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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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If you have a digging zombie , it wouldn't take out the earth it digs through, maybe there could be a mechanics that these zombies only have a 2 block bubble ,when they move on the earth fills up behindvthe bubble again , leaving no unrealistic tunnels. I have no idea if something like this could be possible to implement.

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If you have a digging zombie , it wouldn't take out the earth it digs through, maybe there could be a mechanics that these zombies only have a 2 block bubble ,when they move on the earth fills up behindvthe bubble again , leaving no unrealistic tunnels. I have no idea if something like this could be possible to implement.


Kinyajuu, Kinyajuu, Kinyajuu!!!!

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- A reduction in attack speed vs neutral blocks could work.

- Quicker despawning of underground far away zombies.

- No more sensed through 20 layers of dirt so they won't cheese their way to you.

Imo, vastly underground bases should still be 100% safe from zombies. But maybe air vents are needed or other technological stuff.



. . . . .


EDIT: Above ground could be zombie threat.

Underground could be environmental threats.


So in the end you can still choose, to be 100% safe against one or the other. But you would have to take several steps towards that goal. Or just build a ramp towards bedrock and own both like a badass.



I can go with this. I think that having zombies being able to dig underground will just be destruction in ways many are not thinking of. Watching a bunch of people getting into cars and crashing into each other may look like fun and is for many, but when it is all over do you, the person who went to watch it want to clean up after it all? Having to find every little piece of metal, plastic, glass, and everything else to clean up the ground? Haul away the trash, fix the damages to anything the cars ran into or were pushed into?

That is what would happen with zombies who would be digging in the ground. Not only the swiss cheese, but busted up buildings, concrete, rubble, wood, your chests destroyed, forges, workstations all destroyed when the zombies break in because they could dig down and the cops followed and exploded.

Environmental, I can go for that, slowly over time the air becomes stale and needs to have some type of ventilation that requires electricity. If you are underground too long you will have vision problems for a short period of time due to lack of sunlight. Due to not getting natural sunlight you have some health problems that require you to go above ground for a certain amount of time every so many days. There are ways to get people out of their preferred bases, if those who want to be bossy and decided how others should play insist on it.

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If you're referring to block durability, that doesn't exactly help as zombies, if memory serves, are affected by block durability. So if it's easier for you to bust a block, it's easier for them too. So the scaling by block durability is counter productive.


As far as destruction scaling with speed of resource gathering, that doesn't really fit well either. If you were to do a 1 to 1 scaling keeping pace with a players ability to gather resources, you'd be stuck gathering base resources and never be out exploring, questing, scavenging.


I like that at the start, you try to get yourself a durable base so you can afford yourself time to enjoy the rest of the game too. I don't like the idea of having to spend 6 days regathering resources and rebuilding a base. Which is where I keep seeing you guys aim towards.


Which is why I hope a GameStage multiplier setting is added. To allow players to pace the game more to their play style. Seems like an easy win win.


Harvest count and production timers could be adjusted to equalise the resource gathering time i was not thinking about global block damage but all the parameters config wise not global.


Really dont think spending 6 days rebuilding a base is a good idea or want to support that idea or anything like it.


Gamestage multiplyer interesting concept ? what does that effect apart from the amount and type of zombies that spawn ?


I did not know SI was so troublesome hopefully someone will get some reproduceable systematic way to get it fail so it can be highlighted and fixed.

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Harvest count and production timers could be adjusted to equalise the resource gathering time i was not thinking about global block damage but all the parameters config wise not global.


Really dont think spending 6 days rebuilding a base is a good idea or want to support that idea or anything like it.


Gamestage multiplyer interesting concept ? what does that effect apart from the amount and type of zombies that spawn ?


I did not know SI was so troublesome hopefully someone will get some reproduceable systematic way to get it fail so it can be highlighted and fixed.


As far as I understand, Gamestage at a minimum affects what types of zombies spawn. Later Game Stages spawn harder zombies. So, more irradiated, more feral, more cops, etc in later stages. I thoooought it also impacted number of zombies that spawn, but at a minimum, types of zombies spawning are affected.


Though this doesn't exactly apply to POI zombie spawning. As you can specify certain types (by group) of zombies spawn in a POI/Prefab or within an area of a POI/Prefab. Though you can specify groups of zombies that do scale with game stage in a POI/Prefab.


