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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Can you guys explain to an european the difference between a bolt and a lever action rifle? ;)


well you have the hunting rifle in a16.4b8 which is a bolt action and then there is this... the lever action.



in as simple as possible you still reload after each shot just 2 different methods.

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In terms of a real one:


Lever action is a type of firearm action which uses a lever located around the trigger guard area (often including the trigger guard itself) to load fresh cartridges into the chamber of the barrel when the lever is worked. This contrasts to bolt-action, semi-automatic, or selective-fire weapons.





Bolt action is a type of firearm action where the handling of cartridges into and out of the weapon's barrel chamber are operated by manually manipulating the bolt directly via a handle, which is most commonly placed on the right-hand side of the weapon (as most users are right-handed). When the handle is operated, the bolt is unlocked from the receiver and pulled back to open the breech, allowing the spent cartridge case to be extracted and ejected, the firing pin within the bolt is cocked (either on opening or closing of the bolt depending on the gun design) and engages the sear, then upon the bolt being pushed back a new cartridge (if available) is loaded into the chamber, and finally the breech is closed tight by the bolt locking against the receiver.




Many people might think of a lever action as a 'cowboy rifle'. A bolt action is common as a starter sniper rifle in games like COD. Others commonly think of a bolt action as a hunting rifle.


The hunting rifle in 7 Days is a Bolt Action rifle, specifically a Remington Model 700 with only iron sights. At least until A17 when we can mount scopes, and maybe suppressors (colloquially known as 'silencers'.)

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While we are on the topic of PC performance (I lied, we are not) I was wondering if anyone has tips to improve performance. I found stuff for Minecraft that made a world of difference and hoping to with this game too... Being that both are Voxels.


I'm on an older Republic of Gaming ASUS gaming laptop with a GTX 960m, Intel i7-4720HQ 2.6 GHz processor, upgraded 1TB SSD. I'm getting around 30 fps. With it being a laptop, I am limited to what I can upgrade - HDD (already upgraded to SSD) and RAM. I don't think I can upgrade anything else.


Not an IT guy, but tech-savvy to a point... Is this considered a potato now?


The MC setting you’re referring to is allowing additional memory for the Java Runtime Engine, Minecraft always was a memory hog the further you wandered the world!


There are lots of performance tuning apps out there, some are ok, most are a money grab so check the reviews before you part with your cash. As you stated, a lot of them just fiddle with windows settings to tweak performance.


The reason for my post? The new unity version that TFP are moving to supports multi core (which your i7 is). I don’t know exactly what the performance gain will be, but given A17-E is so close, I would be tempted to wait until that drops as you may find this gives you the additional frames you’re after.

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In terms of a real one:


Many people might think of a lever action as a 'cowboy rifle'. A bolt action is common as a starter sniper rifle in games like COD. Others commonly think of a bolt action as a hunting rifle.


The hunting rifle in 7 Days is a Bolt Action rifle, specifically a Remington Model 700 with only iron sights. At least until A17 when we can mount scopes, and maybe suppressors (colloquially known as 'silencers'.)


If it's truly mimicking the Rem 700, the mag should be increased to at least 3 rounds. This has bugged me since day 1.

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If it's truly mimicking the Rem 700, the mag should be increased to at least 3 rounds. This has bugged me since day 1.


Not sure if you still can bit back in the day you could just change mag size in the xml. I used to up ot to 5. though with doing that there is no animation of replacing the used up casin (hope rhat makes sense)

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Haha yeah, it makes sense. Most servers that I've played on have modded the mag size upwards to where it should be. IIRC, it only showed the "working the bolt" anim when you were reloading. Kinda broke the immersion but oh well.

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Haha yeah, it makes sense. Most servers that I've played on have modded the mag size upwards to where it should be. IIRC, it only showed the "working the bolt" anim when you were reloading. Kinda broke the immersion but oh well.


Yup that is what i meant by animation. Maybe TFP could change that for A18?

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If it's truly mimicking the Rem 700, the mag should be increased to at least 3 rounds. This has bugged me since day 1.


Yeah. I only know it's 'supposed to be' as it has Remington 700 stamped on it. Maybe the bolt, receiver, chamber, and barrel was taken from one?


If we go with the idea of jury-rigging together disparate parts.

