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Origin UI MOD


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There are already rather many UI mods to 7 Days to Die and this is my contribution. The mod isn't entirely new, I just (finally) came up a name for it. The
for this mod won't be updated anymore.


The main idea of Origin is to keep the UI's look as close as possible to the original 7DTD UI (hence the mod name) while spicing up the UI with some quality of life changes. Though I do keep the right to slightly deviate from this guideline if it's best for the overall look of the mod.


The mod is updated when needed. Just please try to remember I live in a different continent than the Pimps, so the patches to the game usually land when us Finns sleep and shortly after that go to work.
TL;DR: the mod is
updated within approx. 10-16 hours of the new version.









  • (Top left)
    : Re-positioned
    coupled with the
    world temperature

  • (Top center)
    : Added indicator to compass to show which way the player is facing

  • (Top right)
    : Added text outlines to active quest tracker

  • (Bottom left)
    : Added bars for
    , food and
    feels like -temperature
    above the current stamina and health Bars

  • (Bottom center)
    : Added
    player level
    indicator left from the XP bar and
    for toolbelt slots


- compatible with
A17.1 b9






Before installing this mod, it's always a good idea to back up the existing files!


This mod consists of three main files which come in an XPath-compatible modlet. Simply extract the contents of the rar-archive to
[steam location]\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\
-directory. Overwrite prompt should only occur if you are updating the mod.




"I remember seeing coordinates in the HUD, where are they?"

- In A14, a bug was introduced to the UI which causes several unexpected errors if the player adds waypoints while the coordinate indicators is on. Later on, in A16, enabling the coordinates caused the UI pretty much to exploded, so they were removed entirely from the and they aren't coming back.


"Why are the buff timers disabled? How can I enable them?"

- While the buff timers are a nifty feature, they have several downsides which are caused mostly by the way the timers are implemented. Further details and the enabling instructions are found in the


"Can you change the temperature to Celcius?"

- The temperature unit can be changed by yourself in the console (works in MP only if you are an admin). Type
settempunit c
for Celcius and
settempunit f
for Fahrenheit.


"Why there is only a static fill for the core temperature bar?"

- The core temperature is just a value in the game UI and there isn't any changing fill related to it like there is for food/water/etc.


"Can this mod be used in multiplayer games?"

- Only if the host uses the mod. 7DTD multiplayer servers push most of the game files to the clients, including the xml files which the UI mods use. So even if you have this mod installed and the server you play on doesn't, you are forced to use the whatever UI the server uses.


"I don't like the feature X in your mod"

- And you absolutely shouldn't. This is a matter of taste like oh-so-many other things in the world. Luckily, you can always remove/add parts to your liking. I've tried to comment the mod files well and removing features pretty much comes down to comment out or remove sections from the XML files. If you don't know how to do this, I can probably help you out to some extent.


"Are you taking requests?"

Yes and no. The whole idea of this mod is to keep things as simple as possible while keeping the main look dedicated to the original 7DTD UI. However, if your request is good and rationalized, I may implement it but just don't expect me to add some huge and flashy timers to the middle of the screen. Also, please to try remember that I'm mostly doing this to my own leisure and I don't have plans on making it a second job .





Big thanks to all the people in the forums who have helped me with the UI hacks (especially to
Red Eagle LXIX
) and for all the other UI modders who have given me good tips and ideas! Also huge thanks to YseGuy for creating the initial XPath modlet version and helping out with various fixes. Oh, and of course huge kudos for Da Pimps for creating this major timesink for us.
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Appendix for Origin mod


This post contains information on how to enable parts of the Origin mod. Enabling in this case almost always requires editing the provided XML files. I recommend on getting some proper XML editor (like XML Copy Editor) for this since they make the editing so much easier. Edits can be made with some other text editor too, but I strongly advise against on using programs like Notepad and whatnots.



I. Buff durations and how to enable them:


Origin mod has an extra feature available which allows players to modify how the active buff indicator is displayed in the HUD. Mainly this feature adds (de)
buff timers
which tell how much time is left on each buff. For example, this includes buffs from Coffee, Painkillers and Antibiotics and debuffs like Burning, Broken leg and Bleeding. Timers are displayed as below:




While the feature can be rather handy,
it is deactivated by default
for several reasons (aka. the cons):


  1. When enabled, some of the existing active buff items won't be displayed fully. Every (de)buff icon is displayed, but the buff info text isn't there and this is because of the implementation of the buff timers. For example, thirst and hunger warnings are displayed, but not their percentage values. Same goes with temperature warnings: overheated/freezing debuffs are shown, but not by how much. Wetness however, is displayed correctly.


  2. Minor HUD buff display desyncing problems occur when the feature is on. Buff timers pull their information from the character window's Active Buffs-section and while most of the time, the same buffs are listed in both places, Active Buffs-section doesn't have exactly the same buffs than the indicator in the HUD. Basically this means sometimes you might see a timer on some (de)buff which shouldn't have one or vice versa. This shouldn't appear that often though.


  3. For an unknown reason, the
    game will crash severely when you quit from a dedicated MP server
    if you have buff timers activated. Severe in this case means that you have to shutdown the game from the Task Manager. However, in SP this problem doesn't occur at all.


  4. The stealth bar introduced in A17 will cause the timers to go out of sync whenever the player is in stealth. Unfortunately, this something out of our modders reach to fix.


If you think the buff timers' pros outweight the cons, here are the instructions on how to enable them:


  1. Install the mod as usual.

  2. Open
    and search for
    . Remove the comments (<!-- -->) from the window which is named after what you just searched (from lines 119 to 175).

