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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Hi khaine, question about the sellables of the traders, it seems that now only rekt has raw materials like stone clay iron etc. The others don't have them at all, not even with barter and scavenger perks fully upgraded. After early game to mid and beginning of mid to end i tend to go to the traders just to buy raw materials. Can you please go back to that every trader has at least the raw materials sellables available? The other specific things like science, mods, engines ammo weps armor etc to be more trader specific is cool by me but to only let rekt sell the raw mats is a bit too inconvenient imo. Great work on darkness falls as always tho but hope that this can get fixed in some way
  2. Hi khaine, great mod been playing since a18 but i've been having major fps freezes in a20, every 3 secs my fps freezes for 2 to 3 secs (really frustrating and straightout unplayable). I found out that it was mostly coming from the WRN Calling animator.gotostate on synchronize layer. I've done almost all posible things regarding quality and resolution changes but none worked. After some messing around in game, it seems that the wooden frames cause these heavy lag spikes, especially when placed inside the trader area. I had 5 placed in the trader area to get in/get out without causing the door noise that attracts zombies, when i removed those 5 frames the majority of the lag spikes went away, now about .5 secs per spike every minute or so. I have a base up with some frames unupgraded so i guess after upgrading these the game will function normally again. Don't know if i' the only one with these issues but maybe it could help some of the players or even khaine with fixing it with his modding.
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