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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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Just pointing out the absolute obvious. So can they not make underground zombie animals like the badger or some other creature that digs naturally....dig down build an underground base bam digs into a badger nest a zombie badger nest....



Wombats confirmed.

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I think I see Stallion’s point. He isn’t saying more playtime hours vs less hours per se. He is saying he has more hours intothe past and has seen the game change in ways he didn’t agree with that someone who started playing later (fewer hours) wouldn’t understand because they never played the earlier versions and don’t know how much better it was or could’ve been in his opinion.


it’s just his perspective. My perspective is that the game is getting better than ever. I treasure the memories of being able to play with a grid crafting tarp and use clay molds to make gun parts and that zombies ran inside buildings. I got to play when light would slow them down at night. I got to play when we could briefly jump two blocks high and crawl through a 1-block opening. I got to explore the hub city and amazingly complex cave systems. I got to play in desert and plains biomes that were filled with tall sheer cliffs while creepy whispers of the dead sounded all around me. I got to play when it was possible to travel 20km from the center and know that you were isolated from all other players.


I remember these things that don’t exist any more in the game with the same fondness that I remember playing Halo or Mario64 or Doom and Wolfenstein. I don’t know that I’ll ever play those old games again but I’m glad I got to experience them. By the same token I’m glad I got to experience those old features of this game and even though they have been dropped or changed I still like the current version for its own sake. I see it as a whole new game.


See exactly what I was saying. Thank you roland for being able to read English properly and not assume stuff..




I think deceiver got in the wrong line up when they were handing out brains...... wait is that you scarecrow from the wizard of oz..... I knew it deceiver is the scarecrow.... good disguise there buddy.


(Ps deceiver now I just yanking ya chains cause you dribbled to much)



...... deceiver your last post I call bs. I am allowed to reply and have every right to. You can not claim you win when you have already lost. Therefore I win.

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Wombats confirmed.


YES wombats lol... mutated ants and spiders... wait not spiders sdx already has them in there...


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Well put. I feel that this whole thing could have been better handled. Myself included. I apologize.


Apology ACCEPTED :-D


Now we can be friends. Wanna be my friend :'(

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See exactly what I was saying. Thank you roland for being able to read English properly and not assume stuff..




I think deceiver got in the wrong line up when they were handing out brains...... wait is that you scarecrow from the wizard of oz..... I knew it deceiver is the scarecrow.... good disguise there buddy.


(Ps deceiver now I just yanking ya chains cause you dribbled to much)



...... deceiver your last post I call bs. I am allowed to reply and have every right to. You can not claim you win when you have already lost. Therefore I win.


Ok, you win. Now what? Do I give you a flag? A medal? What could possibly help such a little attitude truly feel bigger and better? You can't even accept an apology with an ounce of grace. Damn...go breed on your own, sir. Since you are the smart one, you should know what that means.

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YES wombats lol... mutated ants and spiders... wait not spiders sdx already has them in there...



True true. but they arent giant funnel web's, in caves!


Imagine going spelunking then stumbling, or mining into a area thats all webbed up.


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Ok, you win. Now what? Do I give you a flag? A medal? What could possibly help such a little attitude truly feel bigger and better? You can't even accept an apology with an ounce of grace. Damn...go breed on your own, sir. Since you are the smart one, you should know what that means.


You arent used to people from straya are you...

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If that is an example of the behavior I think it is of the lowest possible caliber, and not representative of all people from Australia. If it is, then, I am glad I don't live there.


Lol again wrong. We stir alot we give alot of ♥♥♥♥. Most of my comments to yourself and deceiver have been stirring the pot so to speak. Take a joke its better that way

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If that is an example of the behavior I think it is of the lowest possible caliber, and not representative of all people from Australia. If it is, then, I am glad I don't live there.


I was just meaning Australian's are, generally, good willed humourous people. Very sarcastic. Larrikin's. Doesnt always come across the best in text.

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Ok, you win. Now what? Do I give you a flag? A medal? What could possibly help such a little attitude truly feel bigger and better? You can't even accept an apology with an ounce of grace. Damn...go breed on your own, sir. Since you are the smart one, you should know what that means.


