is different from what you have in your inventory the game might count it as a different item until you actually pick it up.
  14. Thanks for the reply, I really don't care about the forcefields, we have our own base pretty much perfected in our multi games, and because I know I can do it, I have blood moon turned off in solo play. Those paint lines are just a pain for guys that like even base building though.
  15. Would turning off collision also mean we could build over the paint lines without having to beat them out? I was trying to build a base in one of the parking garages and I had to destroy the floor under one of the paint lines so I could get underneath it to actually hit the hit box for the painted line.
  16. What Boidster just said, they are headed directly towards you because you are still in the area that you were making noise/heat at. I have gotten into the habit of knocking down some trees, bashing in a rock and then moving, also when I'm outside of my base I try to stay near the big rocks, as that's my goto for killing wolves/dogs/bears. I cannot stress enough, always, always have wood with you, either to make blocks to get up the rocks, to block off a path up the rock, or to make spikes to put where you want the critter to avoid or damage themselves on.
  17. Larger hit box for gathering Z's? I do wish the vehicles would do more damage, especially based on size. I can see the motorcycle killing chickens and rabbits, but it'd be too risky to hit a Z on one, the 4x4 on the other hand....
  18. I'm not entirely happy with the new farming, yet. Yet being the operative word here. I think that TFP will, (hopefully), continue to refine it until it is polished, but you've or they've, got to start somewhere. It just happens to be here. Likewise, I'm still eagerly awaiting improvements to water.
  19. I put the lanterns in a block <-| |-> So the light shines up and around, makes it much easier on my eyes.
  20. My main issue with the road markings is their hit box, like in the parking garage POI, I was trying to remove some painted lines so I could make an enclosed area, and the lines acted like a full block, keeping me from setting down that last block. When I tried to demolish the line, (it should have 200hp, I kept hitting the block underneath for 5000 hp). I eventually broke out the concrete block that it was on, and still could not hit the painted line until I went underneath and broke it out from where I had demolished the concrete block it was "painted" on.
  21. You keep eating your crappy box cornbread, and I'll keep making homemade fluffy cornbread.
  22. Maybe for when you find cornmeal as a loot item, instead of corn? I've had that happen plenty of times, but seriously anything that requires water should not decrease hydration.
  23. We take over whatever looks good, we used to do the junkyard with the big trash bins, and I'd use those for my farm plots, right now we're on top one of the electrical type poi's but we've build it up, so we've got like 3 levels for room.
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