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Where is Navezgane Arizona?


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Where is Navesgane Arizona? I might have a pretty good theory on that. Now we have all seen the road signs in the game, there are two. Sign 1: Albuquerque 246 Alamogordo 334 Roswell 368 Santa Fe 305 sign 2: Phoenix 187 Yuma 370 To Las Vegas 398 Los Angles 562 Also there are 2 road markers State Hwy 73 and state Hwy 260 These will be the first pieces of information i will use to find where we all love to zed hunt. I find State Hwy 260 and 73 pretty quickly in Arizona within Google earth. Where the roads cross i look East for the next closest small town...I find McNary, AZ Now Hwy 260 goes through McNary but doesn't go through Diersvill. But both McNary and Diersvill are on the North Side of 260. Since it is the closest representation lets roll with McNary for now. Lets use the signs: Using city center to city center, the signs in-game and google earth i came up with: Sign 1: Albuquerque 246 to McNary 237 difference -9 miles Alamogordo 334 to McNary 323 difference -11 Roswell 368 to McNary 354 difference -14 Santa Fe 305 to McNary 296 difference -9 Avg -10 miles difference. sign 2: Phoenix 187 To McNary 197 difference +10 miles Yuma 370 To McNary 371 difference +1 <---WOW Las Vegas 398 To McNary 404 difference +6 Los Angles 562 To McNary 566 difference +4 Avg: +5.25 miles difference. Is there anything else to support this kind of bored fun? In Diersville Maple St runs East/West though the town. McNary has East to West running streets named after trees, from top to bottom; Oak, spruce, fir, and pine. But Maple runs North/South. Weird? Well We all know there is a lumber camp North East of Diersville. Just so happens 4 miles North East of McNary is Logger Mountain. Looking at it in google earth it stands out in the landscape quite a bit. South Of McNary is an abandoned industrial like area, as in the Game there is the industrial buildings in the south of the map. Both McNary and Diersville have a big and small lake/Reservoir close to them. Just to the west of Diersville there is a street named Apache running north/south. Just to the West of McNary is the Apache and Navajo county line running north/south. McNary is on the Apache side. Anyone else?
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I live in AZ myself, and have been wondering if they were basing the area off of a real place (not just random locations in AZ). Cool find. I never thought about using the signs as I never noticed them (or just never read them). Now... if only they could add joshawa(or however they are spelled) trees to the desert biome then I could build my actual house there !
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LOL had me wondering so I did a search and found this [URL="http://identifiedco.com/product/navezgane/"]Navezgane T-shirt[/URL] also this (Apache Indian [B][COLOR="#008000"]Name Meaning :[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00FFFF"]Killer of Monsters/Enemies[/COLOR] [/B]) [URL="http://manitou.wikia.com/wiki/Navezgane"]Manitou - Legend of Gaiar [/URL] [URL="http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/pla/jat/jat06.htm"]The Killing of the Monsters Myth[/URL] Perhaps the name is from An Indian legend/myth and not of an actual place?
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[QUOTE=Cryptic_Tundra;73155]LOL had me wondering so I did a search and found this [URL="http://identifiedco.com/product/navezgane/"]Navezgane T-shirt[/URL] also this (Apache Indian [B][COLOR="#008000"]Name Meaning :[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00FFFF"]Killer of Monsters/Enemies[/COLOR] [/B]) [URL="http://manitou.wikia.com/wiki/Navezgane"]Manitou - Legend of Gaiar [/URL] [URL="http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/pla/jat/jat06.htm"]The Killing of the Monsters Myth[/URL] Perhaps the name is from An Indian legend/myth and not of an actual place?[/QUOTE] That is exactly where the name comes from. A Fun Pimps Staff member pointed that out last year. What i am saying doesn't contradict that at all. Tokyo (as in Japan) means "Eastern Capital", Cairo (as in Egypt) means "The Victorious". Both places still have a location and a meaning.
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  • 1 year later...
I've actually spent some time testing out distances on google maps a while back and the best fit based on the distances on all the signs would be in the area of Show Low, Arizona. (Edit:Which is just north of McNary, so basically the same area.)
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
[attachment=1390:name] Get alive! [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=5][COLOR="#FFA500"]Get alive![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=7][B][COLOR="#FFFF00"]Get alive![/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [url]https://www.google.de/maps/place/McNary,+Arizona,+USA/@34.0840029,-109.8703471,12752m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8728a4f9feaf9c69:0x695d524028fd3c62!8m2!3d34.0736564!4d-109.8570472[/url]
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Powerful defibrillator you have there, Dr. R.D. Frankenstein. You resurrected a very old corpse of a thread! I live in Arizona and appreciate how closely the Fun Pimps created the landscape for the game. They do need to add Joshua trees, and a dilapidated airport POI. Just sayin. :)
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[QUOTE=Roland;751551]I’ve visited my brother in Arizona and driving around certainly is eerie. Feels like you’re in the game. Got me worried about my Suburban maybe falling out of the world. There’s no insurance for that btw...[/QUOTE] Have you checked? The insurance thing, that is.
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  • 8 months later...
Just stumbled accross this interesting dead thread from last year and thought it was interesting. If you look SE of McNary, you come accross Hawley Lake with some buildings around it... even has a little island in the middle. Some similar atributes to ALS Marina Area. Like anyone is going to see this post - haha.
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