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So, regarding the "stuffed' buff issue - everything works fine by now, I did not get it again. However, this data may be rather uncertain - I did not have a crap ton of time to playtest it, but I belive in the fix you've done, Spider)


And now the question to everyone!

I'm pretty far in the tech tree right now, but there's the one thing slowing me down - metal workbench. All the materials needed for it are not that hard to get, except "hubcaps" (you need them for the steam generator). From what I have seen you can not craft them (only hubcap mines) and I did not happen to find any throughout my scavenging sessions (tons of hubcap mines though). Disassembling cars doesn't yield hubcaps too. So, my question is: Anyone knows where to get them?



Zombies are not that hard to kill at all. From my experience I can say they are extremely hard to kill if you hit the body, but headshots do the work easily. 600 quality bow, 2 regular arrows to the head - dead. Same with spiked club. For the begging of the game though, the best strategy is to avoid zombies (which may be hard with insane first day spawns). I survived the 7th day horde by just hiding in a reinforced concrete building. If you'll look hard enough you'll find tons of bunkers, reinforced rooms or entire buildings made of concrete - lots of OP prefabs exist to hide in.

Edited by RomRomRya (see edit history)
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And now the question to everyone!

I'm pretty far in the tech tree right now, but there's the one thing slowing me down - metal workbench. All the materials needed for it are not that hard to get, except "hubcaps" (you need them for the steam generator). From what I have seen you can not craft them (only hubcap mines) and I did not happen to find any throughout my scavenging sessions (tons of hubcap mines though). Disassembling cars doesn't yield hubcaps too. So, my question is: Anyone knows where to get them?


I know in vanilla you can get them in the wasteland biome just laying around on the ground. Hitting them with a pickaxe will collect them.

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Hi there,


Could you tell me how extensive the edits you have made to biomes.xml are please? More specifically, I want to use the gna world mod and have successfully added the code from his rgw mixer to yours, but I cannot identify what changes you have made to biomes that I could potentially miss out on if I don't edit the gna world biome.


are the apple trees generated in that file? The only difference I have spotted so far while playing is the placing of fruit/veg in the wasteland. Very minor testing tough.


Many thanks in advance, and please consider including the above mod code in your next release. It makes for much much better generated world maps.

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Funny you should ask I was just starting to get into the biome/terrain stuff for the new version. In the current build I have food crops that grow wild, remove above ground ore pile except coal, and increase the stuff in caves like tires, bones,stalagmites and mushrooms. I was looking at the GNA RWG Mod. Have you played it? What makes it different? Its hard to tell just from those screen shots. I was going to try and load it up when i get some time and take a look.

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The random worlds aren't awash with water(not such a bad thing if we ever see boats). But apart from that, the worlds generated look real. transitions of forest to snow has partial covering, hill tops can be covered in a small amount of snow, the generation of less desirable biomes has been decreased. The central hub is set to a wasteland biome, but you can edit this to your choosing so I've changed it to snow(damn you lumberjacks).


I'm only using the world only files, but again just taking code from rgw, and using his full biome now as using yours generates weird sub biomes of pure asphalt because his code lines are missing. I will continue as is for now as your changes are negligible over funky biomes.


I also kinda liked his rgw layout of many additional gravel paths and pois(to avoid towns being generated in to the map and creating massive cliff faces around it), but ultimately, i didn't like there being only a single city in the centre of the map. Hopefully the issue of cliffs will be addressed in the next alpha. Plus I wasn't about to add all of the prefabs in your mod to his so I could get his road layouts.


I was going to try his additional spawnings, but, with your mod, that would be suicide.


On another note; I cannot craft woodwork bench. I had the perk, all of the ingredients, but it still said I was missing the required ingredients. Creative is your friend for minor setbacks.

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I smash the following - sticks, bows, stone axes, splints ( they earn engineering skills ), bandages and plant fibre cowboy hats. I use the splints as fuel and scrap anything else that can be scrapped in additoin to some of the things others have mentioned.


My first base is a hole in the ground then i find a multi-story building ( I cut out some stairs ) or get on the roof of something solid like pass n gass or car yard..


I "use" the splints on myself, over and over to increase Medical skill

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Exploit: if you have a wheat stalk (not the seed, just the item) in your hand you can plant it and then immediately harvest it. If you do this in regular soil you get 2 back. Fertilized soils give you more. This can be spammed for unlimited amounts of wheat basically.


