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what should the game have more of..


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And obviously more memes.



Honest answer:

Definitivly nothing of those you mentioned... except for zombies maybe.


I would like more varied threats. Digging zombies/cave ins/underground ventilation. Maybe more environmental threats. (No not mines! Im talking like a bell that rings if you walk or run over it, alerting a horde)


I wpuld also like more electricity. More functions like doors and stuff.

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More Modder Support!


- More Block ID's

- Comprehensive POI Editor [Menu and in game for testing]

- Custom Map Editor

- Terra-forming Tools

- More SDX support

- More Quest Functions [Programmable triggers and flags,etc]

- Customizable Texture Map

- Sound Editor


Oh I could make this list go on and on.


Of course, in time. We don't need any of this stuff now.

Just want to see A17 come out as stable as they can make it.

I'll wait patiently.

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More meaning to the many existing survival elements would be great (best examples would be spoilage, impactful diseases, injuries and death).

More varied and "clever" threats (Glowing bulletsponge super zombies don't count).

More dynamic unpredictable elements - like random events/encounters making each playthrough different.

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More meaning to the many existing survival elements would be great (best examples would be spoilage, impactful diseases, injuries and death).

More varied and "clever" threats (Glowing bulletsponge super zombies don't count).

More dynamic unpredictable elements - like random events/encounters making each playthrough different.


+1 on all of these.


I really like the idea of dynamic unpredictable elements.

I'm not sure how that would play out.


Maybe just really random good or bad things.

- Random Trader shows up for a week.

- Random virus makes you tired or slow.

- Random Bandit Horde sets up camp.

- Random Rick Astley trolls you while you're mining. [Oh my GAWD that make me laugh so hard!]



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Alpha releases

Communications with the community

And obviously more memes.



Honest answer:

Definitivly nothing of those you mentioned... except for zombies maybe.


I would like more varied threats. Digging zombies/cave ins/underground ventilation. Maybe more environmental threats. (No not mines! Im talking like a bell that rings if you walk or run over it, alerting a horde)


I wpuld also like more electricity. More functions like doors and stuff.


Yes more memes

Agree they need a whole undergroud overhaul.

If they can fix water physics first,they could do so much more.

With digging zombie, this game can have an orginal mechanic, as i cant think of another game that does it.

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+1 on all of these.


I really like the idea of dynamic unpredictable elements.

I'm not sure how that would play out.


Maybe just really random good or bad things.

- Random Trader shows up for a week.

- Random virus makes you tired or slow.

- Random Bandit Horde sets up camp.

- Random Rick Astley trolls you while you're mining. [Oh my GAWD that make me laugh so hard!]




Random global events can add to the tention

-Blackout(no electric devices for the day)

-Plague(Any hit equals infection)


-Horde night(double horde)

-Desperate dogs( packs of dogs roam the area)


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+1 on all of these.


I really like the idea of dynamic unpredictable elements.

I'm not sure how that would play out.


Maybe just really random good or bad things.

- Random Trader shows up for a week.

- Random virus makes you tired or slow.

- Random Bandit Horde sets up camp.

Random global events can add to the tention

-Blackout(no electric devices for the day)

-Plague(Any hit equals infection)


-Horde night(double horde)

-Desperate dogs( packs of dogs roam the area)



Yep, things like that would be great. Can get very creative with random events.


- Random Rick Astley trolls you while you're mining. [Oh my GAWD that make me laugh so hard!]

Or sleeper zombie random event:

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The game has a definite need of random events. The only random event is the wandering horde but its very trivial and generally not that interesting or threatening. Just a conga line of zombies that walk past the player and does nothing most of the time. It's too bad the game's peror Project Zomboid is a good example of random events that spice up the gameplay. Gives the player something to react to because the vast majority of the game happens at the player's own pace. There's very little to surprise you

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I'd like to mostly see more varied zombie's or their attacks that aren't predictable. I like the cop puke and popping as that adds some real danger to them. Also like the Wights as they are tough...too spongy sometimes, but I still enjoy when they chase me and it's a cause for concern when I see one.


Fat Tourist - can explode when killed coating you in slime slowing you down

Workman - Can ignite at some point in time (he was an electrician)

Skater - Faster runner

Nurse - Always stuns you (she knows anatomy)

Stripper - Throws up causing level 2 infection

Biker - Can wrap you up and hold you if using melee on him (he's a good fighter)



Just throwing stuff out there, but if I had a pack of zombies and each one could attack me differently then just touching me my gameplay would be totally different.


I do love / hate that A17 will not allow you to run backwards. That is totally going to change my fighting style.

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Zombies? Because I am bored of killing the same carbon copy clones over and over, they need randomized stats and looks within a range for their class type. I also find it silly that all zombies magically become able to run at night, special ones like ferals and such yes I can see that, but everyday zombies shouldn't suddendly become able to run just because the time is past a certan point.

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I'd like to mostly see more varied zombie's or their attacks that aren't predictable. I like the cop puke and popping as that adds some real danger to them. Also like the Wights as they are tough...too spongy sometimes, but I still enjoy when they chase me and it's a cause for concern when I see one.


