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All the #gates


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Thong Gate: There used to only be a male and a female character. In a series of preview screenshots Madmole showed what the female would look like unclothed and our cheeks got a bit pink as we viewed both her cheeks swelling round a thong. The forums erupted in debate over that thong.


Pics or it didn't happen.

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You missed boobgate, how could you!?


Wars were fought, children were orphaned!


Seriously, I can't be the only one who remembers the old iron "boob armor".


Oh, and Steamlinkgate. Kind of a small one, but it happened.


Then there was removingsteamlinkgate when they temporarily removed it for the console release before they had their own forum, and everything got flooded with spam.

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IMO anyone who wants to complain should try playing through all the Alphas in their various forms. They are almost like separate, independent games on their own.


Everyone wants something different out of 7 Days to Die. Some want an epic survival simulation. Others want a zombie shoot-em-up ala Left 4 Dead with some survival elements. Still others just want a PVP free for all with zombies. Still others want a role playing type of setup. It is impossible to please everyone. *gate will always pop up no matter what decisions are made. IMO the only goal should be for 7 Days to Die to be loads of fun with a ton of replayability. That is what games are about after all.


Some of my best memories when reading this list are:


1) Running up to a tree with a chainsaw I found, cutting down the tree, and having it crush me to death because I was too stupid to back away.

2) Having nothing but a platform surrounded by wooden spikes, a bow, and some arrows to fend off a horde at night. Bonus: Accidentally killing team mate because he ran in front of me as I shot at a zombie.

3) Wandering through the snow land hunting for blueberries and stumbling across a lumber mill, then getting attacked + killed by lumber jacks. A part of me still shudders when going through the snow biome to this day.

4) Breaking my leg while running. Over flat ground. Glad this one got fixed.

5) Complete immersion in the game when it started snowing in the biome I was in and the ground became covered in snow. To top it off, it was cold so you had to wear a jacket or stay inside by the campfire. I REALLY hope TFP does more with the weather mechanics in the future.

6) Molds were fun. I wish TFP would bring them back. Being able to craft gun parts was handy. Not being able to craft certain things because of bad RNG was not. I remember busting my butt to get a forge only to find that you now needed molds to make anything useful.

7) Setting up base next to a field of crops, only to have it trampled to death by the horde.

8) The blocky terrain of the old alphas. I hated it when I originally played, but part of me wonders if there would be fewer bugs if the system were changed to use blocks instead. Uneven 'level' ground drives me NUTS. Also I don't know why I hated it. It actually looked great.

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Hmm, maybe I should play A15 and see what the all these fuss is about. To me the game is fine as it is. It could stand for more improvements, but the ones I would really complain about are the game start lockups and the silent zombies. The rest I can chalk up to it being Alpha.

In regards of playtime, wouldn't it occur to anyone that some of us prefer to play offline? My connection is fine for download, but suck for online multiplayer gaming. The reason why I abandoned Rust and Hurtworld was because I have to make a local server to play alone and not enough PvE while doing so. I don't have the reflexes of the young and would only be frustrated if I can only play PvP. So, this game is ideal for me.

As for the level gating, I came from the old RPG games where at start you can't even survive a tiny swarm of dragonflies and then grew more and more powerful as you go until you slay dragons wholesale while flying circles around the whole bunch of them. So, I don't see a problem with this.

The bane of Early Access, where everyone can speak their mind about it. I personally think the devs should stick to their vision of it, and only take suggestions that are refinements and not the drastic course changes. One can only shudder how Dark Souls would turn out, if players with less mettle had a say in its development cycle, myself included. :p

Besides, the game is moddable, so you can just fine tune it to your liking.

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We can have fun again. All the scary posts are gone. (Mine included...)


What was more scary was checking right in the middle of the posts being moved, it took me a while to realize they were being moved over, as I was wondering what was wrong with my browser with the thread showing 4, not 6 pages suddenly :p


We really need a zombie gate. And by that I mean a gate only zombies can activate and go through :p



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Hey Roland, don't forget Upgrade Gate.

Myself and many others were ready to burn down this place when TFP decided it would no longer be required to remove a block of one type and replace it with another. I.e. you wasn't always allowed to go upgrade blocks from wood all the way to steel without removing the old blocks first.

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Hey Roland, don't forget Upgrade Gate.

Myself and many others were ready to burn down this place when TFP decided it would no longer be required to remove a block of one type and replace it with another. I.e. you wasn't always allowed to go upgrade blocks from wood all the way to steel without removing the old blocks first.


It's already there. Last one on the first page.

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I'm not sure what the biggest one was. Just depends on how strongly you felt. For me the biggest one was.....Stream Gate.....haha. That was tough to go through.


I looked on Joel's blog archive and couldn't find the thong pic. The screenshot showed the female avatar in a pool of water up to her thighs facing away from the camera with full view of her thonged fanny.


As for threads it would have been mentioned in the big developer diary thread that covered multiple alpha releases. It doesn't mention a specific alpha in the title and it is looooooooong.

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I love this thread...not only for the memories but as a written (typed) testament highlighting the ups and downs of some of the changes and the community's passion for the development cycle and finished product.


Thank you for taking the time to put this together, Roland!

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