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After 4000 hours with a11-a16, I won't spend much time in a17x. Here's why... no fun!


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There were over 32,000 players in A16.


How about an in-game survey?


32000 was the stable release numbers. 21000 from the month before was the experimental release numbers. At the current rate we are on target to break the 32k record when stable releases. :)

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The game is very much different that what we have done before. Hubby and I tried to make our tunnel and discovered that 7 day horde + underground base = BIG DEEP hole filled with zombies milling about. Is it harder to play the way we used to, absolutely. We are still trying to get our minds around which of us takes which perks (we play as a team) and how to divide up the "chores"


I was having a little trouble set on scavenger because it seems I have a constant stream of wandering zombies for the first 3-4 days. I start work on a tree and 2 zombies come by, kill them, 3 more show up. Run out of arrows after dispatching those, gathering rock and 2 more zombies...

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Lol Roland i thought you were good with numbers.

You have no way of knowing that 23000 are playing "happily". Who knows if the people behind these critical comments are playing? How many do you know are playing pure experimental with out mods?


I bet most parts are playing it mod free but we have no way of knowing who is happy or not.


Personally im on the fence. A lot of things i love with A17.. but there are quite a few things that may or may not be a deal breaker for me this Alpha.


Personally im playing to find out if those things are as bad as i think (wishing they are not) and if so, planning on how to mod them out or right out rant about it :D


lol and now ill get the respons from Trolland "22,999".


It’s true that Steamcharts doesn’t give the complete picture and isn’t completely accurate. It’s just MORE accurate than the tool you guys are using which is the sample size of your friends and people with your same gaming preferences you’ve met in your servers.


As I said, you go ahead and discount and explain away the data that a high of 17k grew to a high of 23k throughout this first week and cling to the fact that everyone you know hates the game now as evidence that those with your sentiment represents the majority.

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Please, no one should infer reasons for anything from stats. On either side of this argument. I can "prove" ice cream trucks cause a spike in violent crime, using stats... Doesn't make the cause and effect true though.


Anecdotally, we are enjoying it, but will be modding usage based skills back in for the things that make sense.


Right now though, we want a complete picture of the intended game, so we can accurately decide what we want to keep.


The new challenges are welcomed, and our "good" players are still good. I die, doom, aurelius and stompy don't. Same old, same old.


What's really cool about this build for me, is I'm able to melee. That was something simply beyond my ability before.


Anims swing when they swing, hits hit when they hit. I don't have to memorize any kind of timer.

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It’s true that Steamcharts doesn’t give the complete picture and isn’t completely accurate. It’s just MORE accurate than the tool you guys are using which is the sample size of your friends and people with your same gaming preferences you’ve met in your servers.


As I said, you go ahead and discount and explain away the data that a high of 17k grew to a high of 23k throughout this first week and cling to the fact that everyone you know hates the game now as evidence that those with your sentiment represents the majority.


What I don't understand is how you don't even try to articulate yourself on any arguments brought forward by the players who stuck with your game no matter what. Show some respect at least - those are the players who brought new ones to your game as well.


We are all giving our impressions, and talk for our friends who do not have or do not want to have an account on your forum. Who don't want to engange in this kind of nonsense bull♥♥♥♥ a player has to face here if he expresses his concerns. What you are doing is simpy denying us our rights to express an opinion and quote one liners of other players in favor of the game over giant contributions others make in a critical way.

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Lol Roland i thought you were good with numbers.

You have no way of knowing that 23000 are playing "happily". Who knows if the people behind these critical comments are playing? How many do you know are playing pure experimental with out mods?


I bet most parts are playing it mod free but we have no way of knowing who is happy or not.


Personally im on the fence. A lot of things i love with A17.. but there are quite a few things that may or may not be a deal breaker for me this Alpha.


Personally im playing to find out if those things are as bad as i think (wishing they are not) and if so, planning on how to mod them out or right out rant about it :D


lol and now ill get the respons from Trolland "22,999".


He is good with numbers, less so with empathy, just like most other math professors.

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It’s true that Steamcharts doesn’t give the complete picture and isn’t completely accurate. It’s just MORE accurate than the tool you guys are using which is the sample size of your friends and people with your same gaming preferences you’ve met in your servers.


As I said, you go ahead and discount and explain away the data that a high of 17k grew to a high of 23k throughout this first week and cling to the fact that everyone you know hates the game now.


Roland! I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are confusing me with someone else! Since I have never said anything about what my friends or people on my server feel about this game. Mainly because i play solo and almost non of my friends are playing it 7dtd!

And even if those 10 friends who I have bought copies to, have had an opinion about it 7dtd I sure as hell wouldn't think that that would be representative for the player base. The same way i know that critical post or praising post here is not be representative for the whole player base.


