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Everything posted by Pichii

  1. 2023-09-17T10:44:41 21.290 WRN Ignoring unknown section in permissions file: apitokens 2023-09-17T10:44:41 21.290 WRN Ignoring unknown section in permissions file: webmodules 2023-09-17T10:44:41 21.290 WRN Ignoring unknown section in permissions file: webusers Permission file is broken and syntax are incorrect for one. Line 1482: WindowsVideoMedia error unhandled Color Standard: 0 falling back to default this may result in rendering issues (A mod is changing color to a hex windows cant read?) Line 1483: 2023-09-17T12:20:39 5779.996 INF Preparing quit Line 1493: [ALLOC_TEMP_TLS] TLS Allocator line 1704: Failed Allocations. Bucket layout: Memory leak. Probably from a mod; CPU having issues threading and leaking. It appears a mod of yours is changing a color to a hex entry windows cannot recognize and it is causing a render crash that then causes a memory leak.
  2. PS: It used to be the way it was before where people could just choose to crash their PC at their whim and the forums were flooded with these posts, even more so than now. I used to see 3-6 people/day with these questions and now its like once or twice a week so, it definately helped reduce bug reports that the solution was; "Buy a better GPU."
  3. Buy a better gaming PC (No Troll) It wont let you select it because if you did, the game would crash because you do not have good enough hardware. Please invest one 2,000 dollars to play this game at max settings. You need about 5600x, 6800xt, b550 MB and 3600Mhz RAM plus NVME/SSD or else, you will lag. Resizable BAR also really helps with stability in this game. Zzz. Realistically to run this game in ultra, you need a 1200-2k+ PC. lol. Helping people run this game on less than 6gb of VRAM is nearly impossible.... Nearly. And even tho my buddy on a 1050ti can PLAY, he cannot see things easily like ladders and birds nests against the ground. Your only option to increase those graphics is to enable Fidelity, render in 480p and upscale to like 720p or 1080p. MIGHT be able to get those graphics up then but anything over half-textures requires 6gb VRAM+ This isnt about paging. This isnt about windows. This is about the fact 1050s have 3-4gb of VRAM and the game DEMANDS 5-6gb for over half. VRAM and RAM are not the same. VRAM is in your GPU. RAM is in your PC. You cannot modify VRAM like you can with RAM. Only a better GPU will suffice. Otherwise, you will be stuck with mediocre settings because this game is DEMANDING. Paging will fix crashing in this game (sometimes, its still really unstable) if they are running <1050=
  4. Yep. When a server goes into standby status after not being played for quite a few hours, the server will initialize and zombies will not populate for 4-6hr in-game. Just keep playing. The server will catch up and remember after some time. **Screamers DO NOT always scream when you hear the scream and this is intentional behavior now. I think the scream just adds a big ol heat surge to the heat map thus, they can scream more than once without triggering a horde.
  5. Might also try clearing your shader cache. Near the bottom in NVIDIA control pannel if memory serves. THere was a massive chipset and driver update for AMD, I know NVIDIA had a GPU update around the same time, IDK if intel had a chipset update as well.
  6. Mesh'es can be enabled still server-side. If youre having MESH issues, your RAM is low :3 (Have windows stock you 16gb of RAM and you should be fine) A very bright pink denotes GPU corruption. Your GPU needs chipset driver updates and/or GPU driver updates. If those do not help, your GPU is about to die and go to wastebin. VERY common before a GPU goes kaput. PS: It takes me 6-8min to generate a 10k map. 6800xt 5600x Definately something is going on with your rig.
  7. Null Ref means one of 3 things. 1. You need to validate your files. 2. The server bugged on generation and there is not an instance set to a random object (This means no code is attatched to x object) and these can be ignored unless you "SEE" a bug caused from it. 3. A bug from a mod. 3. Reloading into the world can sometimes help too. I ignore these. They are super common. ( I play on 10k maps)
  8. (Note, REM is commented out; remove them if you want the script to automatically restart. Script goes in 7d2d directory, make a shortcut of the script into startup folder. Save script as .cmd You will need to change your bat file target that launches 7d2d normally.) PS: Set your shortcut to "Run Minimized" to make the waiting CMDline run in background and not interfere with your work. @echo off setlocal set "processName=7daystodieserver.exe" set "batFile=D:\7_days_to_die_server\alternatededicated.bat" :redo tasklist | findstr /i "%processName%" > nul if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo "7daystodie" process not found. Starting Server... start "" "%batFile%" timeout /t 5 ) else ( echo "7daystodie" process found. ) REM Causes_script_to_loop_on_itself,_forever_causing_auto-restart_to_occour,_if_needed._DONOT_Remove_REM_for_this_line REM timeout /t 900 /nobreak REM goto :redo endlocal Thanks, CHATGPT for your kind work.
  9. Gyrocopter needs a mod... A minigun to be exact. The machine gun should go BRRRRRRT, in honor of the retired hogs.
  10. There are XML options now that would make this viable. You can go into world editor after generating a world and add all the town you like to the map. Some folks have a trader hub in their maps. Further, the issues with Chunk and Mesh can be mitigated via XML edits for chunk size (Itd have to be greatly reduced) as well as view distance and mesh distance/# of mesh. This would greatly reduce lag for such a large map concept and make it relatively playable.