- - - Updated - - -


Bug? Maybe on purpose. In the seed nursery with potatoes you can have say 10 full potatoes and say you want 10 seeds but when you craft it, the count says it's going to give you 20.

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-Got it thanks.

-UI does not show the quantity of a crafting recipe. On most foods one item makes 2 seeds.

-Thats just how the game operates. Its because you were to close to it when its loot respawn timer was up. A work around is leave a item in a container and when its loot respawn time has past you can remove the left over item close it and it will instant respawn loot.

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Face palm


Hi spider. Great job an this mod. Keep up the good work. I just downloaded it a few days ago. I don't know if I did something wrong (I followed install instructions to a T) but a lot of the icons don't show in my inventory such as first aid kit, stone hoe, plant fiber, carrot, etc. I tried deleting the mod and downloading again and still the same issue. Makes sorting difficult as half my items don't show up. Is this something that you are working on or maybe I need to do something on my end?


Thanks for this great mod. I appreciate your hard work and time you've put into it.


I just figured out what I did wrong. Thanks for your help.

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It seems when you have loot respawn turned on and you leave a looted crate empty, it will not respawn. If you leave a item in the crate after looting and come back after the loot timer resets and remove that item, then it will respawn.


This has been happening for a very long time, even in vanilla game. Sometimes, if the crate doesnt respawn, if you look away from the crate, it will respawn, if the crate is empty

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About the crate respawn... Set the client or server for 1 day loot respawn. Find 2 of the same crates and loot them both. Leave one item in one and nothing in the other. Give it 24 game hours and go back. The one crate that you left empty will still say empty. The one tha you left an item in will just say "search crate". Once you remove that one item and close the crate it will respawn as usual and say untouched. The one that you left empty will stay that way and not respawn. I am aware of the "look away" and it will respawn issue in vanilla, but in vanilla they will respawn if they are empty and they are not close to your bedroll.

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Exploit. Put a cooking grill in your fire. Making another fireplace. Remove the cooking grill thast already there and place it in your original fireplace. Make another fireplace, remove the two cooking grills in it and place in your original fireplace. Make a new fireplace and remove the four cooking grills already in it and place in your original fireplace - repeat process till you get say 128 cooking grills and use ofr iron in your forge. Doesnt always work but usually does.

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Suggestion for next update. Include the megacity and subway system in the mixer or include an optional mixer file with the mega city.


That's actually a good suggestion. Maybe add sewer systems and mining shafts too?

I know this is a lot of work to do, but these prefabs would be awesome to explore)

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Is there a way to remove the follower system? Thus far I have not found it to be what my players, or I, are looking for. Also .. Tool types instead of icons for gated updates or crafting new items .... The hammer icon for example. .. I have no idea what that is or how too search for it

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Followers do not spawn the same way in the next build but if you want to remove them just go into the spawning.xml and delete all these lines from the biome spawners

<spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="15" time="Day" entitygroup="Followers" />



No i don't add any controller support. This game does not play well on a controller from my experience on the PS4. The FPS part is ok with the controller but as soon as you open a ui window the need for a mouse and keyboard is obvious. I would imagine you could bind the LMB to a controller button just like any other button. If that's not possible then I have no idea.



After seeing the latest video for A16 I have decided not to put to much more work into anymore blocks, rwg or POI stuff because it looks like it will all need to be redone in A16 anyways. So what I'm planing on doing is just adding a modified version of GNAMOD biome/terrrian mod. I loaded it up and I like the terrain layout better than vanilla and it looks better than what i have been working on. I will have to go through his code and put in all the True Survival biome stuff in it but it will still save me a few days of work. Barring any unforeseen problems I hope to rent a server next week and open it up for testing to finish the polish and balancing off. If all goes well I hope to have the new build out next weekend.(fingers crossed)

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Exploit. Put a cooking grill in your fire. Making another fireplace. Remove the cooking grill thast already there and place it in your original fireplace. Make another fireplace, remove the two cooking grills in it and place in your original fireplace. Make a new fireplace and remove the four cooking grills already in it and place in your original fireplace - repeat process till you get say 128 cooking grills and use ofr iron in your forge. Doesn't always work but usually does.


Just seen this. Good to know thanks. Just an FYI I'm my opinion, if I found a player doing this on my server you would be banned no questions asked and if I was running a GBL program I would add you to it. There is no excuse for cheating in my book and using a exploit is cheating. Thats just an FYI. Many other server owners would do the same, don't be THAT GUY!

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