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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Hi khaine, great mod been playing since a18 but i've been having major fps freezes in a20, every 3 secs my fps freezes for 2 to 3 secs (really frustrating and straightout unplayable). I found out that it was mostly coming from the WRN Calling animator.gotostate on synchronize layer. I've done almost all posible things regarding quality and resolution changes but none worked. After some messing around in game, it seems that the wooden frames cause these heavy lag spikes, especially when placed inside the trader area. I had 5 placed in the trader area to get in/get out without causing the door noise that attracts zombies, when i removed those 5 frames the majority of the lag spikes went away, now about .5 secs per spike every minute or so. I have a base up with some frames unupgraded so i guess after upgrading these the game will function normally again. Don't know if i' the only one with these issues but maybe it could help some of the players or even khaine with fixing it with his modding.

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Hello I'm here just to see if there is even a possibility of getting your noise/stealth to a high enough level to farm ore nodes without alerting everyone and their zombie mothers of your mining endeavors. Even though I am able to fight them off, it just isn't worth it to fight 2+ Titans and endless mutant/feral zombies every 2 minutes of mining. This is all just normal spawns not even a screamer horde. I've put a lot of points into whatever stealth talents with a possibility of working that I could find, swapped out my auger for the mining pick, put advanced muffled connectors in my gear, but I still cant catch a break mining in the wasteland. I spend more time fighting endless waves of zombies/demons almost equal to blood moon hordes than I do actually mining. I tried to go to bedrock and farm, and while that sorta worked because they cant get to me very quickly, the moment I crouched into a 1x1 and looked up I noticed an ungodly amount of zombies tunneling down to me. Admittedly there are still a couple of points I could invest into stealth, but it doesn't seem to have had any affect. Lastly yes I am crouching while mining.


While I'm here I might as well talk about the first body bag in the small bunker that has the trader protection on it preventing you from destroying it, idk if its intended. Also the screamers that spawn while in any of the labs If you don't leave and take care of them constantly you are in for a rude awakening when you try to leave, by then she would have spawned 50+ zombies/demons waiting for you on the other side of the door. This is probably an intended mechanic but I cant stress enough how difficult/impossible it is to fight without preparing stacks of rocket frags and preparing to run your ass off. The large lab is doable but the small lab not so much.

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3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:



I would have to agree with this. Like I said, on my personal version it is 100% working. It's that simple. So screenshotting it and going "It doesn't work!" when I can load up and make one is... well.. okay? There's no bug to fix, it works.

I had this same issue as well in my game, with the "RecipeTagUnlocked: 1" entries in place of the correct text. A quick search of the configs, specifically the progression.xml config  under the PerkMiniBike section showed the following:


<effect_description level="1" desc_key="perkMinibikeRank1Desc" long_desc_key="perkMinibikeRank1LongDesc"/>
<effect_description level="1" desc_key="perkMinibikeRank2Desc" long_desc_key="perkMinibikeRank2LongDesc"/>
<effect_description level="1" desc_key="perkMinibikeRank3Desc" long_desc_key="perkMinibikeRank3LongDesc"/>


I confirmed that these settings are in the configs within the DF-V4-DEV-B36-Public download that was made available.

Changing the effect_description level setting to 2 and 3 respectively for the last two ranks corrected it in my game and it displayed the correct test for the description keys.
Edited by Kesryth
accidently posted as code.. sorry (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, 蔬菜大杂烩 said:

The level 5 treasure digging task box will not disappear. After waiting for a period of time, the treasure in the box will be refreshed again. Is such a mechanism a bug? I can repeatedly obtain a large number of laser weapons by using the treasure digging mechanism

I'm pretty sure that's a bug currently.

27 minutes ago, themanbrownie said:

Hello I'm here just to see if there is even a possibility of getting your noise/stealth to a high enough level to farm ore nodes without alerting everyone and their zombie mothers of your mining endeavors. Even though I am able to fight them off, it just isn't worth it to fight 2+ Titans and endless mutant/feral zombies every 2 minutes of mining. This is all just normal spawns not even a screamer horde. I've put a lot of points into whatever stealth talents with a possibility of working that I could find, swapped out my auger for the mining pick, put advanced muffled connectors in my gear, but I still cant catch a break mining in the wasteland. I spend more time fighting endless waves of zombies/demons almost equal to blood moon hordes than I do actually mining. I tried to go to bedrock and farm, and while that sorta worked because they cant get to me very quickly, the moment I crouched into a 1x1 and looked up I noticed an ungodly amount of zombies tunneling down to me. Admittedly there are still a couple of points I could invest into stealth, but it doesn't seem to have had any affect. Lastly yes I am crouching while mining.


