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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Hey all! First thanks for this amazing mod and sorry for my bad english.


I read this thread (not all 140 pages..) and can't find any of "solar bank" i search in game and not appear in any bench, how to craft solar bank? i have max lvl barter in traders but only shows solar panels but no solar banks, any can help me please? thanks!


Edit: Ok, i see the only trader with solar banks its "Caitlin trader" but... where is this trader? Im playing in the DF medium map, thanks again!


Try the corners of the maps...


Also I found out caitlin has the wrong trader ID and currently does not sell solar banks.

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I'm gonna guess it's this bit.


2019-03-26T19:05:54 6.382 INF Parsing server configfile: C:\7D2D\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls\SaveConfig.xml
2019-03-26T19:05:54 6.392 ERR Error parsing configfile:
2019-03-26T19:05:54 6.393 EXC Document element did not appear.  Line 1, position 1.
XmlException: Document element did not appear.  Line 1, position 1.
 at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.ReadNodeCore (System.Xml.XmlReader reader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.ReadNode (System.Xml.XmlReader reader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load (System.Xml.XmlReader xmlReader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 at GameStartupHelper.LoadConfigFile (System.String _filename) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)


Soooo... absolutely nothing to do with the mod. I'd make sure you're running 17.2 though.

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First, let me say that i love this mod. I love playing RPG's and building stuff so this is right up my alley. Thank you. i am running across 2 isues that you may have already answered previously, but i have not been able to find the answer. A) when my wife or I play solo, we get 2 of the blank class books, but when we play together, we each only get one. is this intentional? B) I am trying to make a farm that i do not need to water twice a day. my first attempt was one bucket of water in the middle of a 9x9 like in minecraft. second attempt was a 2x2 water inside a 10x10. no dice. third attempt was a 3x3 water in an 11x11. nope forth was a 3x3x2 deep. still no good. i did read a few pages back to try to use a water barrel, but no instructions on how exactly to do so. Just fill and set? one block down? make a checkerboard pattern? any help would be very usefull. Thanks

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First, let me say that i love this mod. I love playing RPG's and building stuff so this is right up my alley. Thank you. i am running across 2 isues that you may have already answered previously, but i have not been able to find the answer. A) when my wife or I play solo, we get 2 of the blank class books, but when we play together, we each only get one. is this intentional? B) I am trying to make a farm that i do not need to water twice a day. my first attempt was one bucket of water in the middle of a 9x9 like in minecraft. second attempt was a 2x2 water inside a 10x10. no dice. third attempt was a 3x3 water in an 11x11. nope forth was a 3x3x2 deep. still no good. i did read a few pages back to try to use a water barrel, but no instructions on how exactly to do so. Just fill and set? one block down? make a checkerboard pattern? any help would be very usefull. Thanks


A) It's intentional that multiplayer versions only have 1 class book. The mod actually used to only give 1 and folks who enjoy single player said they felt it was too limiting, so I changed single player only to 2. :)


B) You want a rain catcher. Dig a trench 2 blocks deep and put the rain catcher somewhere around the middle. It spawns water on top that SHOULD then fill the trench. It does this approx once per day.

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Hi, i like one thing from this mod, the action skills, those that level up using minning tools or weapons. May you please make a modlet with that thing for vanilla? Or maybe edit the vanilla progression file. I have some melee weapons modlets instaled and some of them eats alot of stamina and also i would like to have more power :p


Thanks for your attention.

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Hi, i like one thing from this mod, the action skills, those that level up using minning tools or weapons. May you please make a modlet with that thing for vanilla? Or maybe edit the vanilla progression file. I have some melee weapons modlets instaled and some of them eats alot of stamina and also i would like to have more power :p


Thanks for your attention.


The action skills were actually based off Deceptive Pastry's work, which I believe IS a modlet. You can download that here.




I guess I am just having a mod launcher issue then maybe. xd I see no option for having alpha 17.2 just alpha 17 on the launcher. I have 7 day up to date on steam though so I don't know what I am to do.


Ok, I don't use the mod launcher, but I THINK you can tell it to copy the version you downloaded from steam.


So make sure you have 17.2 downloaded from steam and then I think you can tell it to copy the steam version and point it to your steam folder. :)

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Since yesterday, with no compelling reason, when starting the game from 7D2D Mod Launcher, the game closes only from the menu when you reach

"loading character models".

If I run the game from Steam, without the mod, it works perfectly.

I have reinstalled the mod and the problem persists.

Running it in administrator mode does not work either.

Does anyone know how to fix it?

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I noticed today that the hunter class mastery, which says it unlocks titanium ammo recipes, does not allow crafting of titanium arrowheads. Is this intended? I found the perk that unlocks the ti arrowheads in the generic perk list, but it doesn't unlock until level 100. The ability to craft ti arrows isn't very useful when one is unable to craft the appropriate arrowheads. Relatedly, does the titanium spear recipe unlock with hunter mastery, or is that also only in the generic titanium crafting perk?


Thanks for the help.

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Hello, how i can craft rain barrels, im crazy looking for it in the tables.




Look in the workbench for Water Barrel or Rain Catcher.



