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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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What kind of stone is used to craft a shapening stone?


It says it requires 50x 'STONE', but I cant for the life of me find the correct type of stone. The picture of the materials required is that of cobblestone, but as expected, that did not work either. I have gone through the creative menu trying everything I can think of but none seem to work.


Also it makes no mention of needing any tool in particular to craft aside from the required skill level, which I of course have.


Sharpening stone is made in the forge using stones that have been smelted into the forge, not "small stones" from your backack.

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What kind of stone is used to craft a shapening stone?


It says it requires 50x 'STONE', but I cant for the life of me find the correct type of stone. The picture of the materials required is that of cobblestone, but as expected, that did not work either. I have gone through the creative menu trying everything I can think of but none seem to work.


Also it makes no mention of needing any tool in particular to craft aside from the required skill level, which I of course have.


It requires unit_stone... from the forge... because it's crafted on the forge.


Smelt you some stones in the forge (I know, the vocabulary there is... nevermind), and craft it. Incidentally, this is how the stone mill works, too.

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Guys i think that last spider update fixed my old version of mod,i just started new game and tryed to assamble NPCHUNTINGRIFLE and it was not there,and the Farmer quest is working too... :D

Thanks again everyone for help!!!


This is great news, Suldaan. I hope you continue to enjoy the mod.

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Skippy made a nice installation video so I linked it on the front page. Should help new players get installed much easier. If anyone has any installation problems please point them to the video first. Thanks



It's a great video. Nicely done.


You can add The 7D2DModLauncher.exe to steam as a Non-Steam game, and it'll enable the overlay. Then just launch the Launcher from Steam as another game.

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Skippy made a nice installation video so I linked it on the front page. Should help new players get installed much easier. If anyone has any installation problems please point them to the video first. Thanks



Great stuff. It would be nice to see a step by step guide for installing the server version of this mod into a SteamCMD dedicated server install.

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HOW TO DIE LESS (tutorial)


Watching how some new players tend to die multiple times a day and rage quit, makes me to write these hints and tips.


First of all you should all be warned that this mod is intended for veterans. If you are new to 7dtd you might find this mod unplayable. But even the veterans who kick ass in vanilla, at first gonna suffer misarably here.


The very first thing you should do after starting your game is to craft your profession kit and read all the recipes and quests. So if you die you don't lose your profession kit.


Your first friends are NPC survivors. You will find them standing every now and then or hear their gunshots. They are good guys, they kill zombies. If you are being chased by zeds, you can run up to a survivor and he will kill them. You can make a survivor follow you by hitting him or shooting him. But you don't really wanna damage him, so just punch him with a bare hand and he will follow you for some 10-30 (I dont really remember) seconds. This way you can collect a team to go and clear some POI or to guard your camp. Or you can kill them (they don't protect themselves) and take their loot. But if you hear an NPC cursing and insulting you then it is a bad bandit type and you either run away from him or kill him and get some even better loot.


Your second friend is roads. You can run very fast on roads and save your butt from any zed including bears or dogs. Also it is less likely to step on a poisonous spider.


And your third friends are other players (if you are playing on a server). Yes, they are PVP servers, but my observations tell me that people tend to struggle surviving against nature and zeds, so they are not really eager to fight other players. Especially if you are a new player and are not worth being raided. Most kills that happen on the server is when two players meet unexpectedly and one of them doesn't want to take chances. Also the different professions encourage teaming up and cooperating. So don't be afraid to ask for help or to team up. Well, of course I can't guarantee they will not kill you, it's an open world sandbox, so build relations and watch your karma. And if you see in a score board a player has dozens of player kills, this doesn't nesesserily mean he is a badass raider, NPC kills count as player kills in score.


Your enemies:


Fat zombie is a mini-cop. He also pukes (doesn't hurt much) and when nearly dead he charges at you and explodes (deadly). Just make sure not to stand near a car when you hear 'gulp gulp' sound, if his puke hits a car it explodes and kills you.


Some zombies can climb walls, not only spiders.


Zombies run indoors even during the day.


Zombie-chickens and z-rabbits are scary as crap, but not really a threat.


Poisonous creatures was my personal nightmare when I started. If you step on one you need to find or craft antivenom. To craft it you need a cooking pot, a poison gland (kill that creature that poisoned you) and a grain alcohol. If you are lucky you can find grain alcohol on nurses, but I advise you unlock and build a still to brew alcohol. Poisonous creatures include hornets, spiders, snakes, scorpions and I think those big green spiders.


Alligators are very fast and are scary as F. even when they are dead :)


If you are out in the open and a night is falling, you can collect some grass and craft 8 hay bales. Put everything that smells in some outside storage (a nest or a trash bag) and build 4 walls (2 high) with the hay bales around you. And keep quiet.


This mod has some very different game mechanics, but Spider did a good job explaining it both on the forum and ingame. So read the journal notes and item descriptions and buff descriptions. If playing on a server, ask questions.