While I'm here I might as well talk about the first body bag in the small bunker that has the trader protection on it preventing you from destroying it, idk if its intended. Also the screamers that spawn while in any of the labs If you don't leave and take care of them constantly you are in for a rude awakening when you try to leave, by then she would have spawned 50+ zombies/demons waiting for you on the other side of the door. This is probably an intended mechanic but I cant stress enough how difficult/impossible it is to fight without preparing stacks of rocket frags and preparing to run your ass off. The large lab is doable but the small lab not so much.

I brought this up with Khaine before, he said that there hasn't been enough feedback on the wasteland to start adjusting it iirc. On the lab note, it's one of the very best places to farm hazmat materials and various other items if you do it right. I've been intending to put a video up about that very topic, but my PC is too much of a potato to run the game well by itself, let alone record while playing. I can go more in depth if you'd like, it's one of my favorite places to farm.

It's a bit of a cheese tactic while mining, but I think it's fair with how they continuously swarm you; Type dm in the console (~ key) and then hit F8 twice. This will display on screen your FPS and heat level. When the heat level rolls over to spawn a screamer, crouch under a block as you mentioned and wipe out what's gathered. Unless you get multiple titans or higher in one go, they should never reach you. I've also found that sealing up the holes they create after you are done mining seems to confuse the zombies - they'll gather above like they did previously, but they will just wander around, agitated. I still clear them out when I go back to mining, but they never make any sort of effort to really dig down anymore.

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3 hours ago, Chivalric said:

You plan on putting out another dev build before then by chance, or just going to wait and upload the full release?




2 hours ago, 蔬菜大杂烩 said:

The level 5 treasure digging task box will not disappear. After waiting for a period of time, the treasure in the box will be refreshed again. Is such a mechanism a bug? I can repeatedly obtain a large number of laser weapons by using the treasure digging mechanism


I'll add destroy on close later.


2 hours ago, Elbarz said:

Hi khaine, great mod been playing since a18 but i've been having major fps freezes in a20, every 3 secs my fps freezes for 2 to 3 secs (really frustrating and straightout unplayable). I found out that it was mostly coming from the WRN Calling animator.gotostate on synchronize layer. I've done almost all posible things regarding quality and resolution changes but none worked. After some messing around in game, it seems that the wooden frames cause these heavy lag spikes, especially when placed inside the trader area. I had 5 placed in the trader area to get in/get out without causing the door noise that attracts zombies, when i removed those 5 frames the majority of the lag spikes went away, now about .5 secs per spike every minute or so. I have a base up with some frames unupgraded so i guess after upgrading these the game will function normally again. Don't know if i' the only one with these issues but maybe it could help some of the players or even khaine with fixing it with his modding.


I mean, i'm playing off a SATA SSD, 32GB RAM and a LOT of virtual memory and I don't have a ton of stutters. I do when chunks load (very brief, nothing bad) but that's it.

But I have it in vanilla too.


44 minutes ago, themanbrownie said:

Hello I'm here just to see if there is even a possibility of getting your noise/stealth to a high enough level to farm ore nodes without alerting everyone and their zombie mothers of your mining endeavors. Even though I am able to fight them off, it just isn't worth it to fight 2+ Titans and endless mutant/feral zombies every 2 minutes of mining. This is all just normal spawns not even a screamer horde. I've put a lot of points into whatever stealth talents with a possibility of working that I could find, swapped out my auger for the mining pick, put advanced muffled connectors in my gear, but I still cant catch a break mining in the wasteland. I spend more time fighting endless waves of zombies/demons almost equal to blood moon hordes than I do actually mining. I tried to go to bedrock and farm, and while that sorta worked because they cant get to me very quickly, the moment I crouched into a 1x1 and looked up I noticed an ungodly amount of zombies tunneling down to me. Admittedly there are still a couple of points I could invest into stealth, but it doesn't seem to have had any affect. Lastly yes I am crouching while mining.


