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A16 - STARVATION Mod for A16


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I don't like the idea of increasing wait times between survivors. They need to be consistent for sanity and debugging purposes.


Oh but isn't starvation meant to be challenging and not make things easy? :fat:


Haha, no seriously, I get your point and that's something to balance it out for. Impactful yet not annoyingly so should be possible. What I'm seeing here is wasted potential on the beacons and unemployed survivors and the screamers... the point is not to make it easier but less predictable, surprising, not an ongoing stream of screamers that will lemming into your palisades, so you occasionally need to loot and repair, which is making it rather dull.

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Oh but isn't starvation meant to be challenging and not make things easy? :fat:


Haha, no seriously, I get your point and that's something to balance it out for. Impactful yet not annoyingly so should be possible. What I'm seeing here is wasted potential on the beacons and unemployed survivors and the screamers... the point is not to make it easier but less predictable, surprising, not an ongoing stream of screamers that will lemming into your palisades, so you occasionally need to loot and repair, which is making it rather dull.


I don't have survivors in my current game (at least not yet) but I did have them in my Starvation Mod A15 games. I remember back then that they only activated if you talked to them. Only then would they started having food requirements. I'm assuming the A16 version is the same. So just kill the ones you don't need.


If you really want to use the unemployed ones, then perhaps the starvation team can add a repairer type job. Have some kind of 'repairer' storage that stores resources like steel, iron, forged iron, etc. Any activated but unemployed survivors could use that 'repairer' storage to repair your base. Note that I said 'repairer' not builder. We do not want an automated building system.


If you want surprises how about at the end game make random bosses appear when you loot special containers. They actually already have some special events in the game. The santa event is pretty obvious but I've seen other boss events appearing from just running around certain areas.


I think the team talked about horde bandits so that might be a interesting (if not deadly) feature in the future lol.


A little off topic but I hate when screamers call other screamers. I've died several times because of massive lag due to the chain reaction.

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I didnt read everything, since i'm not home atm, but heres some quick notes: - - snow doesnt fill water, but i guess they could...

- Canning machine is a hands on machine, hence why no output slot.

- cows not taming when they mature... that's a side effect of the new file managment, and i'll try to address it. Not loggical having that happening indeed.

- food will be revamped when Pam has some free time. Not much use addressing it before that.

- screamers were always a problem in vanilla and even more sَ in starvation, since there's more stuff creating heat. Maybe adding some specials to screamers group could help?

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Hello, first i want to thank you for your great work at the starvation mod.


We still got some problems with the farm animals, they don't eat or breed and still don't die. When I am checking them with E, it says they are not tamed, I whipped them and put them down again, but they are still not tamed. What am I doing wrong?


Same for the dogs, they don't eat or drink, but they breed and die.


I searched for the *.anm files to delete them, like you said in the patch notes, but I did not find anything on client and server. Where are they located?

Edited by Detox (see edit history)
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and considering in the planned A17 update, later the wellness system is gonna be removed, we can conclude that we can forget whatever i said above and just go back to sleep.


thanks for reading btw xd


Lol. Yea, the food balance is bad. Pam will do it soon if she has time, otherwise I will do it. It needs fixing before A17, as that will be a big conversion effort, so the A16 version will be around for a while after release.

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Hey there,

After the new patch released, me and my friends are very happy that animals... not all, come back to eat and reproduce.

Not all because... Rabbit, Pig (tamed), Chicken still not eating. (We have already built, even before the patch, a place with roof where they can stay.)


Before the patch Dogs had problems too about eating, and still have this issue. We try to put them down, put breeders and inside of it murky water and dog cookies, still not eating :( sob. I think is bugged too now, because they don't die. Before patch after 7-8 hours they were starting to "cry" and after few hours die, dissapear.

Can you please help to fix this?

Thank You very much for your hardwork!

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Hello, first i want to thank you for your great work at the starvation mod.


We still got some problems with the farm animals, they don't eat or breed and still don't die. When I am checking them with E, it says they are not tamed, I whipped them and put them down again, but they are still not tamed. What am I doing wrong?


Same for the dogs, they don't eat or drink, but they breed and die.


I searched for the *.anm files to delete them, like you said in the patch notes, but I did not find anything on client and server. Where are they located?


We have the same problem my friend :(

most of the animals come back to eat and can be tamed after pick them up and put them down.

Only Rabbit, Pig (tamed), Chicken are not eating now, the others are eating a lot, maybe too much :)

and dogs are not eating aswell.


About this *.anm file I'm still not sure if only the HOST must delete them all or Client too.

Anyway *.anm are in: C:\Users\xxxxx1\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\xxxxx2\xxxxx3\MorteAnimals


xxxxx1) your Username

xxxxx2) it depends if you started server with Navezgane or Random Gen

xxxxx3) your Player Name

Edited by Staraway (see edit history)
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Chickens and rabbits only reproduce in chicken coops and rabbit hutches, completely different then other animals... No idea about dogs, will have to check them but don't expect that to be done very quickly... I need a break from animals.


Remember a VERY IMPORTANT THING: animals and dogs NEED A CLEAR PATH to food. Otherwise, they wont eat.


ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: due to some code that needs tweaking, sometimes they stop near a wall... If you see a dog/animal not moving for a long time, pick them up and put them down again, they may have gotten stuck. They are best left on a place with few obstacles, and not many doors windows...



As a side note, I'm serious considering changing all tamable animals to something a bit less dynamic, but that wont happen before A17.

Edited by Mortelentus (see edit history)
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Chickens and rabbits only reproduce in chicken coops and rabbit hutches, completely different then other animals... No idea about dogs, will have to check them but don't expect that to be done very quickly... I need a break from animals.


