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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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One thing that is a real drag is zombie corpse vanishing soon after getting killed. Seems to happen only with groups of army zombies but noticed that a hazmat worker one de-spawned to.


Most corpses stay put even after a long time. I sometimes wish that those would de-spawn.


I just wish that the army ones would hang around a bit longer.


I think this is everyone's dream while playing 7D2D: A wandering hoard of army zombies!


It happens just enough to make a players go nuts trying to loot: Every. Single. One. :)

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One thing that is a real drag is zombie corpse vanishing soon after getting killed. Seems to happen only with groups of army zombies but noticed that a hazmat worker one de-spawned to.


Most corpses stay put even after a long time. I sometimes wish that those would de-spawn.


I just wish that the army ones would hang around a bit longer.


I wish there was a way loot stays after the gore block breaks( due to falling on another one). There is just so much loot on horde night that you can lose due to this and gore blocks despawning too quick.


This is only for horde night a problem imo.


For those of you who feel the loss of not getting to a zombie body or gore block before it disappears or gets destroyed due to missing out on the possible loot, you will be happy to know these issues are fixed in A17.

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For those of you who feel the loss of not getting to a zombie body or gore block before it disappears or gets destroyed due to missing out on the possible loot, you will be happy to know these issues are fixed in A17.


Really?? That could change how people look at horde night, in more ways than one!

How long before a gore block disappear? Never?

Can gore blocks stack?

Can zombies destroy gore blocks?

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Really?? That could change how people look at horde night, in more ways than one!

How long before a gore block disappear? Never?

Can gore blocks stack?

Can zombies destroy gore blocks?


I do miss the cheesy old gore blocks that used to stack... Not saying we should go back as they were pretty ugly, but a stacking gore block enabling zeke to climb?

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The gore block stacks where not lootable.


Also if you want all the loot, be creative and build your defence make it possible to loot while the hordnight ^^


Agreed, creative is the name of the game. 7 days to be creative. :-)


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For those of you who feel the loss of not getting to a zombie body or gore block before it disappears or gets destroyed due to missing out on the possible loot, you will be happy to know these issues are fixed in A17.


Because gore blocks have no loot? :^)

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For those of you who feel the loss of not getting to a zombie body or gore block before it disappears or gets destroyed due to missing out on the possible loot, you will be happy to know these issues are fixed in A17.


Hmm need more info. Our previous fixes would lag servers pretty bad with all the left behind corpses no one cleaned up.


Unless loot was removed from zombies. Oh Roland, if loot was removed from zombies Id promise to never troll or speak ill of anything ever again. And before the lot of you come after me with your "that's a stupid idea" i would appreciate you to NOT infringe on my right to cure you people of loot pinata disease.


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Agreed, creative is the name of the game. 7 days to be creative. :-)


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Because gore blocks have no loot? :^)


giggles uncontrollably. THAT would be too good to be real! Although on a performance side of things having zombies vanish with no corpse must increase performance right? The ticking of the bodies, the heat map etc all have to contribute to lag and resources. Also it will eliminate duping.

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I do miss the cheesy old gore blocks that used to stack... Not saying we should go back as they were pretty ugly, but a stacking gore block enabling zeke to climb?



Same ole. It certainly made horde nights interesting. Yeah they were ugly but made you have to think about defence in depth, fall-back positions etc. Maybe one day the diggers will make their long awaited appearance and Zs will be dropping on our heads while we're settling down in the evening for a tasty meat stew and beverage. We'll all have to have lairs like Cheyenne Mountain (so when are Star-Gates coming in to counter this???). :biggrin-new: Still lovin this game.

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For those of you who feel the loss of not getting to a zombie body or gore block before it disappears or gets destroyed due to missing out on the possible loot, you will be happy to know these issues are fixed in A17.


video or i don´t belive in A17 ^^

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Even though I'm still a little confused maybe I just have to see it to understand it more I don't know. But about 3 weeks ago Gazz and Roland talked a little about the gorebolcks and looting for a few pages. Not sure what page besides being between pages 1400-1499. Just remember it was about 3 weeks ago.

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Hmm need more info. Our previous fixes would lag servers pretty bad with all the left behind corpses no one cleaned up.


Unless loot was removed from zombies. Oh Roland, if loot was removed from zombies Id promise to never troll or speak ill of anything ever again. And before the lot of you come after me with your "that's a stupid idea" i would appreciate you to NOT infringe on my right to cure you people of loot pinata disease.