While I'm here I might as well talk about the first body bag in the small bunker that has the trader protection on it preventing you from destroying it, idk if its intended. Also the screamers that spawn while in any of the labs If you don't leave and take care of them constantly you are in for a rude awakening when you try to leave, by then she would have spawned 50+ zombies/demons waiting for you on the other side of the door. This is probably an intended mechanic but I cant stress enough how difficult/impossible it is to fight without preparing stacks of rocket frags and preparing to run your ass off. The large lab is doable but the small lab not so much.

Wasteland has been adjusted a bit. But the noise? Yeah, don't use an auger and crouch. Crouching lowers the noise, which is better for your stealth. I haven't messed with the "noise" values of mining at all, but hopefully the zombie spawn adjustments should help.

And I literally can't reproduce the first body bag issue... and i've ran that bunker several times now to test things.

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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

Wasteland has been adjusted a bit. But the noise? Yeah, don't use an auger and crouch. Crouching lowers the noise, which is better for your stealth. I haven't messed with the "noise" values of mining at all, but hopefully the zombie spawn adjustments should help.

And I literally can't reproduce the first body bag issue... and i've ran that bunker several times now to test things.

hmm yeah i guess the major issue is just the zombie spawns, if that's adjusted it should work out. Regarding the zombie bag, yeah idk im playing on the "small" test map and one the small bunkers are elevated above the ground 8 or so meters while the other is below ground level, and upon reaching the bunker the whole ground collapses to make up for the void. That may contribute to it idk. Both bunkers showed the first bag being invulnerable and upon hitting them it gave the sound of hitting stone along with the trader protection sound. Not really an issue imo it adds a little bit of tension to your run with you having to look over your should while your looting to kill the spawns.

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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

And I literally can't reproduce the first body bag issue... and i've ran that bunker several times now to test things.

I can attest to the body bag in the largest room being protected on the small map, in both bunkers. I had the same experience, I assumed it was to keep the bunker from being a easy horde base. It still is, if you know how to manipulate the AI lol

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2 hours ago, themanbrownie said:

Hello I'm here just to see if there is even a possibility of getting your noise/stealth to a high enough level to farm ore nodes without alerting everyone and their zombie mothers of your mining endeavors. Even though I am able to fight them off, it just isn't worth it to fight 2+ Titans and endless mutant/feral zombies every 2 minutes of mining. This is all just normal spawns not even a screamer horde. I've put a lot of points into whatever stealth talents with a possibility of working that I could find, swapped out my auger for the mining pick, put advanced muffled connectors in my gear, but I still cant catch a break mining in the wasteland. I spend more time fighting endless waves of zombies/demons almost equal to blood moon hordes than I do actually mining. I tried to go to bedrock and farm, and while that sorta worked because they cant get to me very quickly, the moment I crouched into a 1x1 and looked up I noticed an ungodly amount of zombies tunneling down to me. Admittedly there are still a couple of points I could invest into stealth, but it doesn't seem to have had any affect. Lastly yes I am crouching while mining.


While I'm here I might as well talk about the first body bag in the small bunker that has the trader protection on it preventing you from destroying it, idk if its intended. Also the screamers that spawn while in any of the labs If you don't leave and take care of them constantly you are in for a rude awakening when you try to leave, by then she would have spawned 50+ zombies/demons waiting for you on the other side of the door. This is probably an intended mechanic but I cant stress enough how difficult/impossible it is to fight without preparing stacks of rocket frags and preparing to run your ass off. The large lab is doable but the small lab not so much.

What I do to evade all those nasty zombies - I mine a tunnel from my house to the wasteland (usually at 8-12 height) and mine with a pickaxe. And crouch. Always crouch, it's the first thing I've learnt in the DF.

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26 minutes ago, themanbrownie said:

hmm yeah i guess the major issue is just the zombie spawns, if that's adjusted it should work out. Regarding the zombie bag, yeah idk im playing on the "small" test map and one the small bunkers are elevated above the ground 8 or so meters while the other is below ground level, and upon reaching the bunker the whole ground collapses to make up for the void. That may contribute to it idk. Both bunkers showed the first bag being invulnerable and upon hitting them it gave the sound of hitting stone along with the trader protection sound. Not really an issue imo it adds a little bit of tension to your run with you having to look over your should while your looting to kill the spawns.


14 minutes ago, Chivalric said:

I can attest to the body bag in the largest room being protected on the small map, in both bunkers. I had the same experience, I assumed it was to keep the bunker from being a easy horde base. It still is, if you know how to manipulate the AI lol

Oh that map is pretty buggy and has been tossed anyways.

