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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. Yeah, the amount of vehicle damage is pretty freaking dumb. Feels like they decided they don't want players using the 4X4 anymore. Hopefully it gets tweaked, or at the very least, they add some vehicle armor plating mod. Friend of mine had the same thing happen after running into a streetlight in-game. Demolished the pole of course.. which then landed on his 4x4 and took it from 55% to kaboom instantly.
  2. Only reason to take it I can think of is if a player didn't want to put points into Well Insulated and wanted to live in the snow or desert biomes. But yeah even then, you can just mitigate the temperatures with the right clothes. No doubt it well. I'm willing to bet that Desert Survivor outfit they showed off during the dev streams will probably come with heat mitigation. Likely there'll be a cold weather outfit too if that's the case.
  3. Ah, gotcha. I wasn't sure if maybe it was one of the perks that got reworked and maybe I missed it in the notes. Mystery solved!
  4. Agreed. I love this POI, and made it my base during A20.
  5. I never take Pack Mule. Was there no change when you perked into 2/3 or 4/5?
  6. So... my buddy has a mode on his server that respawns salvaged cars every so often. Apparently, these frozen twigs are markers for where salved cars will respawn at, according to him. Mystery solved!
  7. Ah okay, cool! That will only start going forward on new maps, correct? My buddy and I are man-children and added a 6 to the sign.
  8. My favorite is the shopping cart I accidentally hit last night that dealt 20% vehicle damage and sent my 4x4 flipping end over end.
  9. You're welcome! But.... I've since found out I might actually be wrong. I've seen this POI in other towns on our map, with different numbers on the building's roof sign. I'm guessing the name that appears on the danger meter might be the POI's "filename," while each location the POI appears in will differ based on the roof's sign? Kind of like how in real life if a city has multiple fire stations, they'll be designated "Station 5, Station 6, etc." If I did actually find a mistake, I'm glad I could help!
  10. No PVP on our server either, but I, ah, "accidentally" sent my buddy flying.
  11. What's with all these weird white metal twigs? They still give wood when harvested, but for some reason the pickaxe deals more block damage to them, and they make a metal sound when struck. I first saw them in the Snow biome, so I thought maybe they were frosted wood but nope.
  12. With the new buffs to the stun baton, I have decided to spread the gospel among the zombies. The gospel.. of Stun Baton.
  13. I've maxxed out Charismatic Nature after respeccing and WOW. It's super awesome now! I have a question though, as I was the only one online when I perked into it - when other people are online, in addition to your allies and party members, does the person who perked into it also get the buffs from it?
  14. This has been "Learning with hiemfire" Exactly. Combine them into a new series of books. Call it Southern Farming and make it a series of perk books.
  15. 1. Paper is meant to represent wadding in the shell, though that brings up the question... where's the shell coming from? Kind of surprised shotgun shells don't require brass or scrap polymers. It'd make sense. 3. One of the points of the magazine thing was to get recipes OUT of perks. I think a better thing to do perhaps would be to change Southern Farming into a book series rather than a set of magazines, that way there could be additional perks gained.
  16. You don't see the red border when you approach the "you're leaving the quest area" distance?
  17. Careful, they might get the idea to block our vision in the name of realism!
  18. They'll appear in the building/construction tab (bricks and hammer icon) of the trader's inventory, once they start showing up. I've only seen one appear at a time per trader, and traders won't always have them. I've been able to buy two so far.
  19. Yeah, it was removed in A21. There is no longer a Secret Stash.
  20. The vehicle speed changes - what was the reason for them? The motorcycle and 4X4 are really sluggish to get going, though once they do and you hit that turbo, hoo boy do they zoom! I know it was an intended change, just curious why. Was there a problem being solved by these changes, or was it just for realism?
  21. So we should only heap mounds of praise on the devs for doing weird nonsensical things? Gotcha.
  22. There was no reason to add it in the first place though, that's my point.
  23. It was in the notes but yeah, it's wonky. Motorcycle and 4x4 are really sluggish to get going but once you do, if you hit that turbo.. good lord you just take off. It's like they said "Uh oh, people are driving careful so they don't damage their vehicles. Better make them uncontrollable so they're more likely to damage them!"
  24. Oh! Thanks for explaining that to me, I wasn't aware of that exclusion tag.
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