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Mining and Stamina. Am I missing something?


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I see a skill to decrease stamina usage when running and a skill to decrease stamina usage in melee, but I see nothing to reduce stamina usage in mining. I am at level 65, have Miner 69er up to lvl 4, and while using a steel pick axe am barely able to get through 2 stone blocks without having to wait for my stamina to go back up? Is this just the way it is or am I missing something?

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As of now, probably the single most important thing to search for is the 'Ergonomic Grip' modifier, reduces stamina usage by 20% on whatever it's attached to. In general, you also just want to stuff as many modifiers on things as possible, since it increases their stats, meaning less swings to break each block.


Crack-a-books are your friend, RNG however...

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Sex Rex is pretty much a huge go-to. I invested heavily in Rule #1, but I realized that didn't affect idle regen, only running stamina regen.


That said, I did find a pair of fugly green running shoes and I can easily jog over a km without stopping now. Not as useful since I have a motorcycle, but I did a night-run for an airdrop that went remarkably smooth. Did it in a just some shorts, a shirt, and some ski visors that gave some extra stamina, not really expecting to actually survive. Ran out, go the drop, rested for stamina, and jogged straight on back to base non stop.


Best shoes ever. Worst color ever. Can I get them in white?


For mining, I was disappointed with the augur. it's obvious it needs the mods to increase damage vs stone, dirt, and metal, but at a base level, it's such trash. I fear the chainsaw isn't much better, particularly as a weapon.

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As of now, probably the single most important thing to search for is the 'Ergonomic Grip' modifier, reduces stamina usage by 20% on whatever it's attached to. In general, you also just want to stuff as many modifiers on things as possible, since it increases their stats, meaning less swings to break each block.


Crack-a-books are your friend, RNG however...


Thanks. I guess that's my purpose for now. I've found a couple mods but nothing for tools.


Sex Rex is pretty much a huge go-to. I invested heavily in Rule #1, but I realized that didn't affect idle regen, only running stamina regen.


That said, I did find a pair of fugly green running shoes and I can easily jog over a km without stopping now. Not as useful since I have a motorcycle, but I did a night-run for an airdrop that went remarkably smooth. Did it in a just some shorts, a shirt, and some ski visors that gave some extra stamina, not really expecting to actually survive. Ran out, go the drop, rested for stamina, and jogged straight on back to base non stop.


Best shoes ever. Worst color ever. Can I get them in white?


For mining, I was disappointed with the augur. it's obvious it needs the mods to increase damage vs stone, dirt, and metal, but at a base level, it's such trash. I fear the chainsaw isn't much better, particularly as a weapon.


So mining while running then ya? ;)

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Not to mention it takes 5 swings PER block with steel axe quality 5 and 69'er at 4.


Mining is a complete waste of time, just give up, I know I just did.


in a16 you had your storage full of stone/iron very early.Now you have a reason to keep playing longer, not just get everything and then stat over..

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in a16 you had your storage full of stone/iron very early.Now you have a reason to keep playing longer, not just get everything and then stat over..


I would agree except early or late game doesn't seem to matter with the current skill system.

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I'm constantly short on stone and dirt, particularly dirt. Between forged iron for metal spikes and cobblestone, I can't keep up. I've moved up to concrete and it's laughable how short on material I am and how inadequate un-modded iron tools are for the job. 1 stone per whack is killing me.


I also have an augur that I'm terrified to use, because i'm constantly sieged every time I use it, and the fuel-to-resource ratio just doesn't seem worth it. it uses 100x more fuel than my motorcycle, is about 100x more annoying to listen to, and I can only say that it's HALF decent at harvesting boulders and absolute trash at dirt/stone.

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Not to mention it takes 5 swings PER block with steel axe quality 5 and 69'er at 4.


Mining is a complete waste of time, just give up, I know I just did.


If you have MINER 69er maxed and not MOTHER LODE, of course you don't get much. With 3 in MOTHER LODE I was getting 32 from a COAL node, or 24 from the trees in Burnt Forest. Guess which one is easier to find/more time efficient...