  11. I spent hours searching for a reusable scriptlet for 7d2d/MC. Thanks friend this saved me much time. :D
  12. Id really like it if, later on in development the speakers around the trader talked of player acheivements. Example: Youve killed 2000 zombies in a particular traders area and he broadcasts news on his speakers about it. Some other stuff; Clearing/safety of high-tier poi, large hordes killed, raid nights completed, longest living soul the trader has seen, ect. This can also be done with audio queues when the player walks up to the trader. Just lil, 'atta boy/girl' Maybe neon signs that he turns on; "Thanks!" x'D Maybe little tickets to the booby club or little notes of thanks in your inventory from the trader. Later other survivors could 'write their thanks' on the note for delivery. Just thought itd be good for immersion and tbh, I need more attaboys 😢 So much sass, no love... Not even trader Jen will give me knuckle rubs.
  13. So odd that OP managed to find the accurate place to complain about things but neglected to read about feature updates that address most of his concerns. "I play with a loot ninja and that makes me mad!" Awkward. Dont play with your nephew then? xD Cheese and exploits exist in all games. Nobody is perfect. That being said; devs are indeed working on features to patch that out. Its just odd. He couldve answered his own questions if he had chosen to read some posts first instead of creating an account just to instantly complain. A21 dev log even talks about fixing some of the things he complains about. Just weird. Why not put this effort towards answering your own questions if youre so passionate about it? So, in summary; 1-3 is answered in the A21 devlog. The added questions at the end, 1,2,7,8 are all answered in A21 dev log. are answered in threads pertaining to chunk system. (Its not possible in code unless you want to crash old systems and GPU. Make a mod.) You cry alot. Try researching more. :D PS: Water was stalled because they chose to completely rework it. Also included in A20 and A21 patch notes. PPS: You can increase and decrease the amount of chunks players reveal on the map via XML settings but youll need an actual server with massive amounts of RAM to accomidate that change. Thus why its not in normal settings. Genuinely, some research would fix alot of your issues and/or waiting for A21. That and not playing with your Nephew if it makes you THAT mad. x'D
  14. Hey pimps... How about this idea for nests and eggs? Put 2 eggs into a nest and you allow the player to pick it up allowing 'psudo' egg farming within the boundaries of current lootmap rules. The eggs are consumed. (Making sure the birds come back next season dontcha know?) Players can get 'more' because they know where the nests are. Balancing Suggestions: *Allow Coyotes, Foxes, Wolves and Vultures to raid the nests. (Destruction is fine. Hardest part of keeping chickens is keeping foxes, coyotes and wolves out. ) *Player-Placed nests only produce 1 egg and 1/2 feathers every [Loot Respawn Days] -Exception for player proximity Development Thoughts: Players have to invest to get a large supply and the needed materials are 'vital' (Eat or get more later?) Minimal work for the pimps. Doesnt disrupt early-game food-balance. Boosts Early-Mid-game food production. (Eggs fall off after large farms take off anyway) Also provides gardenless folks a means to survive. Promotes non-city exploration by finding the initial needed eggs. Allows new/updated recipies like Ramen Noodle with Egg, Muffins and Pastries and added egg for balance reasons if applicable. Allows reduction on amount of placed nests in the world, saving some minor amount of system resources. Potential Simplification of nest loot table leading to efficiency increase when looting nests.
  15. Title says it all about this bug. Just destroy a drone and then repair it if its not yours. The person who placed it wont be able to access and you now own the drone. (Client log 1) https://pastebin.com/BCc1bnG9 (Client log 2) https://pastebin.com/3GpnKJ8Y
  16. PS: Only 1p (Driver) can pickup at first. PPS: Motorcycle is unaffected. Gyrocopter is unaffected. Minibike can also dupe but requires a zombie to be attacking.
  17. PS: Only 1p (Driver) can pickup at first. PPS: Motorcycle is unaffected. Gyrocopter is unaffected. Minibike can also dupe but requires a zombie to be attacking.
  18. I apologize in the first place as I cannot provide the "Needed information" via logs. My buddy's friend found this bug and im merely reporting it because they will not (They like to abuse things like this) Fill 4x4 with items you want duplicated. (This will also dupe mods on the 4x4) Have 1 player drive with a 2nd player in passenger seat. Run over mines till 1p dies. 2p will not die. One of the players will have a 4x4 pop into reality fully modded with items. If the 4x4 is locked, it cannot be picked up by anyone. The initial 4x4 has to be unlocked.
  19. I think what I meant by heat lock was that no zombies spawn on topside to check you or if they do, dont wander to correct coordnates. I had an ally stand above where I was augering for 30 IRL min and didnt see anything spawn or come towards the location. However, less than 60s above ground and I typically get the 1-3 till scout horde/horde spawns thus why I felt like there was a heatmap issue. I would also like to note im still able to do this in the A20.6b EXP patch. Though, Ive only tested for 15m rather than 30 since A20.6b
  20. I think what I meant by heat lock was that no zombies spawn on topside to check you or if they do, dont wander to correct coordnates. I had an ally stand above where I was augering for 30 IRL min and didnt see anything spawn or come towards the location. However, less than 60s above ground and I typically get the 1-3 till scout horde/horde spawns thus why I felt like there was a heatmap issue. I would also like to note im still able to do this in the A20.6b EXP patch. Though, Ive only tested for 15m rather than 30 since A20.6b
  21. Sorry for late reply. I just disabled my hybernation sleep and this problem fixed itself. Combined with the steam auth hotfix, I dont have anymore issues with this. Unsure if it was epic issue from prior or windows or both. xD
  22. Sorry for late reply. I just disabled my hybernation sleep and this problem fixed itself. Combined with the steam auth hotfix, I dont have anymore issues with this. Unsure if it was epic issue from prior or windows or both. xD
  23. Just looking for an update cuz news about them kinda just.... disapeared as A20 came near. I assume it was pushed (hopefully) and not abandoned? Any possibility on news of bandits from the devs? I had heard rumor they would be enable-able in XMLs in A20 but alas... I do not see them or know where to do so.
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