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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. Avoid Nitrado. They are cheap, yeah, but it shows. We are using G-Portal for years now. Customer Support is awesome and fast. They even help you with mods. Couldn´t get Age of Oblivion running on the server, they managed to download the mod and install it for me in ca. 45 mins. You can backup your saves manually, wich is only a few clicks, just need to manage the 50GB cloud space and delete older backups from time to time. Have only heard good things about bluefang aswell, never had a server there myself though.
  2. I don´t mind holding down W for longer, but my pinky would love auto sprint. I would rather have an extra key for it though, don´t need it when on foot. T key for example.
  3. Having issues getting on our dedicated server, getting this error in the console. Getting stuck at creating player. Also it tell us the traders are unknown. No problems playing the mod when someone hosts it on his PC. Edit: Forgot to say we do use g-portal wich has the mod available, so it´s not a wrong installing issue. What is weird is, that after activating the mod, i couldn´t choose the AOO maps. They didn´t show up. I had to upload it to the worlds folder. EDIT: Solved by the hosting company they installed the mod for me and everything works fine.
  4. @warmer There is no working crafting stations at traders or in POI´s anymore in A20. And as said, the gyro recipes/parts are mostly bought at the trader due to having invested in INT and better barter, wich also gives you guaranteed access to a crucible in the secret stash. And tbh i have yet to see a vehicle attract zombies. They only recognize me when i am really near them and that´s the same as on the bicycle. Really rather save a LOT of time beeing way faster when traveling, even on survivalist i can spare the points for the motorcycle.
  5. Yeah, those blocks would be really nice to craft. Finally some nice decoration. And it´s really awesome that the flowers give indirect light trough blocks btw. You can make some really nice looking lightning, like in a fountain. The vanilla lanterns used to do that aswell, but not anymore in A20. Wich sucks tbh.
  6. Ohhh, fancy. Looks really nice. Regarding the Dragon Friend vehicle: I can´t figure out what to do to get one. I can´t craft it (looking into the admin menu, i saw that there is the workbench as a required crafting station), buy it and i see no quest that has it as a reward. Unless it´s the dragon slayer quest. Wich would be a bit late in game. Once i am able to kill dragons regulary, the playtrough is basically over. At that point there isn´t much to do. And we can´t seem to figure out how to craft all the items from the mod, like chairs, thrones and statues. Are those even craftable?
  7. @meganoth The corridor base does rely on the fact that zombies see a path where there actually isn´t a path. It´s two solid walls with a roof wich they see as a path and inbetween you and them is a gap of 5 blocks and it´s impossible to path over that for the player aswell. That´s called exploiting the AI. No matter how you look at it. There is other ways of exploiting their pathing, but i don´t know anything about those. If you have blocks that push them down on their way to you, that´s a whole different story as there actually is a path with actual existing blocks that they could stand on if it wasn´t for the blocks on the side pushing them into a hole. That´s what we do often.
  8. @Thundy Yes, but no. Only very few of them. Like the overlook hotel for example.
  9. @warmer So you rely on luck finding all the recipes for minibike, forge, workbench, chemstation and first aid in MP? I don´t even do this in SP. Also you can reduce costs for crafting in the forge with advanced engineering. Better barter so you don´t have to rely on luck for the crucible is also a must have imo. We do play on survivalist and getting a motorcycle legit is not a problem at all and we still can have enough points invested for mining troughout the group. With at least one having points in intellect and better barter we usually can buy the recipe for the 4x4 and the gyrocopter from the trader or loot it at some point.
  10. What i totally forgot is having bones made out of glass. Everything higher than a block was a guaranteed broken leg. Sometimes even less than a block. Was fixed pretty fast iirc.
  11. @meganoth i should have added that starting with lower damage does defeat the purpose of this change even if you go to double damage over time that wouldn´t be enough. Let´s take dishong, beeing on the roof, every path up there is interrupted. It wouldn´t even collapse with 500% damage increase during the 15mins of hordenight. And even the silo could propably take 300% easily. Wich would simply be overwhelming for a normal self built hordebase that doesn´t rely on pathing exploits like the corridor base.
  12. @meganothI am not a fan of carrying tons in my backpack. Absolute realism wouldn´t fit here, you would have to make a ton of trips. But i wouldn´t mind not beeing able to carry a ton of steel or concrete blocks. But i don´t even start that suggestion because most people wouldn´t enjoy an at least somewhat realistic carry restriction. Same with beeing able to simply put my car into the inventory. Not a fan. Not a popular opinion either. The change you suggest would mean you will need to kill fast. Wich doesn´t fit every playsyle, dumbing down the game in terms of variety even further and it would promote the rushing playstyle wich you guys always look down at. And it would mean that 64 zombies on hordenight are way more difficult. The only occassion in the game where you have that much zombies, wich is lackluster in the rest of the game. Would make the subtitle "horde" of the game even more riddiculous if people turn down zombies due to that change tbh.
  13. What? Are you serious? You are doing something WAY wrong then. Motorcycle is easy to get. The gyro needs some looting luck, but 10%. Nah. Many people go better barter simply for a better chance to get a crucible at the trader and that also increases chances to get the gyro recipes. Also the recipes can be looted quite often once you reach a certain gamestage plus you can find the chassis/accessories in loot boxes also. Later in game money isn´t an issue, buying it isn´t super hard either.