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I would agree except early or late game doesn't seem to matter with the current skill system.


you are supposed to keep mining, to keep having something to do even late game. Until A17 , you had really nothing to do late game.Even if you wanted to build a lot, you would still stop mining at some point, your base was invincible, you had all the weapons, you basically had to start over, just to have something to do...

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you are supposed to keep mining, to keep having something to do even late game. Until A17 , you had really nothing to do late game.Even if you wanted to build a lot, you would still stop mining at some point, your base was invincible, you had all the weapons, you basically had to start over, just to have something to do...


This is pretty true, more so than usual. Traps in A17 all take damage as they operate and need to be constantly repaired or replaced. Barbed wire, spike traps, electrical fencing, even blade traps rapidly damage themselves as they work. That means constantly needing to resource repair and replacement supplies (and iron spikes aren't cheap on SP). That's nothing compared to the need to manufacture massive amounts of ammo and munitions on horde night.


As an SP player, I'd MUCH rather be raiding POI's than in a no-escape deathtrap in the ground banging around for every zombie to hear, and it's even worse when it takes so long to get through stone that it's not even worth losing days of progress crouched in a dark hole banging rocks. It's not so bad in the desert, but the cave in risk is a lot higher too and it's half a map away.

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If you have MINER 69er maxed and not MOTHER LODE, of course you don't get much. With 3 in MOTHER LODE I was getting 32 from a COAL node, or 24 from the trees in Burnt Forest. Guess which one is easier to find/more time efficient...


As you clearly do not understand, I don;t care for the resources, I do for making underground area's, multi level base and underground highway tunnels going all over the map the size you could fit 3 of the 4x4's next to eachother just because I love building.

A16.4, updated engine, balance tweaks and fixes and they'd not made most people happy but probably get more people to buy the game as this is what most of us were expecting after 1.5 year of waiting.

Instead, we get this crap, even making boiled eggs and corn seeds behind a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ skill lock.


Another game ruined by the vocal minority who play a game for a few weeks and waits for the next update while the builders underus can spend half a year on a map...

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you are supposed to keep mining, to keep having something to do even late game. Until A17 , you had really nothing to do late game.Even if you wanted to build a lot, you would still stop mining at some point, your base was invincible, you had all the weapons, you basically had to start over, just to have something to do...


Speak for yourself. As for me, that is my biggest gripe about A17 so far. They have taken that one thing that everyone does only because they have to, mining, and turned it into something that you are suppose to keep doing throughout the entire game. I don't mine because I enjoy mining. I mine to gather resources, make tunnels, build massive under ground bases and make huge 50x50x50 pits. They have taken all of that away and now it's just a painful process to gather resources. Blah!!!

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For mining, I was disappointed with the augur. it's obvious it needs the mods to increase damage vs stone, dirt, and metal, but at a base level, it's such trash. I fear the chainsaw isn't much better, particularly as a weapon.


Oh gosh tell me about it! I was super excited finding a chainsaw day 2! I thought holy joe, now I gotta really find and conserve my fuel so I got a way to survive sudden death situations! I wrench some cars to get some fuel...


Ahh... a snow zombie! Time to really rock! ... was heading towards 10 seconds of chainsawing the zombie and he was almost killing me. I wasn't demanding an insta kill here, but 2-3 seconds of chainsaw should kill even a snow zombie, especially as it doesn't knock down or stun, and he's still bashing me. If it takes 10-15 seconds then I might as well just use a club and bash retreat and kill him much easier :p


Video -->

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you are supposed to keep mining, to keep having something to do even late game. Until A17 , you had really nothing to do late game.Even if you wanted to build a lot, you would still stop mining at some point, your base was invincible, you had all the weapons, you basically had to start over, just to have something to do...


I liked having multiple mines and bases spread out throughout the whole RWG map. It was great imo. Plenty to do in A16 after "your base was invincible" imo

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