Food might seem nerfed to extreme, but don't despair. If you combine different food types, the stats will increase a lot. So one apple and one yukka give 1 fullness each, but if you combine them they give 4 now. If you add a blueberry, you gonna have 8 fullness, and if you add a meat you gonna have something really delicious. So this mod encourage you to find all the different types of food and combine them in a number of recipes.


Hunting. All animals run like rockets, you cannot really chase a chicken or a pig. But still hunting is not that hard. People say that a dear is dead after one headshot from a bow. I don't know, I'm not that good, so I just find that special distance where you still can hit a dear (aiming really high), but he stays and doesn't run away. You can chop a dead anymal with your stone axe, but to get better results you should use a knife. Bone shivs have bull♥♥♥♥ durability so don't even try them. Find some knives in kitchen counters, they also degrade fast so make a hunting knife when you can.


Farming in this mod is a mid-game activity and you should protect your crops from animals and zeds and it needs water and it needs it much.


Weapons. I personally have hard time using melee in this version of the mod so Im using a bow/crossbow. But people say Tomahawk is a very good weapon so you might want to go for it. And always aim for the head.

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Weapons. I personally have hard time using melee in this version of the mod so Im using a bow/crossbow. But people say Tomahawk is a very good weapon so you might want to go for it.


Once you get the hang of running "through" a zombie and timing your club swing so you hit the head as you pass through, melee is trivial. Generally they will fall down after one or two good hits. Then position yourself at their head with their feet pointing away from you and target the head for a kill shot. If you stand at the body and aim for the head you will generally hit a closer body part regardless of your aim. I use a club/bat to knock them down and save my tomahawk for the kill shot.

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Once you get the hang of running "through" a zombie and timing your club swing so you hit the head as you pass through, melee is trivial. Generally they will fall down after one or two good hits. Then position yourself at their head with their feet pointing away from you and target the head for a kill shot. If you stand at the body and aim for the head you will generally hit a closer body part regardless of your aim. I use a club/bat to knock them down and save my tomahawk for the kill shot.



Hey, I thought I was the only one that did the Run-and-Bop maneuver... :p

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Interesting idea. But probably not in multi player, maybe single olayer


Meanwhile, Spider implements it so when you are in a bed time at night, time moves slower, and night noises get louder and scarier... but the screen is blank....



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Guide for Dedicated server install - *At least how I did it* Edition


Includes steamcmd, Vanilla server and TrueSurvivalSDX mod so I tried to include enough information for first timers too.


Also includes some notes to run several servers in one box and some firewall rules info.




I hope someone gets help reading this.




I'm sure someone will educate me all errors in this document or anything that is done better way.


PS! Written just because I love this mod sooo much!

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Just noticed a weird bug, not entirely sure if its the mod or if it happens in vanilla as well [though i have never noticed it in the aforementioned]


Put a jar of water on the toolbelt and equip it in your hand, then hit the escape key. This takes you to the game menu, hit escape again and when the game resumes, the jar of water is instantly tipped over your head with no interaction whatsoever.


I had the misfortune of discovering this on day 3 with little to no decent clothing... and it was also raining... and cold... and i did it a second time just to see if it was reproducible... and it used up 2 of my clean waters leaving me with only 2 remaining...


Oh, the sacrifices we make all in the name of science !

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Oh, the sacrifices we make all in the name of science !


Truly you are the Dorfiest among us. Isn't this mod !!FUN!!?


I've seen that, but I hadn't been able to link it to going into the menu. It seems to be somehow triggering Action0 on the item, but that action isn't triggered on other items... like, I've never had the game auto-eat some food, or swing a pick in that circumstance.


Hell, I can't even get that to action to fire UNLESS I'm holding it in my hand. Doing "Use" from the inventory menu just drinks it!




Incidentally I was looking through the xml to see what these two issues might be related to, and it seems all the drinks that you can dump on your head use the "Eat" class for Action0 and for Action1. All other objects in the game that have two functions, or do the same function for both actions, use "UseOther" for Action0 and "Eat" for Action1.


I changed that in my copy, that might fix some issues?

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Guide for Dedicated server install - *At least how I did it* Edition


Includes steamcmd, Vanilla server and TrueSurvivalSDX mod so I tried to include enough information for first timers too.


Also includes some notes to run several servers in one box and some firewall rules info.




I hope someone gets help reading this.




I'm sure someone will educate me all errors in this document or anything that is done better way.


PS! Written just because I love this mod sooo much!


I got so happy when I saw this, then realized it wasn't for linux ;__;

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Over the past weeks my friends and I have played a lot of different modpacks. And we've fallen in love with this one.


I am however unable to get the dedicated server to run on my host service(creeperhost)

I've got a bunch of tools to ♥♥♥♥ around with it, but I'm too much of an idiot to get it to work.


Very fine man made a guide to installing a dedicated server on a machaine, but sadly it was for linux.

I'm hoping someone here can help me, ideally someone who has experience with creeperhost.

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