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Yeah. I only know it's 'supposed to be' as it has Remington 700 stamped on it. Maybe the bolt, receiver, chamber, and barrel was taken from one?


If we go with the idea of jury-rigging together disparate parts.


That would make sense to me for crafting one, but finding a Bubba'd special in a locked safe is just funny unless it's a SKS or Mosin ;)

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your lever action almost reminded me of the 30-30 i had as a kid for deer hunting..

model 94 winchester



very nice small light weight for youngsters (back then)


My uncle let me fire his 357 (in single action) and a bolt action .22 when I was 15.


He also let me handle his AK47 :)

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A17 Feature List: Updated as Developers reveal them!



Sorry for the spam/repeat but I was wondering if you will be able to mod the game with unity for modders?

If so, will you be able to add/remove assets to customize even further?

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A17 Feature List: Updated as Developers reveal them!



Sorry for the spam/repeat but I was wondering if you will be able to mod the game with unity for modders?

If so, will you be able to add/remove assets to customize even further?


Already can. Go look for SDX in the tools/tutorials section of the forums.

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your lever action almost reminded me of the 30-30 i had as a kid for deer hunting..

model 94 winchester



very nice small light weight for youngsters (back then)


I still have mine. I still use it for hunting, as do my teenage son and daughter. Lightweight and dead accurate.


If there were an outbreak, you'd be able to find these really easily. 12th most produced gun in the world at anywhere from 6.5 to 7 million units according to Wiki.


This is mine after I sanded and refinished the stock and forearm. Made in 1968


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One thing that is a real drag is zombie corpse vanishing soon after getting killed. Seems to happen only with groups of army zombies but noticed that a hazmat worker one de-spawned to.


Most corpses stay put even after a long time. I sometimes wish that those would de-spawn.


I just wish that the army ones would hang around a bit longer.

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One thing that is a real drag is zombie corpse vanishing soon after getting killed. Seems to happen only with groups of army zombies but noticed that a hazmat worker one de-spawned to.


Most corpses stay put even after a long time. I sometimes wish that those would de-spawn.


I just wish that the army ones would hang around a bit longer.


I wish there was a way loot stays after the gore block breaks( due to falling on another one). There is just so much loot on horde night that you can lose due to this and gore blocks despawning too quick.


This is only for horde night a problem imo.

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I still have mine. I still use it for hunting, as do my teenage son and daughter. Lightweight and dead accurate.


If there were an outbreak, you'd be able to find these really easily. 12th most produced gun in the world at anywhere from 6.5 to 7 million units according to Wiki.


This is mine after I sanded and refinished the stock and forearm. Made in 1968




Oh, she's a pretty girl. If I didn't live in the city, I would definitely want one, just for plinking.


- - - Updated - - -


I wish there was a way loot stays after the gore block breaks( due to falling on another one). There is just so much loot on horde night that you can lose due to this and gore blocks despawning too quick.


This is only for horde night a problem imo.



Agreed! 100%.

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I wish there was a way loot stays after the gore block breaks( due to falling on another one). There is just so much loot on horde night that you can lose due to this and gore blocks despawning too quick.


This is only for horde night a problem imo.


Yeah, I have that problem to, lol.

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I wish there was a way loot stays after the gore block breaks( due to falling on another one). There is just so much loot on horde night that you can lose due to this and gore blocks despawning too quick.


This is only for horde night a problem imo.


My solution to this would be to have the gore blocks merge. So if there were 2 gore block on the same location, then the would merge into a double height version. This double height version would then contain all the loot from both gore blocks. The maximum number of gore blocks that could merge would eventually be reached and then the next one would sit on top of it.


This would also mean that zombies would eventually be able to climb up the side of your walls by treading on their dead comrades.


This may be similar to the way it used to work, with the stacking of gore blocks, but I was not around then, and I don't think they used to merge.

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This may be similar to the way it used to work, with the stacking of gore blocks, but I was not around then, and I don't think they used to merge.


The gore block stacks where not lootable.


Also if you want all the loot, be creative and build your defence make it possible to loot while the hordnight ^^

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Can you guys explain to an european the difference between a bolt and a lever action rifle? ;)


Well here I am. using my lever action rifle, keeping the world save for... er from zombies.


I think a bolt rifle fire bolts of lightning.

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