Fat Tourist - can explode when killed coating you in slime slowing you down

Workman - Can ignite at some point in time (he was an electrician)

Skater - Faster runner

Nurse - Always stuns you (she knows anatomy)

Stripper - Throws up causing level 2 infection

Biker - Can wrap you up and hold you if using melee on him (he's a good fighter)



Just throwing stuff out there, but if I had a pack of zombies and each one could attack me differently then just touching me my gameplay would be totally different.


I do love / hate that A17 will not allow you to run backwards. That is totally going to change my fighting style.


I agree with you but only partially. think zombie model specific abilities are not a good way to go because the game will still end up being predictable in the end.


What I always rooted for was:


1) Random zombie attack behavior - half of them are costless from a dev standpoint, like random chance to perform a short dash, random change to change attack pattern, more variations of the normal attack with different hit detection (I imagine the current one is just a spherecast?), random speed variations, grab & bite attacks. We don't have to look into supernatural abilities first, if we use more clever ways to threaten the player and keeping combat interesting at the same time.


2) Non-specific model abilities and model randomization (this needs a lot of work from TFP side), so that zombies with abilities are more sublime and not instantly recognizable.


3) More abilities with status effects like the ones you mentioned but they have to be a little less generic. E.g. mental disruption/panic attacks (with non-obtrusive annoying visual effects) - could be caused by looking a special zombie in the eyes or a scream, body maggot infestation with various effects and visuals, needing special treatment like taking fire damage/vegan diet etc, a dangerous disease which the player can contract to their nearby friends :) and I could go on all day nm.


4) No bulletsponge gimmicky irradiated light bulbs. You can do better with the same resources TFP.

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I agree with you but only partially. think zombie model specific abilities are not a good way to go because the game will still end up being predictable in the end.


What I always rooted for was:


1) Random zombie attack behavior - half of them are costless from a dev standpoint, like random chance to perform a short dash, random change to change attack pattern, more variations of the normal attack with different hit detection (I imagine the current one is just a spherecast?), random speed variations, grab & bite attacks. We don't have to look into supernatural abilities first, if we use more clever ways to threaten the player and keeping combat interesting at the same time.


2) Non-specific model abilities and model randomization (this needs a lot of work from TFP side), so that zombies with abilities are more sublime and not instantly recognizable.


3) More abilities with status effects like the ones you mentioned but they have to be a little less generic. E.g. mental disruption/panic attacks (with non-obtrusive annoying visual effects), body maggot infestation with various effects and visuals, needing special treatment, a disease which you can contract to ther nearby players and I could go on all day nm.


4) No bulletsponge gimmicky irradiated light bulbs.


As to your number 4: Having normal zombies that can run once its dark out is also kinda gimicky and silly imo. As for radiation zombies? Sniper rifle headshots usually 1-2 shots them even on survivalist. With some exceptions. Sniper rifle has a x9 headshot mult in a16, highest in game iirc. I do feel they need to tone their regen down somewhat as the ticks come way to fast.

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Zombies? Because I am bored of killing the same carbon copy clones over and over, they need randomized stats and looks within a range for their class type. I also find it silly that all zombies magically become able to run at night, special ones like ferals and such yes I can see that, but everyday zombies shouldn't suddendly become able to run just because the time is past a certan point.


Maybe instead of making carbon copies.they should add more hairsyles or hats 2 randomize.That should work for now until they add more details later.


Did i mention the hairstyles and faces suck..

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As to your number 4: Having normal zombies that can run once its dark out is also kinda gimicky and silly imo. As for radiation zombies? Sniper rifle headshots usually 1-2 shots them even on survivalist. With some exceptions. Sniper rifle has a x9 headshot mult in a16, highest in game iirc. I do feel they need to tone their regen down somewhat as the ticks come way to fast.


It is but at least personally, at the moment, I can't think of a better way to differentiate night gameplay from day gameplay (which is a nice concept), without changing a lot of things.


Well, having glowing upgrades of already existing zombies is kind of anti-climatic, both from a gameplay and thematic perspective for me. From a gameplay perspective - it's not about the difficulty but nothing changes, you just need to shoot more bullets, and from a thematic standpoint I find it very cartoon-ish. Normal zombies and special zombies could be much more formidable (without being bulletsponges) by being more unpredictable (not "clever") and with more ... interesting abilities. If they were, we wouldn't need a linear difficulty increase with just upgrading and increasing zombies with a green glow as the game progresses. Difficulty increase could be much more interesting, with the players seeing new different things as the game progresses and that is with almost the same amount of content we have now.



Made my Day!!!!



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I just don't want another patch note telling me that X or Y looks ''better'' now

just to find out that even less Zeds are running around in the world


because if we continue that trend we will have to axe the zombie-''horde'' out of game description

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I just don't want another patch note telling me that X or Y looks ''better'' now

just to find out that even less Zeds are running around in the world


because if we continue that trend we will have to axe the zombie-''horde'' out of game description


I think TFP might be over that hurdle.


UMA zombies were a fantastic idea.

They allowed random and customizable zombies. Modders loved em!


Unfortunately, in a voxel world that uses quite a lot of resources already, Unity didn't like UMA's at all.


But since TFP moved on and optimized stuff.... it's looking good.

A scenario with 64 zombies even amidst large buildings runs really well. [At least on my comp... maybe not all.]

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