Lol grrrr it was another joke. Deceiver was spose to come back with I win and I say you cant tho cause I win before you... grrr where is the humor....


On a serious note so it's ok for deceiver to state he wins if I reply but I can't.. ummmmmmkaaayyyyyy my bad


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Sorry these are late everyone. I had rl to deal with today. I know these were linked and discussed many pages ago but I'm posting them here so i can link them to the first page.











Typical the gym is empty hahahahaha

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Lol grrrr it was another joke. Deceiver was spose to come back with I win and I say you cant tho cause I win before you... grrr where is the humor....


On a serious note so it's ok for deceiver to staye he wins if I reply but I can't.. ummmmmmkaaayyyyyy my bad


but you both lost.... so I win

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but you both lost.... so I win


Haha there we go. Someone gets it.... hats off to you sir lol...... you win being friends with those with no humour lol


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everybody gets a trophy




Lol cant be as bad as the pms in Australia lol. Oprah is giving out PMS..... You can be PM. You can be PM. Everyone can be PM.

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Typical the gym is empty hahahahaha


I noticed that too. Shouldn't it at least have some big biker type zombies in spandex milling around? I will probably avoid that POI. No sense going in to loot two monthly membership dues from the safe...


Oh.... Hi Mad Mole! Nice gym, and the jeep looks awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say that @Roland is, from my point of view the catch all for the game "7 Days to Die" feedback. And for the role he decided to take on by chance, hired on or the love of the game - Is one outstanding individual. @Roland You are a bigger person and a person of reason. Roland really has a heart in 7 Days To Die. As a moderator his comments sometimes suck, but he does make sense. But, he is there for the players. @Roland I hope TFP pay you well after the next version is released. I think you need at least $500,000.00 to keep you on staff and the moderator. That should be a one time payment - Then at Least a salary of $15,000.00 a month until the game is finally released.

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as a coder AND a developer (since some people believe there is a distinction, which there isnt) my only problem with the release of a17e is that you are treating the current development as a pre-pre-alpha. to break it down, a17 is Alpha 17, a17-e is a pre-alpha, i watch steam.info and i watch the daily updates that are being added; there is nothing wrong with running the Early Release as you have been doing for alphas before calling them beta (which should honestly be the true Early Release versions) but to hold up promised release on a pre-alpha is ridiculous. You should terminate the development forum and any advertisement altogether until you are ready to AT LEAST drop a17e and quite honestly you shouldnt drop an a17e release. its a very serious problem with startup companies today.. "ooh we want to keep them on the line so we will create several generations of pre-pre-pre-pre-pre (you get the point) alphas and bait them along." Either you have a product or you do not.. dont even MENTION an 17 until you are AT LEAST ready to push the a17e. idk about you but i am 46, i come from old school programming. Alpha is in-house ONLY. Beta is released to qualified participants that can actually offer insight and qualified bug reports; and then there is release. You have been selling Alpha builds for YEARS now, you have no right to get upset or spite anyone who complains about those releases, you NEVER should have released them to begin with. stop sapping your potential market with this crap.. I absolutely, POSITIVELY, promise you, you will NEVER sell another title so long as anyone who has been "involved" with your project via Early Release has anything to say about it.


I am not saying you are not developing a great game here, and I am not entirely saying I am upset i got in early; but i AM saying that if TFP ever attempts to sell an early release of any other title, i do not care how great it is, I **WILL** ♥♥♥♥-block your ass and campaign against anyone buying into it. It's pitiful... hardly a Duke Nukem 3D event, but damn close. Either step it up, or step the f* out.

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Oh for the haters. Add up the hours Roland has been been here and defended the Game and TFP. Add up all the hours x $25.00 per hour. Hmmm, Yes - @Roland is entitled to some money for supporting and promoting "7 Days to Die" and The Fun Pimps! Promote the Game, but first you have to pay the workers everyday - the devoted ones - The ones that are real!

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IF you research this game, the owners are not willing to sell and they are in a strong hold with investors. I belive the brothers are fighting over the game. Do your research yourself or pay me money and I will show you the facts.