Remember a VERY IMPORTANT THING: animals and dogs NEED A CLEAR PATH to food. Otherwise, they wont eat.



Chicken and Rabbits: Yes, we already craft coops and hutches for them :(

Dogs: we built a 5x5x5 room just fort them... one room for each dog with same size, breeder in a spot, their bed in another spot ecc.


but don't expect that to be done very quickly... I need a break from animals.

Take your time! still happy you reply in few minutes, Thank you!

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Chicken and Rabbits: Yes, we already craft coops and hutches for them :(

Dogs: we built a 5x5x5 room just fort them... one room for each dog with same size, breeder in a spot, their bed in another spot ecc.



Take your time! still happy you reply in few minutes, Thank you!


is it winter time (always snowing) ? Btw, dogs and animals need no water atm.

PS -pigs and farm animals are definitely eating as long as they're tamed...

Edited by Mortelentus (see edit history)
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is it winter time (always snowing) ? Btw, dogs and animals need no water atm.


We are playing day 320, I red in the starvationweather.xml that the last day is 250 or around there. We still "have it disable" for now. We should modify the file in few days to have it enable :)


Ok , no water for them


PS -pigs and farm animals are definitely eating as long as they're tamed...


Yes, most of them are eating and all of them are tamed, only pigs aren't eating but they are tamed.

I don't know if Chicken and Rabbits are actually considered farm animals, but they can't be tamed...

Edited by Staraway (see edit history)
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We are playing day 320, I red in the starvationweather.xml that the last day is 250 or around there. We still "have it disable" for now. We should modify the file in few days to have it enable :)


Ok , no water for them




Yes, most of them are eating and all of them are tamed, only pigs aren't eating but they are tamed.

I don't know if Chicken and Rabbits are actually farm animals, but they can be tamed...


e0a7239ab25472d87877d25ab920d794.png Pigs should be eating...

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Hi !

Got a console full (30'000+ lines ) of :

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)
CrafterWorkScript: Crafter has no inventory

in 5 minutes. Is it normal? How to get rid of this Sh...tstorm?


UPD: happening again 10'000 lines in 2 minutes.


Updated server to hflf an hour ago

Edited by Dobriy (see edit history)
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Hi !

Got a console full (30'000+ lines ) of :

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)
CrafterWorkScript: Crafter has no inventory

Is it normal?


Nope, I don't think so, try restarting the server and keep us posted please.

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hey Mortelentus

I absolutely LOVE this mod!!!

I'm having trouble growing wheat and sunflowers

how many days does it take?

tomatoes and corn are growing



Also I would like to understand husbandry a bit more

when I look at a tamed animal, I get "(E) search pig (UNTOUCHED)"

I click E and I get nothing

Is it supposed to do something?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by archonan (see edit history)
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Well... weather is supposed to become crazy if you have our weather activated :)If you look at patch notes and example file, July is actually in the middle of GLOBAL winter.

You can disable it though... Everything you need to know is on the patch notes, you just need to read them...


As a side note, I am changing weather because temperature was a bitch, but the main concept is still the same. Screamers have nothing to do with weather though... We did not touch a thing about screamer spawning, BUT starvation has much more heat generation then vanilla indeed.

Edited by Mortelentus (see edit history)
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What does this mean?


I logged into BattleMetrics today, as I do most everyday to check on the server I admin.


I was greeted with over 5 MILLION lines of error code.


Here is the first error


2018-02-12T08:34:24 30852.037 ERR Wrong entity chunk position! [type=EntityVulture, name=animalZombieVulture, id=752367] x=-170 z=-319/Chunk_0,0


This is the last error


2018-02-12T10:09:57 36584.977 ERR Wrong entity chunk position! FallingBlock_753088 (EntityFallingBlock) x=22 z=140/Chunk_0,0


Thats 5 million errors over a span of an hour and a half.


One player was online when it started, it was scrolling vultures at first, then it added santa. He logged off 5 seconds after it started. Once he was gone the vultures stopped but the santa continued. (That 5 seconds was several thousand lines of errors btw) It continued with no change until 9:11 when another player logged in. now it was doing blocks, animals, traders, and zombies. He logged out a 9:24 and the errors continued until stopping for some unknown reason at 10:09am.


However, after they stopped, i know players were unable to join the server until after we rebooted it twice.


Now, I'm not looking to find out WHAT happened, I want to know what exactly that code means. Does it mean an object failed to spawn, or does it mean an object spawned and then fell through the world?


I also thought that when players were not in a chunk, that nothing should spawn there, because the chunks don't render until a player is in them? Especially if no one is on the server at all, shouldn't processes stop?

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Hi !

Got a console full (30'000+ lines ) of :

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)
CrafterWorkScript: Crafter has no inventory

in 5 minutes. Is it normal? How to get rid of this Sh...tstorm?


UPD: happening again 10'000 lines in 2 minutes.


Updated server to hflf an hour ago


We got this alot before the patch. We dont have any NPCs right now so havent seen it. Anytime we'd get that error, a npc had stopped working. the ywould have stuff but wouldnt work.. wed have to kill them, and not place a new one until a reboot, or it would happen again.




We still Can't access FARM animal stats. Tried all over it's body. Nothing. No prompt to pree E and pressing E anyway does nothing. Tried all over every animal.


The goats are breeding, but none of the other animals seem to be. They also dont seem to be eating.


New Guns still wont reliably hit wolves and bears. There is like a tiny spot right at the front shoulder where i can hit them. Everywhere else just goes through them.

Edited by PurgatoryWolf (see edit history)
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