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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. live in a small town where about 90% or more of the homes here can throw a rock from their garden and it will land in the forest. Have had bears, moose, caribou etc run through town lol
  2. Just popped in my head because of the convo but I was greatly amused by some streamers who would not in any way, shape or form use the water from toilets. They would not take it and even throw it away. Even when they would be down on water themselves.
  3. I think first thing they are going to ask for is his log file.
  4. Speaking of FPS what is the difference. I have heard that 60fps is the sweet spot. I usually have that. I think I locked it somehow so my fps doesn't really go above that and I only notice something when sometimes for some reason it may drop suddenly to 10 or so for a split second then back again. At what point does a higher fps not matter. I have watched some YTers, (LTT and Jayztwocents mostly) that show them getting really high fps on some games. I mean like couple hundred or more. Does that make a difference? I am not sure but they may have mentioned it mattered to players who play professionally in tournaments but what about to the casual player like me and most of you. Do you need a higher framerate to keep it smoother when you use a higher resolution to keep it smooth? Just curious. What do you think is a good frame rate, at least for this game so it plays smooth enough.
  5. I may be but to me risk is doing something that has a chance of going sideways. For instance climbing Mount Everest. There is a risk you will die. There is also the chance you will make it up and back safely. Maybe by the skin of your teeth but still safely. Lots of people take the risk to do it and some make it some don't. If I want to get the loot and have to get through aggressive zs then that is fine but it would seem instead of the poi having 100% sleepers there be a room or two that have some awake zombies just shuffling around the rooms that I have to kill (as silently as possible) to get past to my goal. Could even be a poi that all the zoms are awake and in separate room that you have to really fight your way through to get to that sweet, sweet loot...hoping it is not just 3 arrows, a brass trophy and a can of tuna Edit: After posting this and reading down through the rest I can see that things are getting a bit "heated". Don't mind a debate but for now I think I will pull my hat out of the ring before things get a bit more hairy...
  6. On this note and never having tried, is there a certain distance you can get to a sleeper before he will wake? I know I have opened doors and seen sleepers but have always tried to snipe them with my bow. I have even hit closet doors with axe and when it broke there was a sleeper in there that I never woke up. How are sleepers actually woken up by the player.
  7. Careful, you will have Geico on your butt.
  8. I think that is what some think is the problem there. If they are guaranteed to wake no matter how much you sneak then it is not a risk. Playing a poi as intended should be follow a path the devs set out knowing there are zombies about. How far can you make it without waking them? I am thinking that players who stealth just want the sliver of chance that they could sneak past them and not have to fight but if they wake them then fight it is.
  9. Hoping I am not one of "these guys". I don't mind zombies waking up but if I can sneak through a building and not do anything wrong like step on garbage, shoot a weapon (besides the bow or silenced weapon) or start running and jumping then that would be great. If I screw up then I should be prepared for a fight...which will also of course could wake up more zoms
  10. Sorry to who ever it was, I can't recall, but I saw a mod someone had made (but not released) of a tractor or loader they had made. Man it was awesome. The could dig and level a huge area in no time. I hoped they would let it out in the wild but it never happened.
  11. Not a game maybe but have seen it in a few movies. There have been ones where the small group has to sneak through a area of sleeping enemies or even eggs without waking them and it is intense. But then it's also hollywood so you know some lower character is going to do something stupid (step on something that makes noise, panic, drop a bead of sweat, etc) and wake the whole group up causing a firefight. TFP's have made poi dungeon runs where there is a sort of pathway you take to get to the good crap. I wouldn't mind it then if there is the possibility that you could stealth your way through it but if you screw up then well be well prepared to fight your way out of it. I mean I love my silenced pistol or suppressed.....what ever the kids call it these days.
  12. I don't think I have ever seen it cost more than $27 CA Sorry, didn't realize I was in console section again.
  13. Thought there was no harm in asking (seems it was). Guess I won't be enjoying it.
  14. Hey Subquake, just started trying out you mod and it has eaten up a lot of my time lol. Not hard to lose track of time playing. One thing I wanted to know is if you have ever made the being able to lock specific slots in inventory as a standalone. This is one thing I think the vanilla game truly needs. I usually put my items in particular slots such as wood, fiber and stone down the left column, food and drinks down the right column, some ammo and health items along the top and then some tools I may need along the bottom. I haven't found anything similar to this out in wild and know you may not release as standalone but I do hope the fun pimps see how well it works and add something like it in future.
  15. Updating: I actually used this last night on a server I joined to keep the zoms away, again, while I was on a huge boulder for the night. So if it doesn't impact the game much I would also like to add my vote of keeping it...we are voting right?
  16. I have used it a few times early game when at night I climbed on a huge boulder for the night. I would throw rocks to get zombies in distance to turn around when they looked like they were headed in my direction.
  17. I have been watching some streams and I always thought that Pimp Points were only good to use during that stream and the Special Points could carry over to other streams. It seems though that every streamer I have asked about it so far says the PP's do carry over. I looked in the pdf and it did seem PP's were temp and SP's were permanent but from what I am hearing I am not sure now. Does anyone know for sure? EDIT: Quick 2nd question. Does anyone know why some players healthbar in party are purple?
  18. lol every right to. Am thinking at time of writing that though I see you thinking of me being the one in your avatar as the one getting the knuckle rub
  19. I am not up on how the game loads areas of the map. From what I understand is even if you have explored the whole map it only loads it in chucks as you move around so having the whole map explored won't be any different than if you had just started the game. As I say, I have not the best understanding of how this all works. You will need a dev or at least someone is familiar as to how this all works.
  20. !. I agree to use KingGen. I loved Nitrogen and miss some of it's features but it hasn't been updated in quite a while. 2. Again I agree. I think I may have used ServerTools but haven't had my server running for some time so not sure. As SylenThunder suggested there is a pinned thread. 3. As for map. Do you mean in game. I know when you make a map in KingGen you can see the full map in the preview in the folder that the program is in.
  21. It might help someone help you if you also said which mod you were using
  22. Had the CoCo. I remember using a cassette player to load programs. Always having to use that little screwdriver to adjust the head to get the best sound so it would load. I also remember typing programs in before I had a cassette hooked up and losing everything when I turned the computer off. Ahhh, the good ole days. ( I still have a CoCo around the house somewhere, most likely up in attack with a bunch of tapes)
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