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Visibility/stealth meter is stupid


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This addition to the game is very much not needed. What functional purpose does this visibility meter serve? I can see this thing getting annoying very very quickly. Its quite distracting. The food and hydration meter are a percentage, why give the visibility meter a big yellow bar when it's not as important to survival as those things? I could understand something like this in a more stealth oriented game but not a survival crafting hoard game as unique as 7dtd. I don't have much of anything to complain about with this amazing one of a kind game, it truly is my favorite video game ever. But I feel like not enough people are talking about how useless and not needed this addition is. Please please please either add a feature to remove that ugly yellow bar from the HUD or scrap that feature completely. (Albeit I'm sure someone would know how to hide it from the HUD via modification) My one and only complaint for such a great game, it just bugs me so much that I had to voice my opinion.

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What are you talking about? Something like stealth indication already present in A16 - when you move crounching you may see your detected or undetected status. And this is one of most useful features in early and midgame. As example - you sneak into any POI with sleepers, you damage 2x when undetected, you slowly move, clear sleepers with one crossbow bolt, and loot. Suddenly you see thet you're detected, and it means time to run out fast, before you stunned from behind.

But sometimes hard to see white central eye changes when it on white background. Thath why I wait for this yellow icon more then new vehicles.

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Ever play Thief?


This may not fit in well with your playstyle, or it may not be a good implementation, but I think this is more useful than the health and stamina bars. It's easy to tell when your toon is tired, or bleeding, but I think judging how visible you are isn't as obvious.


I'll wait to see how it works in practice. I'm sure there will be mods to rework the HUD, so if it's really annoying it'll be possible to get rid of it. Having more control over the HUD from the configuration menus would be nice, but that's probably a beta or follow-on feature.

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Ever play Thief?


This may not fit in well with your playstyle, or it may not be a good implementation, but I think this is more useful than the health and stamina bars. It's easy to tell when your toon is tired, or bleeding, but I think judging how visible you are isn't as obvious.


I'll wait to see how it works in practice. I'm sure there will be mods to rework the HUD, so if it's really annoying it'll be possible to get rid of it. Having more control over the HUD from the configuration menus would be nice, but that's probably a beta or follow-on feature.


I'm pretty sure they will give the HUD a graphical improvement after the game is stable in Beta

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I'm with ya on that it I personally don't think it needs to be in the hud for regular game play but that's just my personal feeling on it. However I don't think it's stupid or suspect either. Much like the entity "health bar" I can see it being really useful for testing and making sure it's working the way they want it.


If TFP end up leaving it in <shrug>, I'll just take it out.

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When playing with the invisible HUD the lightening and darkening of the edges of the screen were enough to know.


It’s not the stupidest indicator though. That honor goes to the big fat upgrade/downgrade arrow. Thanks TFP for giving us an indicator that helps us know exactly what we already intended to do.,,,,

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I think that most indicators are useful for new players, (even the upgrade/downgrade arrow Roland), but very annoying for veterans. For example the "press e to pick up" clue is useless to me.


So what to do? HUD customization options would be very much appreciated


In my opinion it more useful for veterans, with this indication I may safely explore nearest town on lvl 1, right after spawn. But maybe you're right in point that it required only in certain situations like entering POIs.

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This addition to the game is very much not needed. What functional purpose does this visibility meter serve? I can see this thing getting annoying very very quickly. Its quite distracting. The food and hydration meter are a percentage, why give the visibility meter a big yellow bar when it's not as important to survival as those things? I could understand something like this in a more stealth oriented game but not a survival crafting hoard game as unique as 7dtd. I don't have much of anything to complain about with this amazing one of a kind game, it truly is my favorite video game ever. But I feel like not enough people are talking about how useless and not needed this addition is. Please please please either add a feature to remove that ugly yellow bar from the HUD or scrap that feature completely. (Albeit I'm sure someone would know how to hide it from the HUD via modification) My one and only complaint for such a great game, it just bugs me so much that I had to voice my opinion.

Try going out at night or playing with zombies always running...

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This addition to the game is very much not needed. What functional purpose does this visibility meter serve? I can see this thing getting annoying very very quickly. Its quite distracting. The food and hydration meter are a percentage, why give the visibility meter a big yellow bar when it's not as important to survival as those things? I could understand something like this in a more stealth oriented game but not a survival crafting hoard game as unique as 7dtd. I don't have much of anything to complain about with this amazing one of a kind game, it truly is my favorite video game ever. But I feel like not enough people are talking about how useless and not needed this addition is. Please please please either add a feature to remove that ugly yellow bar from the HUD or scrap that feature completely. (Albeit I'm sure someone would know how to hide it from the HUD via modification) My one and only complaint for such a great game, it just bugs me so much that I had to voice my opinion.


No one has played the finished Alpha 17. All we have to go on are our experiences in Alpha 16 & earlier, and Madmole’s videos. And none of his videos have been set up to showcase stealth - he’s always playing with zombies turned off, or the lighting needs to be rebaked, or he’s running over zombies on a bike so stealth is irrelevant, etc. There’s little point in reaching conclusions about the stealth meter when the relevant details are TBA. We can’t know if it’s useless or not yet.

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...For example the "press e to pick up" clue is useless to me...


There was another discussion on this topic (might have been on the Steam forums), but I find it essential at this point when there are a slew of identical bags at my feet, and no way to tell what item each represents.

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As long as they remove the indicator of having been spotted as it is in a16, (the one with the opened eye and sensed/hunting text). I would like for people to have to guess at whether or not they've been spotted. More tension.


If bugs with sleepers silently spawned and attack from behind before sounds should be fixed, sound become good indication. But currently, you may often suddenly notice indication changed to "sensed" in empty room, and next moment you hitted from zombie spawned behind you, and only then hear zombies screaming.

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