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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. I send Britney after people all the time. She's a damn fine tracker, that one.
  2. What if you put a reverse ignore on them so that they can't see anyone else's posts?
  3. Prophecy. They are demi-gods in a world of ventriloquist puppies. I have no idea what that means.
  4. I think some of you would be much happier if you just put some posters on ignore and stopped arguing with them. Some people are just contrarian by nature and are not at all worth wasting your time on.
  5. I think that if you get turned on by either of them you... have issues. Although the one on the left has a nice smile.
  6. It would be cool to track a zombie bear back to a zoo POI that has hundreds of zombie bears in it... Or maybe I'm not sure what cool means.
  7. I play on inane mode. It suits me, I guess.
  8. To be fair, that's probably the ugliest @%$# posted on this board.
  9. In order to make it a believable Roland comment it has to be at a 3.14 grade reading level.
  10. Which means you still said December 3rd. Out of context it's still a promise to everyone that likes taking things out of context.
  11. Well... the answer, but not the question. I've read it in the prophecy books.
  12. He said December 3rd but he didn't say which year...
  13. Alpha 42 is the one I'm waiting for. I hear it will only run on planet-sized computers.
  14. No problem. I've read the ending and everybody dies anyway.
  15. Make sure the airport has enough janitors to keep the restrooms clean. Even in the apocalypse, hover poops are a real pain in the ass.
  16. Yeah, well... same to you but more of it? I was going to try to make a joke about your mother and a goat but then got my brain stuck on you with cloven hoof toenails and a billy goat beard and my brain shut off. No surprise there but when it started up again I was only conscious long enough to pass out again. Then I lost my train of thought and jumped the rails. I'm pretty sure my insurance will cover the damage I caused to my coffee table as I crashed onto it, maybe. But the insurance guy is the son of a motherless goat so he may not. What was I talking about again?
  17. Don't go too harsh on them... they might just be the messenger.
  18. I've always tried avoiding intelligence in my world. Wait, you're talking about the game...
  19. PSA: Drugs are bad. Or, at least, bad drugs are bad.
  20. Toupees as ammo would be... hilarious. Just sayin'...
  21. This should totally be an option to play during horde nights.
  22. You may want to rethink your drinking strategy and stay drunk. Forever. Might want to put one of your livers on ice first, though. If you only have one then you're out of luck, sorry.
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