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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. The inside front cover will mention zip lines while the back cover will complain the front cover is unrealistic.
  2. Been playing with these settings the last several games and it has changed my game play considerably, even with "easy" zombies (warrior, compared to normally playing survivalist). The daytime maxcounts were all updated to at least 10 (20 in wasteland) and the night time maxcounts were upped to 20 (30 in the wasteland). Very different game. I've been enforcing "one life to live" until this last game. My average game length was measured in hours prior to this because it was way too easy to get overwhelmed by all the zombies outside a POI coming in to say "hi" while you were trying to clear a POI. <biome name="pine_forest"> <spawn maxcount="10" respawndelay="2.9" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" /> <spawn maxcount="20" respawndelay="3.3" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesNight" /> <spawn maxcount="5" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="WildGameForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="1.1" time="Night" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> </biome> <biome name="burnt_forest"> <spawn maxcount="10" respawndelay="2.8" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesBurntForest" /> <spawn maxcount="20" respawndelay="3.2" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesNight" /> <spawn maxcount="5" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="WildGameForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="1.1" time="Night" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsBurntForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> </biome> <biome name="desert"> <spawn maxcount="10" respawndelay="2.7" time="Any" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" /> <spawn maxcount="20" respawndelay="2.1" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesNight" /> <spawn maxcount="5" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="WildGameForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="3.5" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsDesert" spawnDeadChance="0" /> </biome> <biome name="wasteland"> <spawn maxcount="20" respawndelay="0.3" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" /> <spawn maxcount="30" respawndelay="0.1" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNight" /> <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="0.3" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsWasteland" spawnDeadChance="0" /> </biome> <biome name="snow"> <spawn maxcount="10" respawndelay="2.6" time="Any" entitygroup="SnowZombies" /> <spawn maxcount="20" respawndelay="1.7" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesNight" /> <spawn maxcount="5" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="WildGameForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="3.1" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsSnow" spawnDeadChance="0" /> </biome>
  3. The About The Author section will be one long treatise on beards.
  4. I never quite understood the downgrade process anyway. I think it will be better with just upgrading to a new block type and downgrading to air.
  5. If you can spell grandeur you can almost spell grenade. Which means... Absolutely nothing, kinda like this post. Carry on.
  6. Yeah... I could see this making POI creation faster, too, with preconfigured parts assembled to make whole, larger POIs. Now if they could get it so you could place one POI inside another inside the XML for world generation... Especially if they added some randomness so you could have an insane level of variability.
  7. Unless it's a moose knuckle rub... EDIT: Forgot an apostrophe.
  8. Yeah, that's pretty much how I do it. I will also build a one block "wall" around the outside just to keep myself from accidentally driving a vehicle into it. Not that I've done that or anything...
  9. And there we have it. The zombie apocalypse will be brought on by bath salts.
  10. I'm just glad we all don't have to ride around on brooms. Though... some of us do...
  11. It would have a 600 page introduction followed by a 300 page story. And the fan fiction would be incredible.
  12. Based on my success rate, more like bad pick up lines.
  13. I've even been rejected by dumpsters. Well, I can't be certain but it was locked and completely rejected my advances.
  14. Except there are no mice or cell phones in this apocalypse.
  15. I want my money back for hours 3 through 14. I'm happy with the other 6000 or so hours, though.
  16. You can still create a forum account without buying the game, correct? Now that's value!
  17. T-Rex, Living Off The Land, my weapon of choice this game, and Miner 69er, usually.
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