  14. Well, i discovered the scroll for the first quest on day 20 or 21 and we finished it on day 27. And we were 2 people with good gear. So we were pretty overpowered. I have maxed strength, hammer and flintlock skills. They both didnt´t live long. Can give you more feedback when i tried it in SP and earlier in game. Love the model of the demon lord though. Looks awesome.
  15. @Matt115 We could get more guns without making it a loot shooter. A lot of mods have more different guns without turning this into a loot shooter.
  16. Not assuming the increase of the demolisher damage, but it get´s already worse once a demo explodes and the block damage of the other zombies is increasing. I really think that if that is going to be the solution against POI cheesing, the cheesing with other methods will increase and there is a quite a few of them. And TFP can´t avoid every cheesy method. Maybe if they spend a year only doing that and nothing else. Wich i highly doubt. In the end you will only punish people who built hordebases without cheesing. Also it´s already weird how fast they can magically break steel blocks with bare hands and somehow get bonus damage when hitting one block in a group. I can live with that, it´s understandable. But making this even more weird by adding more damage over time to a zombie, who should actually make less damage the longer it lives due to rotting, is too much.
  17. Is there any indicator that i am done with the main quest? I was at the third location and found 2 boss enemies, 3 chests at the 2nd one, no quest chest or any sign that i am done with this part of the quest. Couldn´t find anymore rooms or enemies. Also i do loose my NPC´s a lot because they fall to death when i get off my pegasus. I always exit it at the lowest possible point, still they take a lot of fall damage and sometimes it´s just too much.
  18. The real problem is here, that the game is getting more and more of a loot shooter instead of a RPG/Survival. The armor plus the new crafting skills push hard into that direction. Go out and shoot and loot wearing the right pieces if you want to progress, people who liked to build/mine, take care of the farm and cooking are basically effed. (Yes those people do deal with zombies and don´t just hide, screamers, wandering hordes, they do kill a lot also) And to top it off the armor additionally motivates people to do a min/max playstyle. Wich will make MP all the same for everyone if you don´t wanna fall behind. I might be utterly wrong, but i guess i am pretty close with the general direction the game is going. Just hope that both things can be fixed by the modding community if things are really bad.
  19. It needs time to get used to it. Once you mastered it, it is the fastest way to travel for longer distances. Anything over 1km is faster than the minibike with the gyrocopter. Propably even anything above 500m depending on the terrain. Good luck driving trough downtown with a minibike. Also the ability to land on a few blocks up on any roof makes it superior. Taking off from a roof is easy even with no room, as long as it´s high enough you will be able to stop the fall and fly normally. Just needs some training.
  20. Well make that max zombies and you have a problem. Also one demolisher that explodes could get your base wrecked way faster. It also does a lot more to people who do melee as they kill Z´s way slower. And sure changes can go either way. But making it harder for people who don´t cheese, in order to prevent cheesing is the wrong way imo.
  21. Ok, good to know they don´t reset. No big deal for us, i will just take them with me.
  22. Just a quick question for the main quest: Do i need to find another friendly joust arena when i missed to share the main quests with the others? Not necessarily importnant right now as we are on our own server and could have propably just shared the quest, but maybe something that might bother people on public servers. The chest does dissapear after you take the scroll out. For us right now, i will just spawn one in for the others, or maybe i can simply share the next quest in the quest line.
  23. Didn´t realize it´s so easy with POI´s tbh. Never used POI´s during bloodmoon except for the first horde sometimtes. That would punish people who build their own horde base way more. SP with more than 16 Z´s would basically become impossible with a self built horde base.
  24. I just hope there will be 2 variants for each set. Not wearing heavy armor ever is basically the only thing that is true for all my playtroughs. For like 99% of all my playtime i used light armor. Only on very special occasions with really crazy POI`s from compopack i used heavy armor. Actually just 2 POI´s. If they force me to use heavy armor in order to not have a disadvantage by not using it, i can just hope that mods will take care of that problem. But i might be the minority here. When announced it looked like some sets where light and some heavy armor. Really hope that changed meanwhile. I really dislike the removal of clothing. I was actually hoping for more variety in future alphas, right now everyone looks the same. And with the sets, style goes out the window as everyone will wear what he can to get the best advantages. Wich will lead to the outfit jugglery. Wich sounds pretty annoying and tedious. One one hand they always say people who min/max their gamestyle do ruin their own fun, on the other hand they make a armor system that promotes exactly that playstyle. It´s weird.
  25. The Jarl Estate could easily be a T3. It was my first quest in the new playtrough. A ton of enemies, 2 with over 1000+ HP a bunch with 500+ HP. No way that´s a T1. NMM Cave01 could be T4 instead of T3. More than enough enemies, hard enough due to many archers. Maybe i can try to build a T4 during July or i can extract the castle our builder is working on at the moment as a POI and adapt it so it fits for T4. Should be room enough for enemies. Regarding spoilage, our miner/builder/farmer/cook is under constant stress due to this. It´s tedious af. Propably not a problem in SP but in MP you propably need two cooks now. There is a few workarounds, like having a cue full of food in the stoves/campfire that you only turn on if you need to eat, same for the meat grinder, if things are in the cue, they don´t spoil. But that´s cheesy af tbh, not happy with that solution. And yeah, honey doesn´t spoil.
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