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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Yes but you'll have to go add them all into the biomes.xml manually.

I removed them because I didnt like it.


Thank you for your reply.  I was able to get the textures to load, but I seem to be getting a smattering of ALL the resources from each boulder.  It's mostly the correct type, but...yeah.  I don't know if that was intended by the funpimps or not.  I'll keep messing with it.  Thank you again for your time.

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Hi! Can we make sure that there are no homemade items and weapons in loot? And it is also interesting that the loot does not depend on the level of the player. This will be closer to reality. You can find anything, any quality, just like in real life. There can't be a primitive bow in an expensive safe or a stone axe in a warehouse store.

Great random. Even if the player has level 200, you open the box, you think there will be good tools, but everything is rusty. This is the Apocalypse, don't relax. Or on the first level, you can easily find a chainsaw in the garage. Why not?

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Depends what you mean by "home made".

In the current test version, I added the pipe rifle and pipe pistol to loot (to go with the blunderbuss).

I've also added a VERY small chance to find T1 items (so like pistol, hunting rifle, ak) even on day 1.

And I do mean a very small chance. Like 2%.

And I think it's like a 1% chance to find an auger on day 1. So the possibility is absolutely there, but... don't count on it.

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It seems to me that before the zombie invasion, no one did things to survive the Apocalypse. Who needs pipe pistols or muskets? Spears, stone arrows, and so on are things that can't be stored in store boxes or safes. Where can craft armor come from in an ordinary person's wardrobe?

The world has been plundered and destroyed. But somewhere there are the usual things that were used in the economy: chainsaws, steel axes, wrenches, etc.

The chance of finding such things should be the same. Factory-made weapons must be stored in safes.

There should be an interest in producing your own things. Now you don't need to produce anything, you just need to do a lot of loot.

On the first day, you can just run around all the houses and search all the boxes that come across. By the evening, there will be a whole set of everything that you can do on the initial levels.

I think that most of the loot at any level of the player should be garbage. But if a player goes around 30 buildings and searches 200 boxes and finds a thing, it must be something good produced before the Apocalypse.




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You're thinking about it the wrong way.

In vanilla, the note from the duke seems to strongly hint the apocalypse has been going on for a while.

Bearing that in mind, WHY should you find top quality items with regularity when first starting the game? It makes sense to me that people have already looted those and left behind their old crap they don't want.

The only thing I have changed is the possibility to find T1/T2 items in loot right at the start, even though it's a VERY small chance.

T3? Not happening. Most of that is craft only.

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Hey Khaine, I love the mod it is absolutely spectacular, I really love how you brought back some of the old Perk leveling system!  Anyways I know this is probably a dumb question as I know your mod is a complete overhaul of a majority of the files, but anyways I was wondering if combining some of War of the Walkers mod and yours would be a possibility. It would only be used privately ofcourse. Again love the mod Keep up the great work!

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On 7/15/2020 at 11:25 AM, KhaineGB said:

You're thinking about it the wrong way.

In vanilla, the note from the duke seems to strongly hint the apocalypse has been going on for a while.

Bearing that in mind, WHY should you find top quality items with regularity when first starting the game? It makes sense to me that people have already looted those and left behind their old crap they don't want.

The only thing I have changed is the possibility to find T1/T2 items in loot right at the start, even though it's a VERY small chance.

T3? Not happening. Most of that is craft only.

I'm sorry I explained it wrong. I think the player should not find a lot of ready-made things, especially those that he can make himself. It is necessary to focus the player on collecting resources and producing their own things.

I remember how interesting it was to play the 15 version. You couldn't go and find a gun or a rifle right away. For ordinary springs, you had to go to dangerous places. Every bullet counted.

Now at the initial stage of the game, you can find anything on the first day. You don't even need to craft anything. Real crafting only starts at level 50 or higher.

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14 hours ago, Schnap said:

Just remembered something.  So while I use your mod my character is invisible for some reason, not entirely sure whats going there

Huh. I haven;t heard of that one either... that's odd.

12 minutes ago, calebelt said:

I'm sorry I explained it wrong. I think the player should not find a lot of ready-made things, especially those that he can make himself. It is necessary to focus the player on collecting resources and producing their own things.

I remember how interesting it was to play the 15 version. You couldn't go and find a gun or a rifle right away. For ordinary springs, you had to go to dangerous places. Every bullet counted.

Now at the initial stage of the game, you can find anything on the first day. You don't even need to craft anything. Real crafting only starts at level 50 or higher.


Yeah, you're gonna want to craft. We put quality degradation on repair back in (from A16 and earlier) and you'll likely be able to craft better than you find. Loot is still being adjusted. :)

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Good Day KhaineGB


Hoping you are well and being Safe.

I thought I would put a couple of pictures for ideals on Trader base Upgrading .. This my Trader Jen Post or fortress you might say .. So far it is doing well .. Not sure if it would work as well in A19 because of the pathing Now in the game has changed.

Hoping you don't mind .. if so let me know.




Many months of Building and it turn out well. .... But .... Not Done yet.


Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌


Edited by gpcstargate (see edit history)
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@KhaineGB just want to say this mod looks great mate. I've been looking for something to revitalise 7D for me in A19 when it's stable and this looks like it. Especially like how all the extra POIs from the compo are in there as in vanilla it soon gets boring with just the standard ones (though there are a lot more than there used to be). Do the trader missions work with the additional POIs by the way?

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So i'm gonna say now...

I will NOT be including the compo pack in A19. Now there's a few reasons for that.

1) I got sick of people complaining about loot boxes with no loot in them because they're player-made ones used for decoration.

2) They're buggy with trader quests.

3) They cause the mod to use more RAM.

HOWEVER, I'm like... 99% sure the compo pack can be loaded into DF as a modlet. I will be testing that out asap.

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26 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

So i'm gonna say now...

I will NOT be including the compo pack in A19. Now there's a few reasons for that.

1) I got sick of people complaining about loot boxes with no loot in them because they're player-made ones used for decoration.

2) They're buggy with trader quests.

3) They cause the mod to use more RAM.

HOWEVER, I'm like... 99% sure the compo pack can be loaded into DF as a modlet. I will be testing that out asap.


Ah okay, thanks. Personally I'd prefer more POIs over anything else but if they're not working properly with DF then sure make sense. :) Hopefully they can work as you've said as a modlet as more POIs is a big deal for me, guess I won't be the only one :)

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Hi Khaine I saw a video of someone playing DF on A18 and I noted that it was using the old mining build where the chunks of resource are not showing on the surface so the mining is more old school hardcore requiring a lot of exploratory digging. Just curious if you're going with the older, harder mining for A19 or the easier A18 vanilla mining?


I'd prefer the easier version, but would be entirely accepting of the older, hard version and I'm just curious really about which it'll be and why.


I know you're busy so thanks for all your replies :)

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Ok, so the system I have is a mix of both.

It uses the old rocks, but those rocks mark where there is a good chance of a vein. So basically, give it a smack and if you get resources, dig down and you have a good chance of finding that resource.

But i'll be keeping that in A19. :)

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