Honestly, I rather agree with you, although completely removing loot from zeds doesn't feel quite right. I think that a severe cut in drop rate would be a better option as most of their loot is junk anyway. Leave it to the many loot spawns already ingame to supply the majority of needs. That would force some of the horde night loot junkies to find new resource flows.

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Hmm need more info. Our previous fixes would lag servers pretty bad with all the left behind corpses no one cleaned up.


Unless loot was removed from zombies. Oh Roland, if loot was removed from zombies Id promise to never troll or speak ill of anything ever again. And before the lot of you come after me with your "that's a stupid idea" i would appreciate you to NOT infringe on my right to cure you people of loot pinata disease.

Honestly, I rather agree with you, although completely removing loot from zeds doesn't feel quite right. I think that a severe cut in drop rate would be a better option as most of their loot is junk anyway. Leave it to the many loot spawns already ingame to supply the majority of needs. That would force some of the horde night loot junkies to find new resource flows.


To further expand on your idea, we could have corpses that auto destroy when you loot it and its empty. no loot window just pop gone when you hit e. the ones who DO have loot can be opened as usual, and yes Id remove junk items from them. Make a few zombies have rare chances to drop loot, and those drops be worth something to the player.

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For it to be harder would it not have to be hard to begin with?


When the corpses auto destroy they could place the items in your bag, like when you harvest. Actually makes it EASIER and quicker.


Ok well didn't mean harder then now. Guess that came out wrong lol.


Yeah I guess. Would it count if you kill with a bullet or arrow and not only melee?

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Ok well didn't mean harder then now. Guess that came out wrong lol.


Yeah I guess. Would it count if you kill with a bullet or arrow and not only melee?


I don't see why that would change. The only thing changed would be the corpse part, not the kill part so sure you would get the kill the same as usual.

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For those of you who feel the loss of not getting to a zombie body or gore block before it disappears or gets destroyed due to missing out on the possible loot, you will be happy to know these issues are fixed in A17.




Go on... give us something new to get over-excited about. It'll pass the time :-)

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Even though I'm still a little confused maybe I just have to see it to understand it more I don't know. But about 3 weeks ago Gazz and Roland talked a little about the gorebolcks and looting for a few pages. Not sure what page besides being between pages 1400-1499. Just remember it was about 3 weeks ago.


Yes. It was exactly about the idea to have only very few zombies (possibly only the better or boss zombies) have loot but more valuable. So if a killed zombie leaves behind a backpack it really gets everyone loot-crazy.

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Well then that would be a lot better. If they have loot they stick around for a little while and if they don't then they automatically go away but you still get the rotten flesh like when you harvest. Would definitely cut back on cleaning up and going to one to another looking to see if it has loot or not. I like that if this is what they are doing.

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Yes. It was exactly about the idea to have only very few zombies (possibly only the better or boss zombies) have loot but more valuable. So if a killed zombie leaves behind a backpack it really gets everyone loot-crazy.


Yeah I got all that but my concern was the cut back on the rotten flesh. So was trying to understand more about it and more of how it was going to work to get a better idea but either missed it or something.

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The interesting thing about English is there is no Standard! "Standard English" is whatever your country feels like calling or spelling anything. Including grammar.


Now "International English" would actually have a standards body but is still in the "wouldn't that be nice and please use our version of English, thank you very much".


If you are an expert in all the dozens of English dialects, then Grammar Nazi away! :)

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The interesting thing about English is there is no Standard! "Standard English" is whatever your country feels like calling or spelling anything. Including grammar.


Now "International English" would actually have a standards body but is still in the "wouldn't that be nice and please use our version of English, thank you very much".


If you are an expert in all the dozens of English dialects, then Grammar Nazi away! :)


Howay! Ya divven wanna gan n' go batterin' ya heed owa nowt.

[Translation : It's not worth the effort]


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For those of you who feel the loss of not getting to a zombie body or gore block before it disappears or gets destroyed due to missing out on the possible loot, you will be happy to know these issues are fixed in A17.


Thanks Roland.

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PvP for local splitscreen:)


I love this game and me and my brother play it often. But we do not have a chance to play online with each other. So we always play split screen and it is a blast. But sometimes we wish we could attack/ kill each other. (That sounds a lot worse than what I meant). But I was hoping got in a upcoming update (possibly alpha 17) you guys could add a split screen PVP Feature.

Thank you :)

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