Forget POI/Prefab spawning for a moment as it just complicates things. For the moment, I think the discussion focuses on Blood Moon (7th day).


I would assume, the zombies more apt to be hard core base destroyers, cops for example, are going spawn in a later game stage during horde night. Which, is true right now. But that may include newer zombies that are explicit base destroyers.


I'd personally prefer seeing # of zombies that spawn be something that ramps up more evenly with the game stage progression. Along with the difficulty of zombies.


Generally speaking, if I'm doing a tower defense game, as is one of the big arguments for destroying bases, I should have the ability to "play again". Almost ALL Tower Defense games, if you lose in defending, you're typically just halted in advancing further in the game. You're game's not just... over. And progression in the Tower Defense aspect is also halted, meaning enemies aren't getting stronger as you're failing to make it through the next stage of the tower defense. To a degree, TFP has addressed this by player death. There's already a Game Stage modifier based on a calculation of how well you're playing. But an additional, settings oriented nerf or boost in game stage difficulty, should help allow for more long term play or shorter term and more aggressive play styles.



Regarding Harvest and what not. There's already a ton of balancing going into tools, blocks being harvested, and cost of the various items built with what's harvested. I don't know if I'd want to add complication to that personally. Trying to play the "resource gathering rate = current difficulty modifier" game, i would imagine, is ridiculously complex. Having settings that allow for changing the pace of the game, not just the immediate difficulty, IMO would go a long way toward helping out people who have various styles of game play.


Game Pace adjustments, IMO, are just as, if not more so, important as immediate enemy difficulty. I.E. the current difficulty setting is rather generic game difficulty management. Game difficulty settings is one of the things that could use an overhaul. Right now, and some one please correct me if I'm wrong, but game difficulty really just changes how hard an enemy hits and how much damage they can take. That... Is far too generic for a game like this. Especially with so many goals and types of games 7D2D is trying to intertwine into itself.

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Yeah I'm with you on most of this. I think it would certainly add a lot of flavor to the game to make underground challenges/threats different from the standard zombie fare.




I would rather them work on Under Water Gameplay, exploring, fishing, etc... if they ever get the Cave System going we will have Z's, Animals, NPC's spawning in them just like they do in the Mines.

We do not know what A17 is going to look like from what MM posted anyway, we can only guess but A17 in my opinion it is going to be another Jaw Dropping Alpha with a lot of resentment from some as a lot of features get dropped & new ones get added.

I will just adapt my Game Play & get acquainted with what ever MM & the rest of the Pimps Surprise us with.

Just a little break from The Butt Whole, back to my Alter Super Powered Day.

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I have no idea what this means , hope it's not some kind of joke about my idea


Making a wild guess here, but if he had meant it for you, it would have been attached to your post, not to Roland's. He was being a smart alack to Roland, as usual.


And if I am wrong, he will definitely let me know.

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Making a wild guess here, but if he had meant it for you, it would have been attached to your post, not to Roland's. He was being a smart alack to Roland, as usual.


And if I am wrong, he will definitely let me know.


Actually I meant that Kinyajuu comment , never heard that word , maybe a digging Pokemon lol

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I haven't dug into the nuts & bolts of it, but where I didn't see any performance hits while running it, my assumption would be that it deals with one chunk at a time, generates it, loads it in ram, then writes the region file to the hard drive and takes it out of ram while moving on to the next chunk. So my guess would be that the ram usage is equivalent to a single chunk at one time if it was programmed properly.


I ran it from the command console in the game. Haven't tried it from an outside terminal, but it may work. The good part is that after you issue the command from within the game, it will continue running until it's done, even if you log off. The only thing I found that caused it to pause was when my server did one of its automated reboots, or there is a command that you can issue to cancel it. When the server rebooted, I was able to figure out where it had stopped and modify the command to pick up where it had left off.


Thanks for the info!

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If you have a digging zombie , it wouldn't take out the earth it digs through, maybe there could be a mechanics that these zombies only have a 2 block bubble ,when they move on the earth fills up behindvthe bubble again , leaving no unrealistic tunnels. I have no idea if something like this could be possible to implement.


Adding a probabilty will possibly stop the zombie burying totally and maybe use the tag targeting system i mentioned earlier depending how difficult it is to implement but it would save gathering dirt to and time to rebuild the hole.


When a player places a block if a terrain block is touching the any face it modifys the Tag value of that block and some around it.


<property name="Tag" value=""/>


So set the tag value to dig

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