  3. Search for
    in the same xml. From the line (234) it is found, change the label's color attribute from white to

  4. Save the file.

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(post is WIP so I just added brief explanations, I'll complement it tomorrow)





Buff durations and how to enable them:


  1. Install mod as usual.

  2. Open windows.xml and search for
    . Remove comments (<!-- -->) from the window which is named after what you just searched (from lines 144 to 202).

  3. Search for
    in the same xml. From the line (235) it is found, change label's color attribute from

  4. Save the file.



How to enable coordinates:


  1. Install mod as usual.

  2. Open windows.xml and search for
    . Remove comments (<!-- -->) from the rect which has
    -attribute in it (from lines 47 to 66).

  3. Save the file.


Just wanted to bring it to your attention that you have conflicting instructions for your buff duration timers. In this post, you say change white to transparent. Your comment in your file says <!-- To enable BUFF TIMERS: change label's color value from 'transparent' to 'white' -->. The default is currently white. Transparent is the correct color attribute to use to get the text to show.


Other than that, great work man! Looks awesome :)

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Your comment in your file says <!-- To enable BUFF TIMERS: change label's color value from 'transparent' to 'white' -->. The default is currently white. Transparent is the correct color attribute to use to get the text to show.

Ups, I did that addition in a hurry and apparently it shows. Fixed it to the download link.

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This looks awesome!


Do you know what the rules are when it comes to mods and servers? Is UI mods considered cheating? How does that work?





For servers and peer to peer games, most files are now pushed forward from the server to the client. This means that if you have modded UI files on the your end but the server still has vanilla files on it's side, then all you are going to see in game will be the vanilla UI. It works vice versa as well. You can have the vanilla UI and the server can have th emodded UI and all you will see is modded ones.

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Heh, how convinient Pimps go apepoop with the new looks in the forums just when I have scrapped up looks for my thread which suits with the old theme... :p Oh well, it doesn't actually look that bad with this layout either.

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Btw, the settempunit - or stu - command works also in MP. It cannot be set globally by an admin, but will change for every player who executes the command. The server owner has to add the command to the admin file with permission level for players.

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Its not woking for me, i extract archive to Config folder but when i enter to server, nothing change


It's the server's "fault":


"Can this mod be used in multiplayer games?"

- Only if the host uses the mod. 7DTD multiplayer servers push most of the game files to the clients, including the xml files which the UI mods use. So even if you have this mod installed and the server you play on doesn't, you are forced to use the whatever UI the server uses.

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It seems to be working fine, but I do get a report in the console about a few items.



The latter actually is because the buff durations window is initialized in xui.xml but commented out by default unless user wishes to enable it. In either case that's harmless. I change the comments a bit so that only the window content is commented out in order to get the rid of the warning.


The former is harmless as well, but that's because of me as I've forgotten to comment out original the quest tracker window. I'll fix this in near future but like said, it won't affect gameplay. Thank you for noticing this!

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Uploaded a new version to get rid of those few pesky warnings.


Don't bother installing it though unless those warnings really bug you as this version doesn't have any other changes.


EDIT: Also updated the pictures and colors in the first posts to match our new look #importantstuff. :p

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While the feature can be rather handy, it is deactivated by default for several reasons (aka. the cons):



When enabled, some of the existing active buff items won't be displayed fully. Every (de)buff icon is displayed, but the buff info text isn't there and this is because of the implementation of the buff timers. For example, thirst and hunger warnings are displayed, but not their percentage values. Same goes with temperature warnings: overheated/freezing debuffs are shown, but not by how much. Wetness however, is displayed correctly.

Minor HUD buff display desyncing problems occur when the feature is on. Buff timers pull their information from the character window's Active Buffs-section and while most of the time, the same buffs are listed in both places, Active Buffs-section doesn't have exactly the same buffs than the indicator in the HUD. Basically this means sometimes you might see a timer on some (de)buff which shouldn't have one or vice versa. This shouldn't appear that often though.

For an unknown reason, the game will crash severely when you quit from a dedicated MP server if you have buff timers activated. Severe in this case means that you have to shutdown the game from the Task Manager. However, in SP this problem doesn't occur at all.



i've found out that this helps with the problem



i've change the value from false to true in the controls.xml



	<panel height="43" controller="ActiveBuffEntry" width="400" disableautobackground="true" visible="true">


although the above code is part of an added paragraph and is thx to sirmods hud. i had the same problem where the timers wouldn't show values like days and seconds. with "true" its all good now . hope this helps ya. :)

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Love your mod. :)


I added it to my server, but whenever anyone quits, they get a null reference and no main menu buttons. The UI is still showing, and there are no menu buttons. They have to alt tab out and end task.


SP doesn't have any problems.


I'm using the default XMLs (not uncommenting or editing anything).

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I added it to my server, but whenever anyone quits, they get a null reference and no main menu buttons. The UI is still showing, and there are no menu buttons. They have to alt tab out and end task.


This is a known problem, a snippet from the second post in this thread:

For an unknown reason, the game will crash severely when you quit from a dedicated MP server if you have buff timers activated. Severe in this case means that you have to shutdown the game from the Task Manager. However, in SP this problem doesn't occur at all.


Unfortunately, there is no fix or solution to this problem at this moment so you guys either have to manage without the buff durations or try to cope with the error.

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i've found out that this helps with the problem



i've change the value from false to true in the controls.xml



	<panel height="43" controller="ActiveBuffEntry" width="400" disableautobackground="true" visible="true">


although the above code is part of an added paragraph and is thx to sirmods hud. i had the same problem where the timers wouldn't show values like days and seconds. with "true" its all good now . hope this helps ya. :)


Sorry for not responding earlier, somehow I had missed the entire answer. O.o


But thanks for giving the information, I have to ask though which of the three issues should that attribute change help with? I did the change but at least the first two issue still persisted as described. I didn't test the error one though.

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