But I tested it on all 4 new maps and it was fine.

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15 hours ago, themanbrownie said:

Hello I'm here just to see if there is even a possibility of getting your noise/stealth to a high enough level to farm ore nodes without alerting everyone and their zombie mothers of your mining endeavors. Even though I am able to fight them off, it just isn't worth it to fight 2+ Titans and endless mutant/feral zombies every 2 minutes of mining. This is all just normal spawns not even a screamer horde. I've put a lot of points into whatever stealth talents with a possibility of working that I could find, swapped out my auger for the mining pick, put advanced muffled connectors in my gear, but I still cant catch a break mining in the wasteland. I spend more time fighting endless waves of zombies/demons almost equal to blood moon hordes than I do actually mining. I tried to go to bedrock and farm, and while that sorta worked because they cant get to me very quickly, the moment I crouched into a 1x1 and looked up I noticed an ungodly amount of zombies tunneling down to me. Admittedly there are still a couple of points I could invest into stealth, but it doesn't seem to have had any affect. Lastly yes I am crouching while mining.


While I'm here I might as well talk about the first body bag in the small bunker that has the trader protection on it preventing you from destroying it, idk if its intended. Also the screamers that spawn while in any of the labs If you don't leave and take care of them constantly you are in for a rude awakening when you try to leave, by then she would have spawned 50+ zombies/demons waiting for you on the other side of the door. This is probably an intended mechanic but I cant stress enough how difficult/impossible it is to fight without preparing stacks of rocket frags and preparing to run your ass off. The large lab is doable but the small lab not so much.

You can go full-scale crazy mining with an auger easily, if you have a buddy that will shoot screamers on arrival. 😛 Play with friends ;)


Actually there is an option to all forever alone guys too - set up a generator with turrets, yes, needs power, ammo and a little effort, but still better than messing with hordes.

Edited by xtended2l (see edit history)
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36 minutes ago, xtended2l said:

Actually there is an option to all forever alone guys too - set up a generator with turrets, yes, needs power, ammo and a little effort, but still better than messing with hordes.

For weaker enemies, sure. Any sort of demon though is going to eat all that ammo and simply result in screamers being called in.

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1 hour ago, Chivalric said:

For weaker enemies, sure. Any sort of demon though is going to eat all that ammo and simply result in screamers being called in.

Never seen demons wandering outside alone. If you mean wandering hordes, then yes, turrets will make more harm than help, and it is better just to run away, that fight them, but it has nothing to do with heat increase from mining.

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59 minutes ago, 蔬菜大杂烩 said:

My friend ignored the radiation in the radiation area and stole all the reward boxes by digging underground bunkers. He obtained laser weapons at level 1. Is such behavior a bug?

Your friend is a @%$# and you should tell him that

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42 minutes ago, xtended2l said:

Never seen demons wandering outside alone. If you mean wandering hordes, then yes, turrets will make more harm than help, and it is better just to run away, that fight them, but it has nothing to do with heat increase from mining.

Depends on game stage, I've seen wandering titans, incubi, succubi, etc wandering solo. Early on though yes, the turret idea can work fine.

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Feedback (using dev-b36):

  1. (info) vsmall map has no super corn or bobs boars [?_gambrel_03] (I think you said the maps were going to be remade for release anyway, but a friendly reminder about super corn when the time comes)
  2. (minor/cosmetic) if you have read enough books to unlock the last armor crafting level (eg: steel armor level 3), the books icon remains 'unread' if you do not meet the level requirements to actually craft it (kind of odd until I figured this out, same for other craftables too I'm sure).
  3. (minor) There is a schematic book for the basic workbench, which I read (both from inventory and later from the toolbelt using the left click method), but could not make a workbench after reading it (recipe was still locked). I looked closer and noticed there is no schematic listed for this in the crafting unlock page, thus it seems to be by design (just confusing coming from vanilla). Maybe disable this particular schematic book?
  4. (minor) Similar for the chem station, although the schematic *is* listed in the crafting unlock page, so the expectation is reading the schematic would allow you to craft that item immediately (as in vanilla). I could only craft it after leveling up and spec'ing into the other listed perk. If the level/perk requirement is by design maybe a tweak to the description text could dispel the expectation.
  5. (feedback) The new stealthy stalkers make even horde night interesting, keeps you on your toes for sure. Thanks for keeping things interesting!