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as a coder AND a developer (since some people believe there is a distinction, which there isnt) my only problem with the release of a17e is that you are treating the current development as a pre-pre-alpha. to break it down, a17 is Alpha 17, a17-e is a pre-alpha, i watch steam.info and i watch the daily updates that are being added; there is nothing wrong with running the Early Release as you have been doing for alphas before calling them beta (which should honestly be the true Early Release versions) but to hold up promised release on a pre-alpha is ridiculous. You should terminate the development forum and any advertisement altogether until you are ready to AT LEAST drop a17e and quite honestly you shouldnt drop an a17e release. its a very serious problem with startup companies today.. "ooh we want to keep them on the line so we will create several generations of pre-pre-pre-pre-pre (you get the point) alphas and bait them along." Either you have a product or you do not.. dont even MENTION an 17 until you are AT LEAST ready to push the a17e. idk about you but i am 46, i come from old school programming. Alpha is in-house ONLY. Beta is released to qualified participants that can actually offer insight and qualified bug reports; and then there is release. You have been selling Alpha builds for YEARS now, you have no right to get upset or spite anyone who complains about those releases, you NEVER should have released them to begin with. stop sapping your potential market with this crap.. I absolutely, POSITIVELY, promise you, you will NEVER sell another title so long as anyone who has been "involved" with your project via Early Release has anything to say about it.


I am not saying you are not developing a great game here, and I am not entirely saying I am upset i got in early; but i AM saying that if TFP ever attempts to sell an early release of any other title, i do not care how great it is, I **WILL** ♥♥♥♥-block your ass and campaign against anyone buying into it. It's pitiful... hardly a Duke Nukem 3D event, but damn close. Either step it up, or step the f* out.


IF you research this game, the owners are not willing to sell and they are in a strong hold with investors. I belive the brothers are fighting over the game. Do your research yourself or pay me money and I will show you the facts.

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IF you research this game, the owners are not willing to sell and they are in a strong hold with investors. I belive the brothers are fighting over the game. Do your research yourself or pay me money and I will show you the facts.


they are ALREADY selling it on Steam, people have already paid money. your excuse is invalid

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as a coder AND a developer (since some people believe there is a distinction, which there isnt) my only problem with the release of a17e is that you are treating the current development as a pre-pre-alpha. to break it down, a17 is Alpha 17, a17-e is a pre-alpha, i watch steam.info and i watch the daily updates that are being added; there is nothing wrong with running the Early Release as you have been doing for alphas before calling them beta (which should honestly be the true Early Release versions) but to hold up promised release on a pre-alpha is ridiculous. You should terminate the development forum and any advertisement altogether until you are ready to AT LEAST drop a17e and quite honestly you shouldnt drop an a17e release. its a very serious problem with startup companies today.. "ooh we want to keep them on the line so we will create several generations of pre-pre-pre-pre-pre (you get the point) alphas and bait them along." Either you have a product or you do not.. dont even MENTION an 17 until you are AT LEAST ready to push the a17e. idk about you but i am 46, i come from old school programming. Alpha is in-house ONLY. Beta is released to qualified participants that can actually offer insight and qualified bug reports; and then there is release. You have been selling Alpha builds for YEARS now, you have no right to get upset or spite anyone who complains about those releases, you NEVER should have released them to begin with. stop sapping your potential market with this crap.. I absolutely, POSITIVELY, promise you, you will NEVER sell another title so long as anyone who has been "involved" with your project via Early Release has anything to say about it.


I am not saying you are not developing a great game here, and I am not entirely saying I am upset i got in early; but i AM saying that if TFP ever attempts to sell an early release of any other title, i do not care how great it is, I **WILL** ♥♥♥♥-block your ass and campaign against anyone buying into it. It's pitiful... hardly a Duke Nukem 3D event, but damn close. Either step it up, or step the f* out.


The fact that you would waste time going after a dev just because you don’t like the way they do things instead of spending time doing productive things in your own life shows just how sad a person you are.


If someone pisses me off that much I walk away and never give them another thought and go do something that’s good for me.