Since yesterday, with no compelling reason, when starting the game from 7D2D Mod Launcher, the game closes only from the menu when you reach

"loading character models".

If I run the game from Steam, without the mod, it works perfectly.

I have reinstalled the mod and the problem persists.

Running it in administrator mode does not work either.

Does anyone know how to fix it?


I know the launcher was being odd a couple of days ago... is it ok now? Might be worth talking to sphereii if you're still having issues. Also make sure EAC is off.


I noticed today that the hunter class mastery, which says it unlocks titanium ammo recipes, does not allow crafting of titanium arrowheads. Is this intended? I found the perk that unlocks the ti arrowheads in the generic perk list, but it doesn't unlock until level 100. The ability to craft ti arrows isn't very useful when one is unable to craft the appropriate arrowheads. Relatedly, does the titanium spear recipe unlock with hunter mastery, or is that also only in the generic titanium crafting perk?


Thanks for the help.


Arrowheads is absolutely a mistake. I thought I'd added it to the hunter mastery, but apparently not... so whoops. :D


Spear is generic, which is intended.

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Any idea if i choosen wrong mod? Is "Darkness Falls They mostly come out at night" made to be easy?

I'm playing at 90 min per day setting and on 7 day horde i was so disappointed in game that lost almost any feel to still play it. Well i already had fully fortifed trader fort with defenses done and prepared for atleast horde of zombies. So far what i got was scary night theme and maybe 8 or few more weak zombies that came. Mostly npcs on wall got them dead, nothing damaged and night was left with no zombies coming after first wave.


Not sure if i should cheat and increase manually game stage (no point in doing it if i get only harder zombies and same amount of current ones) or change settings for 7 day horde to be bigger?

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No, it's not supposed to be easy.


There's something wrong with hordes. If you only get a few zombies, LEAVE YOUR BASE.


I'm not kidding. The rest seriously get stuck on a tree or a rock or god knows what else and won't path to you unless you leave... then it all starts working again.


Absolutely no idea why since I haven't messed with the AI. Just used Guppys trickle fix and added some extra zombies.

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Thanks, i had no idea about this bug.

Added more zombies in game settings (and config file) coming at same time and they really must have been stuck somewhere since they started coming wave after wave.


I guess only good solution is to remove all trees and rocks and hills to help them attack my base :p

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Thanks for the help with the rain catcher, it works like a charm. After building my farming area and setting up the various plants to grow, I noticed that 1) when you grow "snowberry" plants, when they are mature they look like the yucca plants and not the snowberry plants. not sure if you are aware. and 2) the clear image of the snowberries and goldenrod plants when I go to plant the seed is 2x2, should i space them accordingly or is like normal ok for them?


Another thing that you probably know better than me are the "powered" versions of the doors and drawbridge. i set a bridge extending from my "garage" to the house, but i cannot figure out how to make it work. I set a battery bank next to it and set a door control relay above the bank. But i cannot connect the relay to the door. am i missing something?

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Thanks, i had no idea about this bug.

Added more zombies in game settings (and config file) coming at same time and they really must have been stuck somewhere since they started coming wave after wave.


I guess only good solution is to remove all trees and rocks and hills to help them attack my base :p


I'm gonna look into it, cos it's annoying, but that's just what folks have been telling me. :)


Thanks for the help with the rain catcher, it works like a charm. After building my farming area and setting up the various plants to grow, I noticed that 1) when you grow "snowberry" plants, when they are mature they look like the yucca plants and not the snowberry plants. not sure if you are aware. and 2) the clear image of the snowberries and goldenrod plants when I go to plant the seed is 2x2, should i space them accordingly or is like normal ok for them?


Another thing that you probably know better than me are the "powered" versions of the doors and drawbridge. i set a bridge extending from my "garage" to the house, but i cannot figure out how to make it work. I set a battery bank next to it and set a door control relay above the bank. But i cannot connect the relay to the door. am i missing something?


Snowberries looking like yucca is a known issue and has been fixed in the next version. :)


All plants are 1x1 so you don't need to space for 2x2.


Ok. Doors are odd. See if this helps?


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ok thanks for your reply. Yeah I miss time and elevation and several others.

I have been playing with friends and we have been using SMX HUD mod for a long time. We wanted to give this mod a chance but for my friends the HUD changes is too much. Anyway keep up the great work.

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Well you don't really need to know elevation... and it's on the map screen if you REALLY need it.


I just don't see the point in needing to know it at all. Temp I'm considering adding in because I feel like that's something a normal person cal roughly gauge.


But the time thing is intended to be part of the mod. If you and your friends want something tougher with a more normal UI, I'd honestly recommend Ravenhearst. :)

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Look in the workbench for Water Barrel or Rain Catcher.




I know the launcher was being odd a couple of days ago... is it ok now? Might be worth talking to sphereii if you're still having issues. Also make sure EAC is off.




Arrowheads is absolutely a mistake. I thought I'd added it to the hunter mastery, but apparently not... so whoops. :D


Spear is generic, which is intended.


Thanks for your answer.


I have opened a query to sphereii, but we have not solved anything yet.

EAC is off.


If you have any idea I would appreciate it

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