  1. in the b36 public release, is there a test map that 'mostly works' that I should start up with (I started with vsmall, before I knew better)?
  2. Any chance the 'lockable player storage' containers (clothing rack, ammo box, toolbox, gun safe, medicine cabinet, fridge.) could be made so you could pick them up? Just a quality of life thing. No biggie if not, they can be rebuilt, but some are a bit expensive to rebuild. The cabinets should probably remain as-is though, like the vanilla storage boxes. It may not be possible (no other 'storage container' can be picked up to my knowledge), but...just a thought.
  3. Same as above, but the Working Sink. Minor but nice to have if possible. So I can say "I moved and took everything, including the kitchen sink".
  4. If a trader dies, do they reincarnate on their loot respawn day, or are they gone forever. Noticed the trader nearest to me is missing now, presumably a wandering horde wiped them out. Lots of damage that was not there the previous visit.

As always, thanks for the great work.

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41 minutes ago, walkingwounded said:

in the b36 public release, is there a test map that 'mostly works' that I should start up with (I started with vsmall, before I knew better)?

Small has some bugs, but it has the DF labs and the bunkers, not sure what you mean by complete.

42 minutes ago, walkingwounded said:

If a trader dies, do they reincarnate on their loot respawn day, or are they gone forever. Noticed the trader nearest to me is missing now, presumably a wandering horde wiped them out. Lots of damage that was not there the previous visit.

They should respawn instantly, unless the trader spawn block is being obstructed in some way. Tested by murdering Rekt repeatedly. Wandering hordes aren't aggro when they spawn, so if you are playing solo, they heard you when you were at/near the trader and had a field day. Just a word of warning.

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2 hours ago, walkingwounded said:

Feedback (using dev-b36):

  1. (info) vsmall map has no super corn or bobs boars [?_gambrel_03] (I think you said the maps were going to be remade for release anyway, but a friendly reminder about super corn when the time comes)
  2. (minor/cosmetic) if you have read enough books to unlock the last armor crafting level (eg: steel armor level 3), the books icon remains 'unread' if you do not meet the level requirements to actually craft it (kind of odd until I figured this out, same for other craftables too I'm sure).
  3. (minor) There is a schematic book for the basic workbench, which I read (both from inventory and later from the toolbelt using the left click method), but could not make a workbench after reading it (recipe was still locked). I looked closer and noticed there is no schematic listed for this in the crafting unlock page, thus it seems to be by design (just confusing coming from vanilla). Maybe disable this particular schematic book?
  4. (minor) Similar for the chem station, although the schematic *is* listed in the crafting unlock page, so the expectation is reading the schematic would allow you to craft that item immediately (as in vanilla). I could only craft it after leveling up and spec'ing into the other listed perk. If the level/perk requirement is by design maybe a tweak to the description text could dispel the expectation.
  5. (feedback) The new stealthy stalkers make even horde night interesting, keeps you on your toes for sure. Thanks for keeping things interesting!


  1. in the b36 public release, is there a test map that 'mostly works' that I should start up with (I started with vsmall, before I knew better)?
  2. Any chance the 'lockable player storage' containers (clothing rack, ammo box, toolbox, gun safe, medicine cabinet, fridge.) could be made so you could pick them up? Just a quality of life thing. No biggie if not, they can be rebuilt, but some are a bit expensive to rebuild. The cabinets should probably remain as-is though, like the vanilla storage boxes. It may not be possible (no other 'storage container' can be picked up to my knowledge), but...just a thought.
  3. Same as above, but the Working Sink. Minor but nice to have if possible. So I can say "I moved and took everything, including the kitchen sink".
  4. If a trader dies, do they reincarnate on their loot respawn day, or are they gone forever. Noticed the trader nearest to me is missing now, presumably a wandering horde wiped them out. Lots of damage that was not there the previous visit.

As always, thanks for the great work.


1) All maps were remade so this should be present, or at least it appears. to be.
2) This has been a thing for ages and is unlikely to be fixed.
3 and 4) They unlock PERKS. You need to check the perk requirements. You likely didn't meet them. This isn't like vanilla. This is working as intended.
5) Oh good. I was hoping they'd annoy people.


1) Medium and Large seem good.
2 and 3) No. Canpickup only seems to work on workstations.
4) They usually respawn on new day. Logging out and back in can fix it as well. Worse case, do a chunk reset (cr in console, but be careful as this has a long range)

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