Sooooo I wasn't discounting the data im doing a remark on your statement.. "23000 are playing happily". You are our moderator and therfor i think its important that you choose your wordings carefully.


Now take a deep breath and carry on!

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today we hit 23k


23,000 are playing happily.


23k are playing.... that does not indicate their satisfaction with the game.


I was one of those 23k people playing today, but I would not call what I was doing "playing happily".


And you think we're the ones with a narrative? LOL

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4000 hours??? thats time to consider getting a life now bud.. :(


but seriously, its an experimental build, the game hasnt been set in stone


Since the game came out almost 5 years ago now... he's played 4000 hours of the 44000 hours it's been out. That's what makes you say it's time to get a life? What? Some people enjoy playing just 1 game. or 1-2 games. Not everyone wants to play 10 separate games for 30 minutes each day...


It's not "set in stone" but it's not a good basis thus far.

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23k are playing.... that does not indicate their satisfaction with the game.


I was one of those 23k people playing today, but I would not call what I was doing "playing happily".


And you think we're the ones with a narrative? LOL


If I wasn't having fun, I wouldn't be playing.. I assume people aren't stupid enough to keep playing a game they don't like

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I wasn't having fun, I wouldn't be playing.. I assume people are stupid enough to keep playing a game they don't like


Fun is subjectiv... here are a few examples!

its fun! but is it as fun as a16?

It fun to see what new features TFP have in store for us?

Even if i dont think its fun right now. Maybe it becomes more fun in late game. Lets see exploring is fun.


All playable fun!

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I apologize for the generalization with the 23k all being happy. I agree that it was a weak statement.


Your turn.


What's your job even in those forum? Like, honestly? Breaking threads with constructive criticism with unrelated quotes and comments seems to be one.

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I also have only banned one person but that was for ranting and then arguing about it in the official bug report thread and only for three days. A few people who I previously banned for disrupting the forum with doom and gloom about A17 never coming out, I let back in after the experimental released. Not sure why I did that with all my lack of empathy...

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If I wasn't having fun, I wouldn't be playing.. I assume people aren't stupid enough to keep playing a game they don't like


Now my intelligence is being insulted for playing the game I purchased? Such a great community you guys have here.


I am playing the new version to test it out, to see if what I disliked initially plays out how I expected it to. It's rather hard to provide constructive criticism without actually playing it.

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The only time I actually had a funny moment in the experimental was out side at night crouching by a tree trying to get some wood...I kept chopping and hearing this strange noise..

I would stop look around nothing no sounds nothing.!

carry on again hear this strange noise again!

sounded like a zombie circling me!

every time I stopped chopping the noise stopped

finally realised it is my character has really bad asthma and breathing weirdly lol!!

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Heh...yeh, we math professors are a slimy lot. Ad hominem is all you’ve got in your quiver I see. That’s fine....


er...good argument....


See? This is what I was talking about. You don't seem to understand the feelings of other people. Otherwise you would know this was not an attempt to attack you, just stating the obvious. You sure are good with numbers, but numbers aren't everything. Did you read the post of another user who said that all those people may as well be simply struggling to get through the first part of the game grind to more advanced part of the game in hope to have some fun? Remember when I told you that this will happen with artificially stretching the game progression? You dismissed my comments then and now that Alpha 17 is out, more people come here to say the same I said long before Alpha 17 got released and yet, you are at it again, dismissing negative feedback! Dismissing negative feedback with pure numbers IS what irritates the old players even more, because the numbers you're talking about are actual players, the number includes also old players you're trying to dismiss now, the players who experienced the game, players who may have positive, but also negative feelings about it. Just because the game now takes so MUCH longer which necessarily creates high number of players in game at the same time, doesn't mean that all those players are actually enjoying it or that they are actually playing Alpha 17 and not modded Alpha 16.4 after giving up on the grind in Alpha 17. You never considered these other factors and all you see is the high number of players, that's why I assumed you either don't understand or don't really care about the feelings of players or what they actually like or not.

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I'm not sure why people hold roland to a higher standard than the rest of us. I dunno, I guess it's because I've dealt with him for years, but I'm comfortable with him being human, and I'm glad the majority of tfp doesn't treat us like we are beneath them.


That's why this community is good...

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Now my intelligence is being insulted for playing the game I purchased? Such a great community you guys have here.


I am playing the new version to test it out, to see if what I disliked initially plays out how I expected it to. It's rather hard to provide constructive criticism without actually playing it.


I've spent $60 on games I don't find fun. So I guess I insulted my own intelligence to. Atleast I don't play them though.


By the way it wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the 23,000 people playing.

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