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as a coder AND a developer (since some people believe there is a distinction, which there isnt) my only problem with the release of a17e is that you are treating the current development as a pre-pre-alpha. to break it down, a17 is Alpha 17, a17-e is a pre-alpha, i watch steam.info and i watch the daily updates that are being added; there is nothing wrong with running the Early Release as you have been doing for alphas before calling them beta (which should honestly be the true Early Release versions) but to hold up promised release on a pre-alpha is ridiculous. You should terminate the development forum and any advertisement altogether until you are ready to AT LEAST drop a17e and quite honestly you shouldnt drop an a17e release. its a very serious problem with startup companies today.. "ooh we want to keep them on the line so we will create several generations of pre-pre-pre-pre-pre (you get the point) alphas and bait them along." Either you have a product or you do not.. dont even MENTION an 17 until you are AT LEAST ready to push the a17e. idk about you but i am 46, i come from old school programming. Alpha is in-house ONLY. Beta is released to qualified participants that can actually offer insight and qualified bug reports; and then there is release. You have been selling Alpha builds for YEARS now, you have no right to get upset or spite anyone who complains about those releases, you NEVER should have released them to begin with. stop sapping your potential market with this crap.. I absolutely, POSITIVELY, promise you, you will NEVER sell another title so long as anyone who has been "involved" with your project via Early Release has anything to say about it.


I am not saying you are not developing a great game here, and I am not entirely saying I am upset i got in early; but i AM saying that if TFP ever attempts to sell an early release of any other title, i do not care how great it is, I **WILL** ♥♥♥♥-block your ass and campaign against anyone buying into it. It's pitiful... hardly a Duke Nukem 3D event, but damn close. Either step it up, or step the f* out.




You must be fun at parties. You speak with such a strong allusion to authority on a matter where you have no authority. like too many of your generation, you want to bully others into following your deluded preferences. Welcome to the 21st century, where there are 8 billion ways to accomplish the same goal with the same level of efficiency or higher. Nobody cares that you were born in the 70's; and certainly nobody cares that you want all sales of a game we all agreed to purchase incomplete to be stopped. I'm betting you're an only child :apathy:

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IF you research this game, the owners are not willing to sell and they are in a strong hold with investors. I belive the brothers are fighting over the game. Do your research yourself or pay me money and I will show you the facts.


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IF you research this game, the owners are not willing to sell and they are in a strong hold with investors. I belive the brothers are fighting over the game. Do your research yourself or pay me money and I will show you the facts.


I have better things to do with my life than research 2 brothers who put out an indie EA game.


Maybe you should too. Again Im intrigued at what you have personally on the line here to care so much. Honestly it's turning into borderline obsession here.


You have a seat at the next Thanksgiving dinner or something? Should we alert TMZ?

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That is why I started my post and most of the 7 days to die community flamed me. My post were not to hurt the game - read the news - ratings and the court filings. The Brothers (TFP) will not settle on a contract. Yes, A lot of money is involved. That is why I have asked where have they been? Players = Games = Company. They are stalled over money. OPEN your EYES - Large amount of money will make you greedy - Who came up with the game - Who decided this - Until the game is finalized with money - and the designers are payed what they think they are worth This game is dead. That is why I asked for them to produce a Financial statement. I am not talking ♥♥♥♥ of the (TFP), but if they had their finances in order they would release them to devoted players. Now, wow - I am not so bad. Start asking questions.

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That is why I started my post and most of the 7 days to die community flamed me. My post were not to hurt the game - read the news - ratings and the court filings. The Brothers (TFP) will not settle on a contract. Yes, A lot of money is involved. That is why I have asked where have they been? Players = Games = Company. They are stalled over money. OPEN your EYES - Large amount of money will make you greedy - Who came up with the game - Who decided this - Until the game is finalized with money - and the designers are payed what they think they are worth This game is dead. That is why I asked for them to produce a Financial statement. I am not talking ♥♥♥♥ of the (TFP), but if they had their finances in order they would release them to devoted players. Now, wow - I am not so bad. Start asking questions.


Quick. Seal the decks!

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